A Collingwood record no one will catch

  • Thread starter magpie greg
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magpie greg

Collingwood have been the team with the most number of premierships in any particular year, either alone or equal with another team, for the most number of years. SO after 1981 Collingwood shared the record with Carlton on 13 flags so both teams would be credited with that year. When you add all up all the seasons for each team this is the result from 1897-1999:

Collingwood 55 (51 years on their own)
Fitzroy 32
Carlton 20
Essendon 10 (1 year on their own, 1897!)

Every one else has a lot of catching up to do.

These are the only teams that have held more premierships than any other at any particular time. It adds up to more than 103 season because there were many years especially between 1898 and 1928 when teams shared the leadership and so counted as a year for both teams.
You must be getting desperate if you have to bring up absolutley pointless statistics like that.
you are really worried arent you
at the end of this year collingwood will be either two behing ess and carl
or two behind carlton
and after this round they will lose there record of most wins at a start of a season
heres an interesting record for you
collingwood has won 10 out of their last forty games
not to impressive is it
and another thing
how many flags has collingwood won in the last 50-60 years
not to many
maybe 3 of their 14
wake up to yourself
collingwood isnt as good as eddie pumps them up to be

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I guess you have to dwell on the past, when your present & future aren't looking to good.

Me, I like to look at a great present & hopefully great future.

But then my team isn't a cellar dweller.

I dont acknowledge you i_luv_westcoast as your team is not a real team, but artifically created. WCE are just another Dolly the Sheep.
In the end all records are just that. Too bad WCE hasnt really got any records.
And you Essendon supporters know you have hardly ever been the best team in the VFL/AFL. Fitzroy had the most premierships in the first 30 years. Collingwood had that record for over 50 years until 1982, and Carlton have held it ever since except for a couple of years when you held it jointly.
But the facts speak for themselves. When you can say that you have had the most premierships for as long as Collingwood have then you may be our equal. Oh and by the way, who has won more times head to head Collingwood or Essendon?

And if we accept your argument, i.e. we are weaker than you, why are you so far behind us in head to head if you have been so much better than Collingwood?
Dan24, short answer only please!
BTW, I dont think Essendon is an arrogant team at all. They are the best at the moment. Their supporters are what gives them a bad name. Please calm down and enjoy the season. I didnt knock the bombers with my stats. I just stated the stats. If you dont believe that is what they reveal, go have a look yourself. Now please argue logically, not emotionally!!!!!
Greg please explain what you mean by "Artificial Team"

I don't understand why or how West Coast is any more or less 'real' than your bunch.

or are you one of those people that think if its not Victorian, then somehow its not 'real'

And how did Collingwood get established in the first place ?

Did they just grow out of the ground or something ?
Collingwoods losing margins
2000 12 losses 41 pts margin
1999 18 26
1998 15 29
1997 12 21
1996 13 28

Should have got Malthouse quicker would have given all of us a bigger laugh.
Say hello to your great grandad for us (he would have seen a half decent Collingwood)
Look forward to next year????
And Collingwood has more head to head than Essendon but, Essendon have more premierships ???? Makes Collingwood more pathetic actually. Ahhhhhh the first thirty
years I remember them well (not)...... And the WCE have a better history and record in thier short time than You ever will...
I'd say hello to my great granddad for you but he was tortured and killed in Europe along with my granddad, and two uncles. Another uncle was jailed for 25 years. The joys of living under communism where among other things there is no freedom of expression. Say hello to your own granddad.

BSA, I think KS was right in those posts he sent you. Obviously touched a sore spot.

I note no one challenged my stats.
magpie greg

No one gives a sh@*, that is why.

Stop living in the past, oops I forgot, that is the only time when your team was fairly successful.

By the way, I have seen Coolingwood when they are on top and I have seen them when they are on the bottom as they are now. One thing I have also seen is Collingwood defeat Essendon in a GF. I have never seen Essendon defeat Collingwood in a GF. I think they did in 1911, but if you discount my stats, then I discount that one too.

Please Essendon supporters, we all know from last year you can be bad losers, how about being gracious in your success this year? Or is the arrogant tag for you an appropriate one?

I accept my team is crap at the moment. I also recall Essendon being a similar team between 1970-1979 Tuddy's coaching notwithstanding. That is the way it goes. At least I admit I support my team when they are on the bottom, I dont jump on any bandwagon. I love Collingwood and I always will support them even if they win the next 27 wooden spoons. Of course some of you will now say something funny like they probably will. If they do so be it. If I am alive I will still support them.

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No Greg

You are the one with the sore spot mate why else did you avoid my question ?

