
  1. Ant Bear

    Official Team Thread Sin City Swamprats S26 Official Team Thread - Far Kern is new TopRat

    ESTABLISHED: SFA SEASON 4 PREMIERSHIPS: 1 (S6) HOME GROUND: THE UNDERGROUND STADIUM COLOURS: BLACK, WHITE, SILVER AND RED S26 Guernseys: Home: Away: CLUB SONG: :musicnotes:Beer, beer the black and the white Honour the beer by day and by night Lift that pint of stout up high Chug down the...
  2. MKMatty

    The Bar - Beer, Wine & Spirits Discussion Thread

    While I'm sitting here watching Big Dish slot a goal in the last to keep us in touch, I began thinking to myself. "Do you know what? The WC board doesn't have enough varied discussion!" In much the same vein as @SpaceClefs critically acclaimed Subway Thread I figured we could pass the time...
  3. marklovesbeer

    Prediction Guess the crowd number NMFC vs GCFC

    Conversation in another thread on here has sparked conversation between a co-worker & myself... Competition time. Guess the crowd for this weekends game! Winner gets a pot of beer. I'll lock in 22,218 spectators through the gates for the North Melbourne home gave against the Gold Coast Suns.