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  1. Prestia Helmut.png

    Prestia Helmut.png


    flggr Prestia or No Prestia..?

    Fact of the matter is Richmond choked a 3 goal lead in the 4th quarter against Geelong who are the current league easybeats. Blaming the choke on a first quarter incident is pure tiger fantasy persecution complex and a big indicator that they are very poor losers. Sorry Tigers, you’re just not...
  3. thecatattack

    MRP / Trib. Tom Stewart bump on Prestia - 4 weeks to freshen up

    Pretty nasty stuff. Our best player is probably looking at 4 weeks I'd say. I'd say it was intentional, severe (maybe high) and then high looking at a guaranteed 3+ at the tribunal.
  4. beema limapep

    No Oppo Supporters Tom Stewart's targeted KO'ing of Prestia - 4 week ban

    Disgusting. And looked like Stewart was pretty happy with himself after the game.
  5. Prestia grin.gif

    Prestia grin.gif

  6. Prestia grin.gif

    Prestia grin.gif

  7. Prestia grin.gif

    Prestia grin.gif

  8. S

    Scandal Dion Prestia investigated for Covid rules breach

    'we're all in this together', I guess doesn't apply to Dion, hey?
  9. AstuteTiger

    Injury Round 7 - Injury report: Martin, Lambert, Grimes, Prestia

    ...Physical Performance Manager Peter Burge provides Richmond Media with the latest injury report. Injury report: Martin, Lambert, Grimes, Prestia Dustin Martin, concussion, unavailable (short term) “The incident was a marking contest; Dustin came from the field and was a little bit unsure of...
  10. Muddiemoose

    News Grimes and Prestia contract extension

    Looks like Grimes will be a tiger for life (never in doubt contracted now until 2023) and Perstia (now 2024) isn’t going anywhere Going to be a massive year for us contract wise so great to have some key players locked in
  11. xInfected_Virus

    Opinion Alternate pick 6 2010 national draft: Prestia, Lynch, Caddy or Conca.

    In the 2010 national draft with pick 6, do you wish you had one of Dion Prestia, Tom Lynch, Josh Caddy or were you happy getting Reece Conca? In hindsight, it would've been great having either Prestia or Lynch be a Tiger as early as 2010 but would've they thrived as a Tiger though during the...
  12. HelloGameDay

    "Has anybody seen Dusty?" New podcast with Dion Prestia! Hit the link for 40 awesome minutes of stories and insight with Dion Prestia!
  13. NaturalDisaster

    Game Day Jack Dyer Medal - Congratulations Dion Prestia!

    There will be a live stream from the Richmond website (Probably with the annual buffering every 2 minutes). 2019 JACK DYER MEDAL KEY TIMINGS (APPROXIMATE) 7.00pm - Event begins with highlights package and MC's welcome 7.10pm - Address from President, Peggy O’Neal 7.15pm - Address from captain...
  14. Daka

    Dion Prestia v Dylan Shiel

    Who do you think is a better player? I asked my brother who is a Doggies supporter "what do you think of Dion Prestia's season?" and he said he reminds me of Dylan Shiel sort of on that level and it got me thinking these guys are awfully similar in numbers even height and build that short...
  15. Michaels

    Competitions Photoshop Competition - Round 5 - Dion Prestia - entries close Monday 3rd of December

    Round 5 of the Photoshop Challenge is now open! Round 1 thread - Jack Riewoldt Round 2 thread - Dustin Martin Round 3 thread - Nick Vlastuin Round 4 thread - Dylan Grimes The game is simple: Photoshop the image below into something funny and clever. You can use part of the image, the...
  16. Lethality

    No Conca, no Prestia, no Butler, no Graham, no Houli, no Broad, no worries!

