Search results for query: Fin Macrae

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  1. sr36

    Player Watch Reef McInnes

    It's a long line of coaches being blamed because annointed kids haven't kicked on. Ben Kennedy would have been a superstar if we never played him as sub.
  2. P

    Player Watch Reef McInnes

    Fin Macrae 2024 areas
  3. Jen2310

    Training Pre-season updates 2025.

    ...valuable he can be, finishing fourth in the Copeland Trophy after playing all 26 games in the premiership campaign. Beau McCreery and Fin Macrae are also on modified programs after recent niggles, but spent enough time training with the main group on Monday to indicate they will play some...
  4. WalshistheGOAT

    Banter Who will be Better in 2025, Collingwood or Carlton? Part 5

    Oop almost forgot Ned Long and Fin Macrae would be regulars in the Carlton midfield 🤡
  5. Jen2310

    Training Pre-season updates 2025.
  6. LuckyLee

    Training Pre-season updates 2025.

    Thanks Jen for your great coverage. What happened to Fin? Sent from my iPhone using
  7. Jen2310

    Training Pre-season updates 2025.

    Pre-season training: Wednesday Feb 5th. Absent players: Cox Hayes DeMattia Rehab: Mitchell Jordy Reef Dean Macrae I thought today was gonna be match sim, and yeah there was toward the end. But the umpires were also there for specific drills I hadn't seen before. The new drills...
  8. JuniorB

    News Collingwood News & Media

    They'll have to eat their words when Ed wins the Norm, Will Hayes snags 3 from the pocket, and Charlie kicks a bag.
  9. Apex36

    News Collingwood News & Media

    Harsh on Allan and Jiath tbh. If you’re looking purely at upside those guys should be right up there.
  10. Jen2310

    News Collingwood News & Media a breakthrough season for him, but it will be interesting to see where he fits in 2025 on an experienced list, along with the likes of Fin Macrae, Ed Allan, Jakob Ryan, Harry DeMattia, Ned Long and Tew Jiath. Dan Houston’s arrival might limit the chances for Ryan and Jiath, while Reef...
  11. Mollythedolly

    Training Pre-season updates 2025.

    How come some of the match simulations (including ours) aren’t listed for live stream on Kayo? Does that mean we won’t get a live telecast?
  12. Jen2310

    Training Pre-season updates 2025., with premiership defender Brayden Maynard telling in December that Allan, as well as fellow fringe midfielder Fin Macrae, would play important roles in filling the boots of the injured Tom Mitchell. He said: “Ed and Fin ... in the whole pre-season leading up to...
  13. F

    Prediction Who will be better in 2025? Carlton or Hawthorn

    This was never said. The Carlton boys have taken a comment about respective 'Career Output' and run with 'I can't believe you think Cox is better than Walsh!' So age counts against Sidebottom, but doesn't count against Saad, who clearly declined in 2024, whilst Quaynor has a more recent AA...
  14. Pistol Night

    Prediction Who will be better in 2025? Carlton or Hawthorn

    Wasn’t meant with any malicious intent mate I enjoy our soccer mum like shit fights. 😂
  15. WalshistheGOAT

    Prediction Who will be better in 2025? Carlton or Hawthorn

    ...Cox > Walsh Quaynor > Saad - Despite being worse statistically in almost every single measure there is Sidebottom > Acres - Same as above, Sidebottom is old and declining. Fin Macrae + Ned Long > Matt Kennedy + Matt Owies If they're anything to go off I think it's clear which side is bias.
  16. Jen2310

    Training Pre-season updates 2025.

    Quietly underrated. Has a new role that I feel suits him. Looks stronger, and his hands are so quick, one of his strengths. Big year for him.
  17. 76woodenspooners

    Training Pre-season updates 2025.

    I haven’t heard a lot about Fin Macrae this pre-season. How is he doing?
  18. F

    Banter Who will be Better in 2025, Collingwood or Carlton? Part 4

    Awesome. That's two of our 10. If they don't make it, hopefully a few of the others can.
  19. WalshistheGOAT

    Banter Who will be Better in 2025, Collingwood or Carlton? Part 4

    Certainly more than Ned Long and Fin Macrae lol
  20. F

    Banter Who will be Better in 2025, Collingwood or Carlton? Part 4

    Like most clubs, as supporters we'd be hopeful that some of our youngsters can improve to the point that they push out some of the older players by the end of the year, but we're not necessarily relying on it to revert to our standard position as premiership contenders in 2025, given our list...
  21. WalshistheGOAT

    Banter Who will be Better in 2025, Collingwood or Carlton? Part 4

    But let me guess... Fin Macrae who is a proven dud will be taking the competition by storm soon? The VFL that is...
  22. WalshistheGOAT

    Banter Who will be Better in 2025, Collingwood or Carlton? Part 4 the Pies thinking their band of geriatrics are going to be able to wind back the clock in their mid 30s :tearsofjoy: Blues have plenty of kids ready to come in and step up in Kennedy and Owies absence. Pies have got Ned Long and Fin Macrae plodding about ready to be delisted come end of...
  23. BuckleysBrigade

    Position 2025 Midfielders

    This photo from training don’t bode well: In all seriousness I think he’s had his chance and shown that he’s a VFL jet but not up to AFL standard (at least as a mid). Allan will get a RHG I think but awkward price - could be a sideways option from an early 2024 draft pick, if he gets a chance...
  24. Pure_Ownage

    Position 2025 Midfielders

    Fin macrae?
  25. Robertio

    Banter Who will be Better in 2025, Collingwood or Carlton? Part 4

    Don't forget he called DeGoey an A grader.
  26. WalshistheGOAT

    Banter Who will be Better in 2025, Collingwood or Carlton? Part 4

    Fudge laughing at Cowan and Hollands but will throw at monumental size turds like Fin Macrae and Ned Long as the Pies next generation as if they're meant to be something special 😂
  27. Jen2310

    Training Pre-season updates 2025.
  28. deeman87

    Keeper Lg. BFDL - 2025 List Management Thread - LIST deadline 9th of Feb Draft is live.

    Another trade, wombats send Fin Macrae, Hustwaite and pick 52 to tenderwarriors for pick 24. Wise Guy Sam Rockford
  29. WalshistheGOAT

    Banter Who will be Better in 2025, Collingwood or Carlton? Part 4

    Don't forget Harry Demattia Wil Parker Ed Allan Fin Macrae Tew Jiath Iliro Smit Oscar Steene Jakob Ryan Reef McInnes Lachie Sullivan Harvey Harrison Oleg Markov Ash Johnson Charlie Dean Ned Long Mason Cox All better than Owies and Kennedy apparently
  30. deeman87

    Keeper Lg. BFDL - 2025 List Management Thread - LIST deadline 9th of Feb Draft is live.

    Looking to replace said pick 24 and would like to trade a forward or trade block player for another pick in the 15-45 range. Trade block - Will Hayward, matt kennedy, Cam Zurhaar, JVR, Oscar Allen, H Hustwaite, S Mitchell, Fin Macrae, Ryan Byrnes