long read ahead

  1. Fryer Tuck

    Media Diary of a Holy Man: Round 2: Old Cranky Roys no match for Bold Lanky Boy

    [NOTE: As per SM's suggestion, there is a secret message to be found for this round. Retrospectively, I have inserted one in last week just now. That would should be easy to find, I hope. PM me with both Round 1 and Round 2 messages. First one back will be a winner! One hint I will provide is...
  2. Fryer Tuck

    Media Diary of a Holy Man: Round 1: Local delicacy; Hawk on the Fork

    [WARNING; I don't know how those goes in terms of length, but you'll be here a while, I've even separated it int titles if you want to skip to a certain bit. The match review from my eyes is listed below. A compilation of everything that happened this first week from my eyes.] Pre-Match Build...