50m line - put it to good use!

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Every line on the football field has a use except the 50m lines. the 50m lines at the moment are only there for the aesthetics of the game, maybe they should have a purpose.

Maybe a rule could be introduced where when a team leaves their defensive 50m zone they are not permitted to pass back into that zone.

This could help the game when the scores are close with minutes left a team just continually passing backwards into the defensive 50.

Any further ideas?
Out of some of the ideas being put forward that makes more sense than most.

However I still would prefer to see the game left as is (no rule changes) more of a stricter interpretation of the rules (ie pay whats there and more consistent decisions) brought in.
Change is not always bad Grendel.

Better rules and professional umps. would provide a better spectacle.

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50m line - put it to good use!

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