For the second time - could you please explain why the WCE are 'artificial' and Collingwood are not ?

Oh and for the record I actually like Collingwood far more than the Weagles I just can't stand the attitude of fans such as yourself who dismiss clubs like West Coast as 'artificial' when you can't even put forward one single decent arguement about why this is so.

And just a hint mate - don't come back to me with balder-dash about history and tradition, I'm ready and waiting to mow you down on that one ...
BSA, I think you OD'd on the angry pills.

I said artificially created, not artificial. They are a creation of corporate desire, nothing from the heart and soul. All other (VIC) teams came into existence to fulfill a community need. WCE only came into existence to fulfill a financial need. They have as much soul to them as Margaret Thatcher and Bill Gates. They are grim and heartless, even Orwellian. They are the enemy that must be dismantled and destroyed.

Have a nice day.
Magpie Gred, your initial post is full of crap.

Let's suppose we count BACKWARDS, and stsrat from last year and go back to 1897, then Carlton, would hold the record for longer than anyone. Hawthorn would old it for a while too.

Ever premiership is equal. The "order" is irrelevant.

Example : Let say a team won the first 14 premiership from 1897 to 1910. And they didn't win another one. Now lets say in 1960, a team broke even on 14, meaning that for 63 years the first team has held the record. Then the second team win 12 more premiership betwen 1960 and 2000.

At the end of 2000, the second team has won 26, and the first team has won 14, yet the first team held the record for over 60 years. Does that make them more successful NO ! Of course not.

Collingwoood only hold that record becasue all their premierships came early on in their history. I'd rather my team wins their flags LATER rather than early on.

That was a pointless post by you.
It's a good example of a Collingwood supporetr trying to find something to hang their hat on.

The only meaningful premiership total is how it stands NOW. And Carlton hold the record followed by Essendon. it doesn't matter what order any of these three clubs won their premierships. Only the final total is what counts
Dan, your comment on rather winning premierships later than earlier. That's all relative. It's the current that you should be looking at.

As a supporter you want to see your club win premierships while you're alive.

I'm sure those who followed Collingwood in the 20's are glad they won them then. Same with Melbourne in the 50's. I'm sure you want Essendon to win them now. Not in 2100.

If you can understand what I'm getting at? I think I've confused myself???
i think magpie greg has spent to much time in the spa
a couple of points
how many flags have you seen collingwood win
ive seen essendon win 3 day and 5 night flags
ive seen collingwood win one
this year ive seen essendon win 18 games
have collingwood won that many in the last four years
so far they have won ten in two years
live in the present
and stop making up crap stats that are 100 years old to justify the failure of the current team
Another meaningless stat:

Hawthorn has the most premierships you can watch on video !

Kings of the TV age.
I own the entire set of St Kilda premiership videos.

It didn't cost too much nor does it take up much room in my house.

And we are usually the first or second match shown on the Grand Final Marathon each year.

Life is not that bad!
I take no notice of anything that occured pre television age and agree with Pess 100%!

If you cant see it on video it never happened. We must therefore be (9) flags the most succesful team in history.

Greg go over to the West and tell them they are artificial and see the passionate reaction you will get from them. Hate to say it but they are a fairly loyal group of supporters the coasters.

ps lol at saiters post. great comedy is always best when tinged with a touch of melancholy.
ARTIFICIAL!!!!! Screw you magpie boy, there aint nothing artificial about us. We're the most passionate footy club in the entire world.......We love our state, we love our city, and we love our club, through the good and the bad. So piss off Greg and come back when you've got something useful to say.

Grendel thanks mate.
Dan24 - the king of bullsh** as acclaimed by everybody on this board.

When you invent your time machine and start going backwards let me know. Until then you cant change history. Or has Essendon stopped claiming they won the first premiership?

Let me show you some other stats Dan to complement the other Essendon idiot above:

1996- essendon average losing margins in finals 1 pt
1997 essendon average losing margin in finals Oh they didnt make it
1999 Essenon average losing margin in finals - 1 pt

1994 The biggest fall at that time for a premier the following year to 10th.

See if you time machine can change all that Dan.

And by the way, yes my team is hopeless this year and wont be in the finals. After the puerile tirade by Essendon supporters I will be actively supporting Carlton in the finals and sitting behind an Essendon supporter all day. I hope it is one of you guys who has posted.


And to think I was wanting Essendon to actually go thru the season undefeated. Thanks guys for the reality check.

I wont respond to WCE supporters b/c it may disrupt their basket weaving classes.

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A Collingwood record no one will catch

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