Search results for query: Flynn Kroeger

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  1. BORIS332

    Senior 31. Keighton Matofai-Forbes (2024 - )

    Reminds me a lot of Flynn Kroeger. Hopefully we get a better return from Keighton.
  2. Hamingja

    Rumour GFC 2025 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    I don't think people forget about them. People just realise that it is a low probability that they make it. Toss the net out every year for 4-5 players late in the ND and rookie. Give them two years, if they haven't made it, toss the net out again for the next batch.
  3. M

    Rumour GFC 2025 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    Humphries is great. But you're more likely to select a Cooper Whyte, Flynn Kroeger, Nick Stevens, Phoenix Foster or Cameron Taheny with those late picks, as we have in the last few years. People just happen to forget about them.
  4. RedmanWasHere

    List Mgmt. 2025 AFL Guernsey Number Allocations

    ...Parfitt.) 19: Jack Martin (Phoenix Foster.) 20: Jacob Molier. (James Willis.) 23: Lennox Hofmann. (Gary Rohan.) 25: Xavier Ivisic. (Flynn Kroeger in 2023.) 27: Patrick Retschko. (Sam Menegola in 2023.) 31: Keighton Matofai-Forbes. (Oscar Murdoch.) 37: Joe Pike. (Joe Furphy.) 41: Cillian...
  5. Scodog10

    List Mgmt. Our Trade/FA, Suburban & Country Town Thread

    This guy is on a level with Noble and has effectively ended JJ’s career. He’s yet another exceptional pick of the Hawks in that 2019-22 period. Agree with the rest.
  6. 76woodenspooners

    List Mgmt. Our Trade/FA, Suburban & Country Town Thread

    ...For example, how many players from this list of names do you recognise? Ryan Clarke Will Gould Hugo Hall-Kahan Cameron Owen Lachlan Rankin Marc Sheather Flynn Kroeger Sam Menagola Oscar Riccardi Sam Simpson Cooper Whyte Lachie Bramble Fergus Greene Emerson Jekka Ned Long Josh Morris Fion...
  7. H

    Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    Or you could just as easily get Holmes or SDK or o Henry or Bruhn or ……. Give me 2 cracks at a player like that over taking a gamble on a player and hoping that they will magically find form that they have not shown for 3+ years.
  8. CatToTheFuture

    Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    I see as underpaying if we get the 2021 player who was pretty much player of the finals up until a certain Mr Petracca put a stop to it. We're not talking elite picks here either. We're likely looking at a part of the draft with a 60% forecast of Darcy Lang + and Flynn Kroeger
  9. dazbroncos

    VFL VFL 2024 - Geelong & the greater league

    Willis has got a case of the Flynn Kroeger's at this point. Sadly GO Catters
  10. BennyGan

    Resource The 'not worthy of a thread of its own' thread

    I don't think we'd of got Errol with the new rules still. I believe the NSW and QLD academies are treated like father sons, they get them regardless where they are picked if they choose to match. It's the NGA academy picks that they have made that can no longer be inside the top 40.
  11. S

    Resource The 'not worthy of a thread of its own' thread 2020 (Sydney Academy #32, Geelong picked Shannon Neale at #33), and then Marcus Windhager in 2021 (St Kilda NGA #47, Geelong drafted Flynn Kroeger At #48) From memory, they changed the academy rules recently which means Sydney wouldnt have been able to match Gulden. But St Kilda would...
  12. Vdubs

    Training 2024 Pre-Season discussion

    Good assessment. I find it bemusing though that most posters and writers ignore or omit Jed Bews from our best 23. But what about Daicos, Daicos, Moore, Sidebottom, De Goey, Pendlebury, Crisp, Maynard, Mitchell, Quaynor, Bobby? All class and potency.
  13. cats_09

