Search results for query: Gallagher

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  1. Harvey Gallagher 406.jpg

    Harvey Gallagher 406.jpg

  2. gallagher swing.gif

    gallagher swing.gif

  3. Mutineer

    Welcome Karl Gallagher - Welcome to Adelaide

  4. Testekill

    Welcome Pick 39- Welcome to the Bulldogs Harvey Gallagher

    At pick 39 we have selected Harvey Gallagher
  5. Mofra

    Club Focus Western Bulldogs 2022 - Jones, Lobb, Busslinger, Clarke, Gallagher

    Data from footywire. To check the draft order see the thread here. Footywire says: "While we make every effort to keep up to date with player contracts, it is likely that our data may at times be out of date, incomplete or inaccurate. If you find any player contracts that need updating...
  6. M

    Delisted Opinion :Gallagher has no idea

    The imminent trade of Josh Bruce and Jake Carlisle has left me with one theory. Gallagher should stick to banking and stinkfinger(Lethlean) should stop hiring his mates. This is at Pelchen level of stupidity. Waiting for those who defend the drafting of Mccartin and the trading of McEvoy to...
  7. StCicatriz

    List Mgmt. James Gallagher - New St.Kilda List Manager

    announced by Letha on the inside st kilda podcast. the list manager has been appointed and will be announced within 2 weeks, probably next week says some fans will know who he is
  8. Noddy23

    Noel Gallagher and the High flying Birds At the Palais theatre

    Did anyone else see this show?? I thought it was fantastic Playing Songs from his new album and plenty from the Oasis days. His Acoustic version of Supersonic was superb, for me the highlight of the show! Surprised Wonderwall was not played considering he played it in Sydney, but still left...
  9. H

    Noel Gallagher touring Australia

    Who's going to see the original cigarette smoker from hell? Top bloke, had a chat with him on Oasis's last Australian tour.
  10. Ford Fairlane

    Gallagher retires

    Norwood captain James Gallagher has retired after 218 games for the Redlegs.
  11. ManWithNoName

    Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds

    kFx_IniNjfE It's now abundantly clear that Noel is the talented one, especially after the god awful "Beady Eye" rubbish that Liam came out with.
  12. Ghostwriter

    James Gallagher's 200th SANFL game

    Watching Nine news and they put on a feed for the kid at Footy Park, quite a celebration, trouble is I don't recall this happening for any other 200 gamers in the sanfl, at least not getting the tv coverage. Old boys network alive and well.:thumbsu:
  13. C

    Noel Gallagher

    just some info for those who care he is holding a press conference wednesday to announce details for his upcoming solo album. rumours circulated a while ago that he did a video shoot in LA for a song called 'the death of you and me'. i guess we will all find the truth out soon.
  14. jefffff34

    Russell Brand and Noel Gallagher's show on Talksport

    ...a show late at night for the first time on Talksport (I think it was Saturday night but it may have been Sunday) Anyway, I've listened to about half of the show, and it is absolutely brilliant. Show can be downloaded from this link...

    Rory Gallagher

    Started listening to some of his work recently wondering if anyone has some good recomendations on some songs or albums thats are worth a listen
  16. JSFish

    Noel Gallagher just purchased a new cardigan!!

    Binxy told me so.

    Is Liam Gallagher Responsible for a website mocking radiohead and their fans???

    Apparently a site was on the internet that radiohead fans were flocking to has turned out to be a fake, apparently made by Liam Gallagher Its probably crap but still good for a laugh anyway Here is the article...

    B-Sides Rate an Artist: Noel Gallagher


    B-Sides Rate A Song:- The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again (Live Version with Noel Gallagher joining The Who)

    Great Song. Have a look at this version from around 2000. Noel Gallagher playing with the who as a guest appearance. Features future Oasis drummer Zak Starkey

    B-Sides Rate A Clip:- Noel Gallagher and Paul Weller play "Talk Tonight"

    Noel Gallagher on Guitar with Paul Weller on Keyboard and backing vocals taken from a 1995 performance.
  21. D

    Noel Gallagher on parkinsons

    I started this thread in music aswell, Did anybody watch him yesterday on parkinsons, if you did was anything intresting said. I read some where that he says if there was a award for using drugs he would get it.
  22. D

    Noel Gallagher on Parkinsons

    Did anybody watch it, i really wanted to watch it but i didnt get a chance, i hope it is youtube. Anyway was anything intresting said.
  23. S

    One of them Gallaghers on English Idol

    Just saw this snippet of an interview on channel V.. Don't know which Gallagher it was but it was hilarious. "I don't know about Australian Idol.. But our one they only last 6 months.. Some fat guy who works in a supermarket wins.. He doesn't even sing his own songs.. And he convinces himself...
  24. G

    Noel Gallagher Live At The Chapel.

    I saw this on 10 last night,loved it. He is a lot better vocalist than Liam (and not as big a tosser!) Slide Away sounded fantastic.
  25. D

    Gags Gallagher vs Mossop

    Had a mass debate over this last night with serial part-time poster Artichoke as to who gave better service at NM. Thoughts?
  26. C

    Noel Gallagher Live at the chapel

    just a freindly reminder that it is on channel 10 in 45 minutes.:thumbsu:

    Noel Gallagher accuses Green Day of Plagarism

    NOEL GALLAGHER SLAMS GREEN DAY Oasis star Noel Gallagher has accused punk trio Green Day of "ripping off" his Wonderwall anthem for their hit Boulevard Of Broken Dreams. Gallagher has been a long-time outspoken critic of the American Idiot hitmakers, but admits he was fuming the first time...
  28. D

    Liam Gallagher: "England team is a bunch of gayboys."

    Liam Gallagher says the England football team are a bunch of "gay boys" with no chance of winning the World Cup. Liam, 33, said: "I'm not one of those people who are that patriotic when it comes to the England team. I think that if you play direct football and deserve to win, you win. "At...
  29. Moo

    Moo & Gallagher Walk Out of Dragons!

    Moo and Gallagher walked out of the Dragons training today and over to the local Deli to get a bag of snakes (glucose). What? You thought there was a problem ...c'mon this is the Dragon's not the Hawks.