Search results for query: Soligo

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  1. K

    MRP / Trib. Pickett elbow on Soligo

    How many weeks for Kosi? Seems he hasn’t learnt his lesson after last years late hit on Smith. 2-3 for me.
  2. 20230430 Crows-v-Coll [Q3] Soligo .gif

    20230430 Crows-v-Coll [Q3] Soligo .gif

  3. C

    Your Jake Soligo Award nominations

    Hello, I would love to hear your nomination for the Jake Soligo Award. What is the award? Awarded to a player from each club who nobody expected or wasn't widely pumped up as able to become the best player in the competition at the time of their draft selection but has now become the most...
  4. S

    News Rachele and Soligo contract extensions

    Adelaide has secured two of its most promising young draftees until at least 2025 with Josh Rachele and Jake Soligo extending their contracts ahead of their first AFL season. The Club’s first two selections in last year’s National Draft, Rachele (Pick No.6) and Soligo (Pick No.36), have both...
  5. Scorpus

    Player Watch Jake Soligo - Showdown Medalist!

    Bit of a surprise but he's ours 179cm midfielder
  6. Snuffaluphagus

    Club Focus Adelaide 2021 - Dawson, Rachele, Soligo, Taylor, Nankervis

    Data from footywire. To check the current draft order see the thread here. Footywire says: "While we make every effort to keep up to date with player contracts, it is likely that our data may at times be out of date, incomplete or inaccurate. If you find any player contracts that need...