Search results for query: Ainsworth

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  1. The Nostradamus

    Recommitted Ben Ainsworth [signs 4 year deal]

    The GC small forward from vic country is a free agent this year 26 years of age over 100 games, what’s he worth? Does he decide now is the time to come home and in doing so maybe chase coin
  2. perplexed

    Ainsworth free to play

    Ainsworth runs past the ball and elbows McKay in the head as McKay goes to pick it up, concussing him. Play on! Careless, high contact with high impact should be a minimum 2 week suspension. Not even worth a free kick...
  3. xInfected_Virus

    Opinion Could Ainsworth play a subtly important role in finals? Kelly at his best, Sheed, Gaff, Darling, Cripps, Allen, Waterman, Ryan, Hurn, Nelson, Duggan, Rotham, Sheppard and Barrass but Ainsworth in the side tagging out their best player could be very crucial for us if we're going to win the flag (see Hutch tagging Sidebottom in 2018). Now I...
  4. kane249

    Review Brayden Ainsworth (2018 - 2022)

    Details Height 183cm Weight 75kg DOB 27-11-1998 Debut Round 8 Vs GWS 2018 Player honours: - Draft History: 2017 National Draft pick 32 Games West Coast 15 Games, 4 Goals
  5. CM9000

    List Mgmt. Welcome to West Coast: Brayden Ainsworth Certainly a pick out of the blue, but Ainsworth was the leading clearance winner in the Under 18 Championships and an AA this year. Draft Machine Profile:
  6. SUNS

    Toast Welcome to the SUNS - Ben Ainsworth

    Ben Ainsworth
  7. Panthera

    Prediction Ainsworth or McCluggage

    ...stronger frame, will go into a more permanent midfield role. Strengths: composure, goal sense, vision. Needs to improve: strength. Ben AINSWORTH Ht: 178.0cm | Wt: 76.2kg | Small Forward | Gippsland Power Dynamic and devastating – Ainsworth has all the tools to be a high-level small...

    Vale Geoff Ainsworth

    RIP it hasnt been a good week all round
  9. A

    News Vale Geoff Ainsworth