Search results for query: Sharman

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  1. George

    Autopsy Round 19, 2021: West Coast v St.Kilda *SHARMAN DEBUT*

    Round 19, 2021: West Coast v St.Kilda *SHARMAN DEBUT*
  2. George

    Game Day Round 19, 2021: West Coast v St.Kilda *SHARMAN DEBUT*

    Round 19, 2021: West Coast v St.Kilda
  3. George

    Preview Round 19, 2021: West Coast v St.Kilda - Optus Stadium, Saturday 24th July, 4:35PM AEST *SHARMAN DEBUT*

    Looks like Kennedy may be out with a calf (late change in today's game v Adelaide). We have the extra day break and play a side who are horribly inconsistent and poor at home. Huge opportunity to get a win here in what is our final interstate game of the year. Winner could be in the 8 by next...
  4. George

    Rookie Cooper Sharman
  5. George

    Toast Welcome to St.Kilda - COOPER SHARMAN!

    From Woodville-West Torrens, lead up forward.
  6. Ratts of Tobruk

    Liberal MP Sharman Stone accuses Tony Abbott & Joe Hockey of lying

    I have been trying to avoid calling Abbott and Hockey liars because I thought the whole Ju-liar thing last government was both factually wrong and the worst kind of soundbite politics, but obviously and refreshingly a fellow Liberal has no problem doing it: Abbott and Hockey's immense hypocrisy...