    It's amazing when you consider all the players we didn't even have out there tonight. I'm probably forgetting a couple. Great to see Lloyd back too, i thought he played well and fit into our structures and our system. YES!
  17. Cotcho

    Opinion Prestia v Treloar

    We wanted Treloar and lets be honest, he's a bloody fine player. But he chose not to come to Richmond, which then resulted in us grabbing Prestia. If Treloar had nominated us I assume that we would not have gone after Meatball. I think Treloar is a better player than Meatball.... but I believe...
  18. Tigerballs

    Can Prestia and Miles both play?

    I personally think Miles is ahead of Prestia at the moment but i really rate Prestia. Can they both fit in the same side???
  19. fleabitten

    Why did we do the Prestia deal first and the Deledio deal last? my memory of how trade week unfolded is a bit cloudy to say the least. Looking back at it now, it seems ridiculous that we overpaid for Prestia due to apparently promising them our 1st, but were later able to collect another 1st which would have been much fairer payment. This is what we...
  20. dazzledavey36

    Did Richmond make a mistake drafting (trading for) Dion Prestia?

    Gave up pick 6 for a midget who had a crook knee and has looked absolutely cooked the past month. Slow and turns it over by foot and tends to dumble alot. I don't remember him being this bad at GC Could have had SPP or Will Brodie for the next 10-12 years but now they have someone who has...
  21. Starburns_

    Backfire Dion Prestia is the worst Richmond trade since Jordan McMahon

    Pick 6? F*** off back to GC you poor man's Anthony Miles. :thumbsdown: Also f*** you Hardwick, Heath Shaw was right about you. :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

    Opinion Richmond ‘definitely’ a chance to feature in 2017 AFL finals series, says Dion Prestia

    DION Prestia is loving life at his new AFL club. In fact, the gun recruit has so much faith in his new Tigers teammates that he has very high expectations for his club in 2017...

    Opinion Richmond’s star recruit Dion Prestia will be able to complete a full pre-season with the Tigers

    JON RALPH, Herald Sun 10 minutes ago Subscriber only RICHMOND’S star signing Dion Prestia will be fit to complete a full pre-season at Punt Road as the Tigers prepare for the return of Chris Yarran. The Tigers pre-season will start on Monday for their first-to-fourth-year players with Yarran...
  24. Frank Gallagher

    Dion Prestia v Taylor Adams

    Both similar players, around the same age, who would you rather?
  25. gillo94

    Prestia Deledio effect short and long term influence

    Hi Tigers fans. I'm doing lists analysis and wondering what your opinions of your list changes during the trade period I'm a big fan of Dion Prestia and see him as a top AFL Midfielder and Gold Coasts best mid during Gary Abletts absence at Suns but I see him as a better player with Brett...
  26. Gray Day

    Help Dion Prestia buy a new pair of pants

    Wonderful news for young Dion Prestia, signing at up and coming Rihcomd, sure to play in many successes to come. Unfortunately, spending all that time up north has left poor Dion with some rather ill-fitting clothes. In this case, it appears he has been shopping in the children's section...
  27. Gray Day

    Prestia chooses Rihcmond because of their list

    Well done Don Presto. Congratulations on your move to Punt Rd friend. Now that's not a bad start, about 1/21st of this impressive list, but Dean's unfortunately trailed off on this aspect of his beloved new club. Must be a mistake. Surely Rihcmond have some other good players? Yes? No? Thoughts?
  28. PieLebo87

    Poll: Dion Prestia or Adam Treloar

    Who would you prefer at your club? Why? This one is going to last 10 years with Richmond and Collingwood supporters going at each other. Who will have the more distinguished career? Who is the better player at the moment?
  29. Stevi_Tigers

    Player Watch #3: Dion Prestia Re-Signed for 2025

    so its official prestia is now a tiger i know its not the price people wanted to pay but time to back him in as he wears the yellow and black. welcome dion
  30. M

    Analysis If Pick 6 is traded away for Prestia will fans walk away from the club for at least 10 years?

    Given RFC cannot win a premiership for the next 5 years, Prestia is just more recycled turnover, we have little cause for talent to be expected to come in, can we expect fans to ignore the club for a minimum of 10 years? Another question is if some staff do not face the guillotine for errors in...