Search results for query: Heppell

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  1. Heppell slung to ground.gif

    Heppell slung to ground.gif

  2. Heppell slung to ground.gif

    Heppell slung to ground.gif

  3. Heppell slung to ground.gif

    Heppell slung to ground.gif

  4. Heppell slung to ground.gif

    Heppell slung to ground.gif

  5. Heppell slung to ground.gif

    Heppell slung to ground.gif

  6. Wild Bill

    Recommitted Dyson Heppell [re-signed for 2023]

    4 year deal from the Suns for Heppell. 2 as a player - 2 as an assistant coach. Ess have a 1 year deal on offer - this could get interesting.
  7. Mofra

    Think Tank Why do the Essendon players hate Dyson Heppell?

    Dyson Heppell (one of Essendon's 14 half back flankers) is Essendon captain and played his 200th game last night (note: none of those games are finals wins). Essendon as a team, for the entire game, laid only 30 tackles. As a team. Teams generally lay at least double that - well, teams who try...
  8. Black Panther

    Scandal Heppell practising his diving technique

    Parks Victoria prohibits jumping and diving off piers and other structures within Victoria for public safety. In 2019, 40 people drowned and each year there are 350-400 new cases of spinal cord injuries reported from jumping and diving off the piers. Parks Victoria can fine individuals $1500 if...
  9. Moo

    Heppell to Freo?

    I heard from a source that Dyson Heppell is on the verge of requesting a trade to Freo ….something about a possible Sam Mitchellseque transition into a coaching role? Now I know it sounds crazy but ask yourself…I am a respected poster on this board, The People’s Cow, would I risk my pristine...
  10. ghostdog

    Toast 2021 Leadership Group - Heppell (captain), Hurley, Merrett, McGrath (joint vice-captains)

    Dyson Heppell has been our Captain since 2017, after joining EFC in 2011. He has been unlucky to hold the role during a period where the club has had to right itself after the drugs saga. Our form, of course, has not been due to Heppell in that role, however, it goes without saying that the...
  11. Lore

    Toast 2020 Leadership Group Announced! - Heppell (C), Shiel, Smith, Zaharakis, Hurley

    Captain: Dyson Heppell LG: Dylan Shiel, David Zaharakis, Devon Smith, Michael Hurley Interesting changes!
  12. harry000

    Dyson Heppell is a filthy ranga

    Always thought he was some sort of blonde surfie dude. His disguise fooled me. After shaving off the blonde locks he is unrecognizable and it turns out that he is nothing more than a filthy ranga.
  13. Moo

    Prediction Heppell to Freo (true believers only)

    Hi folks I've heard a rumour that Dyson Heppell may be being targeted by Freo. I don't want any naysayers in this thread, just posters who are in the know and may have info. You may have seen Dyson at Maddington Plaza buying a donut or heard his cat's name called at your vet? If this is...
  14. Carringbush2010

    Dyson Heppell class act

    Watching roaming Brine, Dyson Heppell was with a young fella with from what I heard muscular dystrophy? If I am correct this bloke is involved in all sorts of charity campaigns. After a win like that to get around two young blokes, one the older giving some of his blood to help his younger...
  15. domus

    Shepherding Free to Dyson Heppell

    Can someone please get a video comparison of the shepherding free awarded to Heppel late in the game today and the non free to Maynard in the grand final! I nearly burst a blood vessel when it was given.:mad:
  16. boncer34

    Hot Topic Heppell calls for patience Now I don't know about you guys but as a supporter base I think we've been plenty patient over the years. I'm not sure Hepp has really said the right things here...
  17. Maxabillions

    Dyson Heppell's dreadlocks

    It's time for a nuanced conversation
  18. YelloMit

    Toast Welcome to Freo, Dyson Heppell, Jesse Hogan, Tom Langdon and Rory Lobb!

    Holy shit. EDIT: DELETE, SORRY.
  19. nut

    Autopsy Conca>Heppell

    Conca having a great year... injury Free. Heppell stagnating .. gone backwards since 2012.
  20. 3rdManUp

    Homeless or Heppell??

    Alright campaigners, put your mental prowess to the test in our new game... See if you can spot the AFL footballer
  21. Jazny

    Think Tank Dyson Heppell in the worst AFL promotional photo ever?

    This is why you shouldnt let the new guy who just graduated from modern art school take AFL promotional photos!! :eek: What is Dyson even doing?? What were they thinking? How does this promote AFL or get anyone excited?? Leave the innocent ball alone, Dyson :straining::'(
  22. Moo

    Recommitted Dyson Heppell

    ...the Bombers under pressure to bring in players from outside but wanting to keep pick 11, I keep hearing that if Hogan fails to get ot Freo, Heppell becomes a target. They could trade a Goddard but he has no currency, Heppell fits better with the Freo age profile. Any chance if Heppell...
  23. Lance Uppercut

    Toast Congratulations Dyson Heppell - New Essendon FC Captain!

    Lead the team out this morning. Onya knackers!! Also congrats to new Vice Captains, Cale and Zachy!
  24. S

    Strategy Heppell to Freo?

    Hi All, Just read Heppel is suing DONS for multi millions - meaning he wont be going back to the Dons. Being a WA product and good player - is he worth targeting - replace some of our duds like suban or muzungu. He would be free delisted agent.
  25. A Cut Above

    Heppell goes BANG Heppell to sue the Peptide Cheats for at least $1m, making it bloody unlikely he'll be there next year. So much for Essendon* flogs telling us he'll be their next captain... the saga keeps on delivering! :D:thumbsu...
  26. Superstar swan

    Heppell suing Essendon

    It appears dyson heppell is suing the bombers for loss of income, sponsors and reputational damages. This is huge for the club has he has been earmarked as the captain in waiting. Surely his role at the club has become un tenable now...
  27. Haggard H

    Rumour And now it's Heppell

    ..."I'm walking" but about the same distance away from saying "I'm staying". To hear this from Heppell, who probably has a lock on the captaincy if he stays, makes you feel the...
  28. Subutai

    Heppell has lost his Adidas, and other sponsorships.

    maybe nike will jump on board?
  29. Demonic Ascent

    Heppell on 360

    ...This is why the public sentiment is not with the players or the club. They just refuse to accept any responsibility and still don't get it. Heppell thinks people who have called him a drug cheat don't know all the facts - maybe those specific ones don't but to think the public are just...