Search results for query: Flanders

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  1. flanders-simpsons.gif


  2. The Nostradamus

    Recommitted Sam Flanders - 4 more years!

    Victorian former first round pick. 21 years old and 31 games Has moved into a more half forward role Important contract year for him, hard one to value
  3. Scotty_222

    2023 Pre Season - SAM FLANDERS HYPE THREAD

    Thought I’d start one up!
  4. eth-dog

    2021 UCI World Championships - Flanders

    So our squad for the road race has been annunced. It's looking like the right mix for the team, although I'm a little surprised that Caleb Ewan is there given the amount of hills on the race. Michael Matthews, Caleb Ewan, Luke Durbridge, Miles Scotson, Nick Schultz, Harry Sweeny, Robert...
  5. bird_man

    Recommitted Sam Flanders [re-signed for 2 more years]

    Uncontracted A few clubs sniffing around apparently. Hasn't set the world on fire just yet but plenty of potential. Former pick number 11.
  6. CrowEater888

    Prediction Hey Flanders, it's no use praying. I already did the same thing, and we can't both win.

    2020 - Season summary 2020 - Post season 2021 - Our supporters preseason 2021 - Our supporters 1 game into the season 2021 - Season summary 2021 - Post season 2022 - Our supporters preseason It's going to be a long, hard road folks, but remember... ...No Homer, we'll climb back up...
  7. CanYouFeelTheSunburn

    List Mgmt. Welcome to the SUNS - Sam Flanders

    Don't think any of us saw this one coming but he was far too good to pass up, well done Kall Burns and recruiting team.
  8. D_One

    Which club is the Ned Flanders of the AFL?

    Which club tries real hard to be squeaky clean and nice and as a result instantly gives you a justifiable reason to dislike them? Which club tries to portray themselves with an unbearable piousness and uses terms like spine-tingly-dingly, buckareenoes and desti-did-lio-nation diseasey-peasy...
  9. Eddie Woloschek

    Ned Flanders - is he going mad?

    Comment Alan Stewart: "As recruiters – and I'm talking for most AFL clubs here – we rated Jacob very highly in the national draft" ALL 16 CLUBS PASSED ON HIM - YES, ALL CLEARLY RATED HIM IN THE TOP 100. "When Jacob was there, we were very pleased to get such a talented player in the...