Can't say I'm surprised, with the lifting motion it was always going to be touch and go for Charlie.
He's lucky Lever's head didn't impact the ground, could've been a much longer holiday otherwise.
Live chat fred.
Tex Walker taking on Jake Lever in a follow up to their legendary first bout at half time in the 2017 Grand Final.
Dees to go 10-0 in a warm up before the top of the table decider against the Dogs - which isn't on until next week, Super Dusty .
...Its been said Millenials are the most self-centered generation humanity's produced... is this a touch unfair?
Let's study the example of Jake Lever, who's now publicly laying the groundwork for backing out of participating in an AFL hub because he happens to have a young child. Jake, at the...
We were only joking guys, we're not really pissed at you. Please come back!
I think we underestimate just how much of a loss these 3 are to the club. All are just entering their football prime and all have aggression, talent and x-factor which the AFC is now seriously lacking.
On a brighter...
Well, time to end an era.
It's been a pleasure you guys, but the real world is catching up at a rate of knots. I can't commit the time or the energy required to deliver the things you guys want from a mod on the BF board. I felt it was better to get out before we roared into an actual exciting...
Pretty disappointing to hear young Jake has had so much abuse directed his way that he has had to shut down his Twitter account. It really is a poor reflection on the bitter Crows fans and angry Melbourne fans who have attacked for nothing other than doing his job. A lot from these two supporter...
Name the players that you always think of when assessing a player from your team, and why...
An example... Ryan Burton is linked in my mind with.....
- Doedee.... (Crows chose him over Burton in the draft)
- Jed Anderson.... (North swapped picks that the Hawks used on Burton)
- Andy McGrath...
Is this for real? In a truly national competition, are we accepting this as a legitimate reason for walking out on a club willing to pay him $500k+ per season after only two years? To me this highlights the need for either a longer rookie contract or compensation for first round picks...
With both lever and charlie leaving the crows this year there will be 2 spots in our best 22 to fill.
Who will take the step up and take these roles?
First crack in charlies roll gallucci?
First crack in levers roll doedee?
Also need to cover smith for 3/4 of the season could mcpherson...
Hi board
Welcome to 2018 player sponsorship.
Sadly our BenKen was delisted, so we are going to need to consider another player as our sponsored player for 2018. All the best to BenKen in the future.
However, Katherine Smith is staying with the MFC next year - and even brought us a rising star...
According to the AFL's Trade Talk site
Adelaide will receive two first-round draft picks in exchange for defender Jake Lever after a trade deal was struck with Melbourne on Thursday morning at Etihad Stadium.
The Crows will get pick No.10, a future first-round selection and a future...
This is your chance to get on the record, so that you can say 'I told you so" in 1 or 2 years. When everything happens just like you said it would.
(Appreciate there is plenty of discussion elsewhere already. At a minimum all I expect this thread to add is a poll which I won't amend, and the...
Photos of Adelaide's Jake Lever's were circulated yesterday showing him offloading his Adelaide gear into a dumpster.
Is it disrespectful and wasteful? Or a non story and non issue?
How would you feel if it was a player from your club?
It's been widely reported that jake lever is off at the conclusion of this season. Why then, should adelaide give him the honour of playing in the grand final and potentially winning a premiership? He was ordinary against geelong and has one foot out the door already so I don't see why they...
...or second or third rounder this year to get the job done, but I think these are fair and reasonable trades if you take into account the pay Lever is being offered (850k) his age (21), his scope for further improvement and the importance of an attacking 3rd man up defender in todays game.
suppsedly the bulldogs have the highest bid for lever and they want rid of stringer. If we match it and come to an agreement we do a deal with them.
Is that a fair trade under the circumstances? Is it a likely outcome?
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