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  1. R

    Indigenous All Stars Game is back (15 Feb 2025)

    I thought the lack of key position players would hamper the All Stars but that didn't matter at all. It was fun to watch but it was hardly the highest pressure game. It was an exhibition game afterall. That being said very happy with the performance of the two Hawthorn blokes out there who were...
  2. R

    AFL Pre-Season Injury Crisis: Can We Explain It?

    I don't think there was such a thing. I've got the 1971 tribute to the Hawthorn premiership produced by the Hawks museum and there's a cartoon in there showing a Hawthorn player being fitted into a straight jacket and put into a white van with the caption "Doing footy training in summer, sir."...
  3. R

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    From what I understand, yes the trend towards less famine continues. The vast majority of British Colonists would have been Christian. I still hear plenty of people noting that Great Britain is Christian nation. If you are saying Christians are morally superior then I'm showing there are...
  4. R

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    Famine has been on the decline. The progress in knowledge and science has contributed immensely to this. It's been corrupt governments of all shades (communist, colonialist in particular) that has been one of the major drivers of famine in modern times.
  5. R

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    Just on the famine thing, arguably the worst famines that occurred in recent history are those in India and a fair whack of the blame (quite rightly) lies at the feet of the (Christian) British colonists. It's grim reading.
  6. R

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    Case in point. That being said, I love the kid at 5.20 who doesn't buy into the bs and continues on his merry ways. Way to go mate. The kid before is a bit heartbreaking though - thinking he was "bad" because he autistic. Terrible treatment of a vulnerable child.
  7. R

    Classic Wrestling Thread (60s 70s 80s 90s 00s 10s)

    As part of my year 12 VCE English, I wrote a wrestling fanzine and then launched it at my school by showing the Piper-Rude match from this tape.
  8. R

    Best aerialist you have seen?

    One out of left field - I'm not saying he's the best but this is a pretty neat highlights package nonetheless. I personally like the big mark more when the player doesn't drop the ball when hitting the ground. Every mark in the package is held all the way. I reckon this is an impressive...
  9. R

    What is your worst AFL nightmare?

    My nightmare is an actual dream I've had. I'm trying to get to the footy and no matter what I do, I can't get there. Trains stop, cars break down, streets get blocked, there are barbed wire fences. I wake in a cold sweat.
  10. R

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    We seem to be treading some familiar territory here but a couple of points: 1) CS Lewis is one of the greatest fantasy writers ever. The Narnia books were a massive and cherished part of my childhood (and I still love them today). But he was a fantasy writer - the irony isn't lost on me that...
  11. R

    Politics Does Australia need a new progressive political party?

    I have a different view on it which is all religions are compatible with secularism - as long as adherents understand that secularism comes first. Your religion pertains to you and nobody else. Secularist societies are in fact the only ones that can guarantee freedom of (and of course, freedom...
  12. R

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    As someone that has worked in the sector for nearly 30 years, unfortunately I feel the same way. However, it is worth noting the quality of research conducted by Australian Universities is generally very high and very competitive on the world stage.
  13. R

    USA Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his role in the Trump government

    Yep, that's how science works. Evidence comes to light, the models get re-assessed. It is of course worth noting the same article noted "The CDC reiterated its faith in the health benefits of fluoride in 2015, naming water fluoridation one of the “10 Greatest Public Health Achievements of the...
  14. R

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    We've been celebrating the pagan goddess Eostre far longer. Hence the name of the holiday.
  15. R

    Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

    My dad was telling me a story from his Catholic educated childhood when a nun gave a speech about a naughty Catholic boy who skipped church to go swimming with Protestant boys. He drowned and was subsequently sent to hell. My dad said he was petrified for months. Another one he told me was the...
  16. R

    USA Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his role in the Trump government

    That's often because those countries already have ample levels of naturally occurring fluoride in the drinking water. In other words, they don't need to add it because it's already there. Fluoride is basically present in all fresh water, regardless if it's added or not...
  17. R

    AFL Lookalikes AFL Look-a-Likes: Chapter 6

    Watched Dawn of the Dead for the umpteenth time last night and this struck me Dylan Moore Stephen "Flyboy" Andrews
  18. R

    Society/Culture Should Diwali, the Indian cultural festival, be made a public holiday across Australia?
  19. R

    4 favourite and 4 least favourite footy media people

    Favourites: Matt Hill Adam Papalia Tony Leonard Sarah Jones Least Favourite Brian Taylor James Brayshaw Luke Darcy Mark Ruiciutto See if anyone can spot a pattern
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    The Worst Trade Ever

    Yeah, this call doesn't look so good in hindsight. Genuine crowd draw, prolific goal kicker and now a premiership player. Well played Lions.
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    USA Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his role in the Trump government

    You do realise all of the talk regarding brain worms and Kennedy refers to his claim that he had an actual worm in his brain?
  22. R

    Gold Coast Suns logo

    That's the biggest rip off since McDowell's.
  23. R

    Covid-19 Covid Inquiry, why no Royal Commission?

    As for kids having less vaccinations
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    Covid-19 Covid Inquiry, why no Royal Commission?

    Who to trust, Robert Kennedy jnr who has no medical or scientific training or actual medically trained professionals from one of the leading research institutions in the world?
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    Covid-19 Covid Inquiry, why no Royal Commission?

    Oh and it's worth looking at the affiliations of the authors. When two of the authors are listed as "Independent Researcher" and the other two are from "The Wellness Company" and the "McCullough Foundation" (both anti-science, anti-vax), I think we're OK in questioning the expertise of the authors.
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    Covid-19 Covid Inquiry, why no Royal Commission?

    Just a tip when quoting research. You might want to have a look at the quality of the outlet that the research was published in. The article you quoted was published in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science and sure enough, it appears in the list of predatory...
  27. R

    Classic Wrestling Thread (60s 70s 80s 90s 00s 10s)

    Why the hell was that a dark match? Great bout - they had terrific chemistry and that could have been a top line feud if they built it up correctly.
  28. R

    Autopsy US Election Day Thread - Trump 47th President of the United States

    And if one party is putting that religious freedom at risk?
  29. R

    Autopsy US Election Day Thread - Trump 47th President of the United States

    Our legal system is founded on the principles of fairness, equality and evidence. You are straw-manning my argument. I quite clearly stated it's a fundamental human right to follow your religion and for others not to. Imagine, if Islam became the most dominant religion in Australia - would you...
  30. R

    Autopsy US Election Day Thread - Trump 47th President of the United States

    The first amendment clearly states the following: Establishment Clause: Prohibits the government from establishing a religion or making any religion the official religion Free Exercise Clause: Protects citizens' right to practice their religion as they please