Search results for query: Caminiti

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  1. George

    MRP / Trib. Anthony Caminiti fights for his freedom and wins big at the tribunal

    They just want to keep a full chested, pure blooded Italian down. Discuss here
  2. fpm84

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    This sort of stuff is awful, Murphy already ruled out for ANZAC Day and has a history of concussion. Will go straight to the tribunal - under the guidelines he is looking at 4+ (intentional, severe impact, high contact).
  3. George

    Votes Round 1, 2023: St.Kilda v Fremantle *PHILLIPOU, CAMINITI DEBUT*

    Starting this up again for the new season. You get 15 votes to distribute however you like, but no player can earn more than 5 votes.
  4. George

    Autopsy Round 1, 2023: St.Kilda v Fremantle *PHILLIPOU, CAMINITI DEBUT*

  5. George

    Game Day Round 1, 2023: St.Kilda v Fremantle *PHILLIPOU, CAMINITI DEBUT*
  6. George

    Preview Round 1, 2023: St.Kilda v Fremantle - Marvel Stadium, Sunday 19th March, 4:40PM AEDT *PHILLIPOU, CAMINITI DEBUT* and will stick with it: B: Webster Howard Battle HB: NWM Wilkie Sinclair C: Hill Windhager Wood HF: Higgins Owens Byrnes F: Gresham Caminiti/Membrey Butler R: Marshall Steele Crouch Int: Stocker Clark Phillipou Cordy Paton (sub) Bytel in for Windy if he doesn’t get up. And I stole this...
  7. George

    Rookie Anthony Caminiti
  8. Barrels

    Toast Welcome ANTHONY CAMINITI

    Gave himself every chance, and now he’s been given it. Well done. Sounds like a standup kid, too.