Game BigFooty Mafia 1

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Big Footy Mafia 1
“Keep your friends close. And your enemies closer”

Welcome to Big Footy Mafia.

The core idea of Mafia is to remove your enemies so you and (maybe) your team can win.

How to Win:
The sole way to win a game of Mafia is by eliminating your competition. You can do this in one of two ways:
1: Survive long enough that everyone else gets killed.
2: Co-ordinate in groups to kill your targets without making yourself one.

How To Kill:
Killing happens in two stages: Health and Damage and Lynch Voting.

Health and Damage:
Everyone starts the game with 10-20 Health. Each “cycle” players will attack a player and lower their health. Most players will deal 2 damage unless specified otherwise. If your health reaches 0, you are dead,

Lynch Voting:
Each cycle you may choose to Lynch a player. A lynch will automatically kill a player regardless of health. You bold vote the alias you wish to Lynch. Lynching a player will cause your alias to be shown.

Each player will be given an alias to go by. No one else will know your alias at first. You must find out others players’ aliases.

How To Play:
After signing up and sign-ups are closed, I will send a PM to each player with the following format:

Dear <Alias>,
You are <Role Name>.




Max HP: #
Attack: #

You win if you are alive when <Role Names 1, 2, and 3> are dead.

This tells you:
Alias: Who you are
Role Name: Who you will be portraying. All roles will be AFL related.
Role: What you can do each cycle
HP: Your total Health
Attack: How much damage you do
Win Condition: Which other role characters you need to kill

In this PM is where you send Role Actions and Attacks. For example, my role is halving the damage an alias may receive in the conversation I will send:

Role: Half the damage Franky receives.
Attack: Johnny

Where, alias Johnny would be attack while alias Franky would receive less damage.

In the main thread is where you will ask players for different things such as:
Win Conditions: To see if you have a common enemy or if they’re targeting you.
Alias Information: If someone else has information on another player’s alias
Anything: You may discuss anything else that could help you in the long term.
Lynch Vote: You also must Lynch vote in the main thread.

Some more main rules:
While you are alive, you may speak to anyone about the game via any media you see fit, WITH THE EXCEPTION of screenshotting or any other method of showing the exact image on your computer screen to another player. When you die, you may NOT speak to any living player about the game. Once dead, a player will stay dead. In addition, dead players may not "like" posts.

The Cycle System
This game works in solid cycles (such as cycle 1, cycle 2, this is currently cycle 0). Each cycle is where you do your role action and attack. Each cycle is 48 hours long.

Role PMs
Every player has a role PM in a private conversation with a host. Feel free to copy/paste your role PM as soon as you get it - it's Cycle 1 instead of 0, after all. Do NOT invite other players to your PM conversation. You should also leave any actions you have in the PM conversation.

To lynch another player, postLynch ALIASor some variant of this, where ALIAS is the player you wish to lynch. You may also If you wish to change your vote, you may unbold your previous vote and post a new one, edit your original vote, or postUnvotefollowed by your new vote. I will be lenient on the text of the lynch vote, but NOT on the bolding or the vote change protocol. The player with the most votes will be killed. In the event of a tie, no one will be lynched. When majority vote is reached, there will be a one hour grace period in which any player can change their vote - this is to discourage stealth lynching. Votes on a player not in the game will be considered not voting.In addition, at the end of each day, the aliases who voted for the dead user will be revealed, in alphabetical order.

HP and Attacking
This game runs off a hit point system. A user is dead when his hit points are reduced to zero. Each role has a set number of HP at the start of the game. Each role also has an attack power. Each cycle, in addition to your normal role, you may send in an attack target; said target will lose HP equal to your attack power. Lynches will automatically kill a user, regardless of how much HP they're at.

The order in which actions will occur has been predetermined and will not be revealed to any players.

Deadlines will be a strictly enforced 48 hours. Extensions will only be granted if there are a large number of important actions are missing, or if you have extenuating circumstances that I might be sympathetic to. Deadlines may be shortened to 24 hours as the game progresses to speed things along. If you think you can pull off a stealth maneuver, go for it. Deadline times will be listed in Australian Daylight Savings Time GMT+11 (Melbourne time)

Every player will be based off someone involved in the AFL. Could be a player or coach or even president.

There are none. Each of the 24 players tries to fulfill his own win condition. In addition, all win conditions are similar: each requires the elimination of3other players. Win conditions are mutual; in other words, anyone you need dead to win is trying to eliminate you in return.

Godkilling is where I kill you for any number of reasons. This could be because you have broken the rules, played un-sportsman like or simply being a massive twit. I doubt I will do this however.

The host reserves the right to sub out anyone he feels is an obnoxious idiot. Please don’t make me do this.

Sportsmanship-type bullshit
Look, we play these games for fun. Please try to enjoy yourself, and please don't ruin the experience for others. Shady tactics such as deadtalking, colluding to throw the game, impersonating other users, and anything else that goes against the spirit of the game (at my discretion) will be punished swiftly. I really don’t want this ruined by someone playing like an arsehole.

Current Sign-Ups (first in first served)

If you have any questions please ask them here.

And remember, no one is as they seem. Everyone and maybe no one is out to get you. Have fun.

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