    Training 2024 Pre-Season discussion

    ...(No.11 draft pick), George Stevens (No.58 draft pick), Oliver Wiltshire (No.61 draft pick) OUTS FROM 2023 Jonathon Ceglar (retired), Flynn Kroeger (delisted), Sam Menegola (delisted), Esava Ratugolea (trade, Port Adelaide), Osca Riccardi (delisted), Sam Simpson (delisted), Isaac Smith...
  14. cats_09

    Oppo Camp Non Geelong football (AFL) discussion 2024, Part I

    ...(No.11 draft pick), George Stevens (No.58 draft pick), Oliver Wiltshire (No.61 draft pick) OUTS FROM 2023 Jonathon Ceglar (retired), Flynn Kroeger (delisted), Sam Menegola (delisted), Esava Ratugolea (trade, Port Adelaide), Osca Riccardi (delisted), Sam Simpson (delisted), Isaac Smith...
  15. Miguel Sanchez

    Analysis How many live picks will your team take to the 2023 draft>

    Back again because one guy asked. Feel free to provide updates and/or correct any mistakes I've made. Adelaide Starting list size: 38 Out: 5 (McAsey retired, Doedee, McAdam traded/FA, Hately, Hamill delisted) In: 2 (Burgess traded, Murray promoted) Current senior list: 35 players Current...
  16. CatRiot

    Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    I think if he's available around Pick 35-40, and we have used our picks, then try cut a deal with a club for a pick there to take him for say F3+F4. You'd do something similar if George Stevens was there too. I think with players outside Top 25, Edwards and Hastie look like they have good...
  17. dazbroncos

    Senior Player contract status list

    Flynn Kroeger has been deslisted by the by the club. Sadly injuries never let him have a fair go. GO Catters
  18. cats_09

    Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    Not sure we currently have a rookie spot available
  19. Lana

    Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    In theory, we won't though
  20. gogeelongcats

    Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    I think we can and hope we do.
  21. Vdubs

    Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    Can we rookie Flynn Kroeger? Not sure how this goes
  22. S

    Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    7 spots to fill now it seems
  23. year of the cat

    Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    Shame he never got an opportunity with his body to get a decent crack at it.
  24. fpm84

    Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    Flynn Kroeger delisted.
  25. MarcMaverick

    List Mgmt. 2023 Draft/Trade/FA thread

    I'd be interested in Sam Hayes, Mate Colina, Patrick Voss, Sandy Brock. Get Brodie Mclauglan, too. For my pick for our first pick, I'd like Curtin or Duursma. IIRC Disco might get promoted to the senior list. If we have Turner and Curtin that might make them the Danfenders.
  26. Pure_Ownage

    Rumour GFC 2024 Player Trading, Drafting FA, Rumours and Wish lists Pt 1

    I will be glad if we sign hardie purely bc i dont think it was fair to cut him after 6 months he deserves a pre season at least. Murdoch has underwhelmed me at times but with sav gone we lack kpd depth so i can see why he has been kept. Kroeger would just be the unlucky man out in that...
  27. Tulip

    List Mgmt. 2023 Draft/Trade/FA thread

    Borlase, Kreuger, Fantasia, Highmore, Crozier would all be worth a look IMO. Particularly the first two as KPP's who could pay a role if they can stay injury free.
  28. pjfairbairn

    List Mgmt. 2023 Draft/Trade/FA thread

    ...– Aiden Begg, Josh Carmichael, Will Kelly, Nathan Kreuger Essendon – Jaiden Hunter, Patrick Voss, Will Snelling Geelong – Mitch Hardie, Flynn Kroeger Gold Coast – Sandy Brock, Sam Day, Oskar Faulkhead, Hewago Oae, Bodhi Uwland, Jeremy Sharp, Jake Stein, James Tsitas Melbourne – Andy...
  29. spenze

    List Mgmt. 2023 List Management and Trading (Part 2)

    I’d get Mate Colina how good would he be for Lols on the field. “ Get it mate, kick it mate, tackle him mate, FFS mate”
  30. Crow_68

    List Mgmt. 2023 List Management and Trading (Part 2)

    If Krueger could get himself fit, may be worth a rookie spot