Search results for query: Reid

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  1. Aristotle Pickett

    Game Harley Reid- welcome to Richmond in 2026 you daffy bastard.

    I know it, you know it, Wet Toast knows it. The boy prodigy wants to get back to the progressive state of Victoria. And who has the capital to get him? The Mighty Tigers. Welcome aboard Harley, and Wet Toast, we will compensate you fully and wish you all the best for your future endeavours.
  2. Ticky009

    Player Watch Caitlyn Reid - Welcome!

  3. eaglevision

    Speculation Zach Reid

    Top 10 draft pick and huge talent. 202cm athletic KPD with a very good kick hasn’t had a run at it after managing just 9 games in 3 injury riddled seasons at the Bombers. If he’s looking for a fresh start at another club, what is he worth at the trade table?
  4. Tonga Bob

    Welcome Welcome to Freo Murphy Reid - pick 17 of the 2024 Draft

    Apparently has the highest footy IQ of the draft, so welcome aboard Big Brains Reid! "Steal of the draft" calls incoming.
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  7. Oisin_the_Goat

    Harley Reid disgruntled with the eagles and wants out to the Cattery to join Bazlenka

    Disgruntled, previously a Cats supporter, wants to join Bazlenka. Discuss in this forum.
  8. frggr

    Another Preliminaryship and the Mad Monday Medal - what a season! (Geelong boys laying the groundwork for Harley Reid join the Cats in '26 inside)

    Look, it's not Fev with a strap-on dildo in Fed Square at 9am on a Tuesday morning, but why would you support any other club? Tanner "Bruhnlow" Brun, Max Holmes and Mark "Reid" Blicavs taking the piss out of Sam McClure's comments that West Coast wouldn't pick Reid. Genius.
  9. kool kangas

    Operation : Get Harley Reid

    How do we get Harley Reid to come to us from the Weagles? Step 1 : Play Zane in most , if not all, our games next season Step 2: Recruit Willem Duursma in next years draft Step 3: get Yasmin Duursma "Harley Reids Girlfriend" to play for our Womens team in 2025. Step 4: have all the girls...
  10. MadMundy

    Who will be the better player when it's all said and done? Daicos vs Reid vs Horne-Francis

    All 3 have bright futures in the AFL and all of them have shown they have the elite standard to be the best in the competition, however, if you had to choose, which of these 3 will be the best one? And why?
  11. frggr

    Game Day Harley Reid's Geelong Audition - Round 24 GMHBA Stadium

    Hello friends, Today the West Coast Eagles' #9 gets to show the Geelong brass what he's worth in terms of draft capital when he inevitably requests a trade back east. He already has the Geelong Championship Haircut and Headband Combo so he's part way there. Unfortunately Geelong already have...
  12. Soogle182

    Harley Reid / Ben Cousins night - help save me from a moody 14 year old daughter!!

    ...I have permission to post here (long time reader but never posted a thread) but this is an emergency , my wife was supposed to book the Harley Reid / Ben Cousins for her (reliving her youth) and my Harley Reid obsessed 14 year old teenage daughter. Long story short instead of buying tickets...
  13. pavstar

    Game Day Bottom feeders Cup - KKKlarkson’s Apple Isle Joey’s vs Harley Reid and 21 other Lingerers..

    Tasmania rejoices that it gets this blockbuster at the Blartstone Rodeo Ground… To “Norf it” changes its meaning from now on to give a flogging… Norf by 60…
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  15. frggr

    Think Tank Help Pick Harley Reid's New Daddy

    Now that Simpson has told West Coast to Reverse GAGF, the struggling Eagles are without a coach. After 5 years of no premierships, matters are made worse, as their cross-village rivals, the Cockburn Boat Anchors, are giving their fans another "false dawn" on their own premiership journey. So...
  16. S

    Speculation Harley Reid [OOC 2026]

    Preface this thread by saying it's purely here, on a public board for public discussion of Reid's contract developments. More than likely an extension in some form. It's more a public discussion place on the terms of the deal, as Harley is a bit of a test case in Australian Sport at the moment...
  17. Stronzo

    Harley Reid going home watch

    Can’t wait for him to pull a Judd. Life must not be easy for the young man. Can you imagine how many w***ers HR has to meet in a single day working for the eagles? All of them trying to schmooze him constantly. Mum and Daddy not there. The back page a daily wankfest. There’s no way he’s...
  18. Elmer_Hauser

    Game Day Harley Reid and The Marlboro Eagles vs 1 Flag Dwarf Burners

    Prolly going to go for a nap or do knitting or anything else than watch this snooze fest A draw
  19. pavstar

    Game Day Krows vs Harley Reid

    Better late than never I suppose but 4th qtr LOLs at Waalijt Marawar. Harley was asking Dawson what are the prices of decent houses in Adelaide like while waiting for a centre bounce. No replies needed to this fred.
  20. CM9000

    Analysis Does Reid remind anyone else of Judd?

    ...was up there with the best of the best, and that sort of form only happens once in a lifetime. But I still crave it, and so, that brings me to Reid. I watched Reido pretty closely this season, and I just kept seeing flashes of Judd whenever he picked up the ball - small, but very much there...
  21. Harley Reid Fend off.gif

    Harley Reid Fend off.gif

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    Harley reid Goal (2).gif

  23. Harley Reid Goal.gif

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  25. crazywildhorse

    Harley Reid had a sad Birthday, has Pivitonian written all over him.

    Geelong sorting out the discount land package as we speak
  26. Aristotle Pickett

    Off-topic Can Harley Reid be the GOAT?

  27. Elmer_Hauser

    Think Tank Imagine a bizarro world in which The Worsten Bulldogs or The Crom were 'awarded' the number 1 pick in last year's 'Harley Reid' draft ?

    ...missed the playoffs by two wins, hypothetically speaking, if this took place in footy, either the FlogDogs or Crom would have drafted Harley Reid last year. I think we can all agree as a footy community we don't want such an elite talent like Harley Reid wasted at medicore clubs like the...
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  29. Mop

    Toast Harley Reid - 2024 Rising Star Nominee

    ...nod. He really does look the bees knees his kid. I thought we could just say some more nice things about him here. It’s hard because we have been so bad, but he really should be one of the short favourites.
  30. Always Ballin

    Extra! Extra! Reid All About It: West Coast is up next (and there's no doubt about it)

    We're coming. And that's on gang.