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  • G'day EH, were you the creator of the Alec Waterman 2012/13 Youtube highlights vid?
    Are you related to Javin Matheson? (? spelling)
    Eastern Rangers
    Eastern Rangers
    Yeah. Javan is my elder brother.
    When I saw the name Matheson on the YouTube clip, as well as putting together your being from Sawyers Valley, I immediately thought of Javan. I was in the same year as Javan at high school and last saw him at Stephen Hough's wedding in 2011, where we were sitting at the same table.
    Loving your work in the thread about our supposed 'ducking'.

    One of the only ones talking sense and it's infuriating how many points of yours are ignored by morons swept up in the hysteria about blind umpires and the 'spirit of the game'.
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