Search results for query: Borlase

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  1. Cleric

    Recommitted James Borlase

    Has been on Adelaide's list for a number of years, and only got a game this weekend. He played very well, and looks like he could have a career at this level. Uncontracted at Adelaide, and when all backs are fit, he still is on the outside. Could be a good cheap get for a team, and wouldn't be...
  2. Scorpus

    News Berry, Pedlar and Cook sign on + also Newchurch, Borlase and Parnell All three two year extensions, all three signed until end of 2024
  3. B

    Player Watch James Borlase - Signed to End of 2026 in the midfield like his dad. He could be the big. I died mid we are after. Our back 3 are very good in the SANFL Murray was our best in the weekend mcasey was more than service and borlase was as Safe as a bank that in itself Provides the club with a conundrum. Where will they all play
  4. Scorpus

    Player Watch James Borlase and Tariek Newchurch

    Officially pre-listed both tonight