
  1. Kurve

    Current Trial Lindy Williams headless torso surprise & other wacky murder defences

    "She said she headed down towards the bedroom … and she discovered his torso, she says, wrapped in plastic on the floor." The prosecution said Ms Williams told police she didn't know what to do with the torso, so she wrapped it in a tarp, dumped it on the side of the road and set the remains...
  2. Kurve

    Current Animal Abusers & Torturers - Woefully inadequate penalties

    A full-sized adult penguin weighs about a kilo and stands about 30 centimetres tall, essentially a harmless and defenceless little bird. On April 24 this year, Jeffrey was convicted of one count of aggravated cruelty to animals in an attack that lasted several minutes. He beat nine of them to...
  3. Kurve

    Current Salim Mehajer

    "I just wanted to serve the community … for love" Salim Mehajer sentenced to 21 months' jail for electoral fraud Former Auburn deputy mayor Salim Mehajer will spend at least 11 months in jail for rigging the 2012 local NSW government election — the election that rocketed him into the public...