4 weeks for Long - Is it a fair deal?

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Norm Smith Medallist
Jul 6, 2000
AFL Club
Michael Long has copped 4 weeks from the afl tribunal. Do you think that is a good deal? Many would say it is too little amount of time as a young bloke has recieved alot of pain and concussion from the bump. Although, there are others that think 4 is too much as it was not intentional.

What is your opinion?

Also, is the 4 weeks in the actual 2001 season or just the ansett cup? If it is the ansett cup (and I think it is) then I think that should be changed.

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far too much
schwartz dived into jason johnson with both knees and doesnt even get sited

and the suspention is for the cup and then four weeks i think

the tribunal has had a terrible year and they didnt get any better this week

what was the difference between the long/simmons incident and the one between pickett and krummel last year???
What a ridiculously pathetic decision by the tribunal, to have found him guilty then have his suspension served in that crap pre season comp, what a severe penalty, like a slap in the face with a wet tram ticket.
He has basicly walked away scot free whilst his oponent was lucky to just walk away.
If the kid had got straight up and not left the field on a stretcher he wouldn't even have been reported.

What that thug Schwartz did on Johnson deserved just as much if not more - Long's was in the play, Schwartz's wasn't.
Good outcome. V.probably not deliberate insofar as head/neck contact goes (not the tucked in arm too) but very dangerous as it turned out and not something to be encouraged. Anyone just bagging Long as a thugs knows not a dolt about him or the game.

Can't believe Schwartz has gotten away with his hit on JJ.... much worse as it was deliberate at the head - but JJ got up...
Good outcome i thought 4 weeks was just about right
I think it is a far suspension time-wise. But not too sure about the specified timeframe for serving it. Would you say it is as much of a 'punishment' serving it in the Ansett Cup as compared to the season proper?
It give sheedy some ammunition to rev his troops up to do well in the ansett cup - Get four games and get back for what they did to longy

You could give him the benefit of the doubt but I'd rather have seen Pickett (Krummell) and Smart (Salmon) last year go out for heaps - at least smart got some of his own back.

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4 weeks for Long - Is it a fair deal?

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