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  1. nokiacasio

    Safe Havens When Gov Guarantee Expires?

    The government's guarantee on bank deposits expire in less than three years. This means that if I have heaps of cash in my bank, if that bank goes bankrupt then all my money is gone. Where then can I put my money that is safe? Some people say that buying property is safe. However, when you buy...
  2. nokiacasio

    Surfing the Net for Pleasure at Work

    According to Melbourne University, surfing the net for pleasure at work can increase productivity by 9 per cent. See video at I am thinking of telling this to my boss but I am worried because if I do present this evidence to my boss, he might suspect...
  3. nokiacasio

    Conspiracy Theories

    Can somoene disprove the David Icke conspiracy theory that shape-shifting reptiles control the world?
  4. nokiacasio

    Raising Children Is Costless?

    According to Associate Professor Mike Dockery, raising children won't make you poorer. The ABC News article Raising Kids 'Won't Send Parents Broke' says the following: This doctor also says that children are cost-neutral because having a child is a "choice not a cost." My wife is using this...
  5. nokiacasio

    Is Ice Tea bad for you?

    Most ice tea has too much sugar.
  6. nokiacasio

    Pacific Brand Bosses give themselves a 170% salary increase day after sacking 1800+ employees

    I was under the impression that laws have been changed now that allow shareholders to vote against excessive salaries to executives whereas previously they were not allowed to do this. Is this right? If this is the case then everything should be good because the people who give this money to...
  7. nokiacasio

    Best YouTube Clips, Paste them here!

  8. nokiacasio

    Best YouTube Clips, Paste them here!

    X2kp5Qnb7qw JD7UCNYnp3o
  9. nokiacasio

    Best YouTube Clips, Paste them here!

  10. nokiacasio

    Coke Versus Beer

    Just to complicate things, have a look at Alcohol and Cancer Risk from the Cancer Council of Victoria. Here's what they say: In other words, alcohol (even in moderation) increases the risk you get cancer! This seems to contradicts the Askmen article I posted early, so now I don't know what to...
  11. nokiacasio

    Coke Versus Beer

    Government recommends you have no more than 2 standard drinks per day, so your friend's behavior is very risky.
  12. nokiacasio

    Coke Versus Beer

    When I go out with co-workers on a Friday night, we often go to a bar. I normally drink Coke there because I am worried about alcohol's effects on my health. I know that Coke is not healthy because of all the sugar in it, but I figure that it's the least of many evils. However, I have been...
  13. nokiacasio

    Where is the best place to travel and why

    Europe is okay but it's so far away and expensive. Much of Europe is the same as Australia anyway. If you want something really different for cheap, go to country Australia or Asia.
  14. nokiacasio

    HECS: to pay or defer

    Definitely defer HECS. With that numerical skill, you should be a commerce student instead.
  15. nokiacasio

    Wife Wants to Quit Work and Leech Off Husband

    My wife used to be a housewife. She then got a simple admin job. However, recently she has been telling me that she wants to quit and have me support the whole family because "we can afford it." I told her, "How about I quit and you continue working?" She then got mad at me. I suspect that her...
  16. nokiacasio

    Who's in debt and by how much?

    Credit cards are also more secure. If you purchase something online with a credit card and the product is dodgy, you are more likely to get your money back if you used a credit card versus a debit card. The same applies if you are buying something with credit card versus cash in a physical...
  17. nokiacasio

    Looking to Invest

    If you think the market will go up a lot soon then a margin loan maybe appropriate. Most index funds don't beat the index either. In fact they always underform the index because of fees. THe way to best track the index is to buy individual shares in the same propertion as the index and when...
  18. nokiacasio

    Rent or buy?

    Statistics show that house prices tend to stay flat over a very long period of time (see chart below) but it also shows that inflated house prices can be sustained for a very long time. For example in Amsterdam from 1800 to 1900 (100 years, a long time) house price seemed to increase. However...
  19. nokiacasio

    Should Parents Give Their Children Loans?

    I currently give my children $10 per week pocket money conditional that they do some chores as well as certain exercise and diet goals. My 13-year-old son came up to me and asked me if he could have his pay early this week so he could buy something that is on sale. I thought about giving him a...
  20. nokiacasio

    Rent or buy?

    Property bubbles can last for a long time, so we don't know whether the bubble will pop or continue to inflate within the next month, year, or decade. To protect yourself from the possibility of paying too much for a house, renting is the better option.
  21. nokiacasio

    How long could you survive on vitamins and water?

    If this person is trying to lose weight then this is not a good way to do it. The reason why is because, if you starve yourself, the body will spring into survival mode and bring down metabolism drastically, meaning hardly any fat is being burnt. Furthermore, most vitamin tablets only work with...
  22. nokiacasio

    Family sent out of Australia due to Disabled Child...

    If we look at every public policy issue under the lens of costs and benefits, then to be consistent we would have to make legal things like the cocaine business. Since the government gets a huge cut out of any cocaine or heroin enterprise's profits, then nobody can deny that the drug trade in...
  23. nokiacasio

    Vic Stopping the Bully Culture in Schools

    Rape can be recurrent. Why are you making a distinction between rape and bullying? Wouldn't rape be a form of bullying? Many here are saying that bullying is just human nature and that it will always happen and that we should just let kids deal with it themselves. I believe in the total...
  24. nokiacasio

    Has the property market bottomed?

    I'd just like to bring everyone's attention to a podcast I recently listened to while driving to work. In it Steve Keen discusses how the Australian property market is overvalued and how it will crash in the future because of unsustainable debt. Listen to it at...
  25. nokiacasio

    Vic Stopping the Bully Culture in Schools

    What about if, say, an Aboriginal kid is being bullied because of his skin color? Or if a female student is being raped? This is horrible. What if the victim can't fight back? What if a teenage male is raping a toddler girl? Do you expect the small girl to fight back? Are you saying we allow...
  26. nokiacasio


    My recommendation is don't use Wikipedia to define things because anyone can change Wikipedia articles hence anyone can change those definitions. "Crusades" would be a good word. Want to see an extremist Christian church? See
  27. nokiacasio

    Healthiest cereal?

    Kellogs All Bran has much more fiber. Every 100g contains about 33g of fiber.
  28. nokiacasio

    Vic Stopping the Bully Culture in Schools

    I've read about the bullying that happens in Xavier College where one student has been the victim of bullying for many years because of his small stature. Kids have been beaten, recorded on videos, kicked around in wheelie bins, etc. The teachers and parents don't seem to care. They just leave...
  29. nokiacasio

    IF the market is cyclic...?

    It's still a market index just like the DJIA is. Stock splits can lower a price-weighted index without affecting market cap, but do you think Japanese companies suddenly had stock splits after 1990 and before then they didn't? Furthermore, the 1990 crash in Japan was not just a share market...
  30. nokiacasio

    Woodside Petroleum Shares?

    Oil is US$67 right now. Remember it used to be US$148.