A Send-Up of Footy Club Songs

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Feb 8, 2000
I thought, I would share these with you all. For all the Bomber fans, you're song no longer is applicable, however it was good at the time. I think this covers most people's teams.

Collingwood Magpies Club Song
Good old Collingwood forever
Can you spell your name?
If you can you're far too clever
To roar the Magpie name
All the barrackers are shouting
But nothing's understood
Oh, Dr Kemp and his literacy program
Should begin in Collingwood

Richmond Tigers Club Song
Oh, we're from Tigerland
A coach's graveyard, we're from Tigerland
And in fair weather then our coach will wear a grin
But when we need a win
We're right behind him cos we find
The knives go further in
For we're from Tigerland,
We never sack 'em 'til our finals hopes are gone
Since the Tigers of old
It's twenty years in the cold
For we're from Tiger (coach, watch your back)
We're from Tigerland

Sydney Swans Club Song
Cheer, cheer the red and the white
Moved up to Sydney when money was tight
Warwick Capper sure flew high
And Lockett's fat arse blocked out the sky
But whether the shorts be big or be small
Swans need a star or attendances fall
Now the AFL is hoping
And praying for Kelly's knee

Adelaide Crows Club Song
We're the pride of South Australia
The mighty Adelaide Crows
Well, our first six years were failures
And then we jagged two in a row
Full of self-congratulation
The bandwagon ever grows
We're the pride of South Australia
We're the mighty Adelaide Crows
We've got one-hundred thousand members
And a twelve-year waiting list
They sip their wooded chardonnay
Then drive their 4-wheel-drives home pissed
And the umpires are against us
As the free-kick tally shows
Cos they hate us South Australians
And there's a plot against the Crows

Carlton Blues Club Song
We are the Navy Blues
We will do exactly as we choose
We're the team who makes up our own rules
Because the AFL is run by fools
Their regulations
Cause us frustrations
But litigation
Will make them hear what we are saying
Cos we're the shameless old dark Blues

Kangaroos Club Song
Hearts to hearts and hands to hands
We play in front of empty stands
And every week we lose ten-grand
In Sydney and in Melbourne
Out we come, out we come, out we come to play
It doesn't matter where we are, the fans still stay away
Let's try Melbourne, let's try Sydney let's have a bet each way
One thing's for sure, we're easy-beats when Carey doesn't play
So join in the chorus and tell the world the news
We're not called North Melbourne, we're just the Kangaroos
Poor old North Melbourne, they're gonners you'll agree
North Melbourne is the team that plays some games in Syd-a-ney

Brisbane Lions Club Song
We are the pride of Brisbane Town
We merged with Fitzroy for the cash
For we once were backed by a millionaire
But he lost it all in the crash
He left behind a whopping bill
Now he claims he's feeling ill
Dirty schemer, with emphysema
Here's hoping that your health
Is as fragile as your wealth

Essendon Bombers Club Song
See the Bombers screw up, up!
The preliminary final again
As we've seen in recent years
Our finals efforts always end up in tears
See the Bombers screw up, up!
The other teams we don't fear
They all try their best
But they can't get near
Until the Bombers screw up!

Fremantle Dockers Club Song
Freo, watch us go
Sideways, backwards
Against the flow
No wonder we can't win three in a row
We are the Freo Dockers
We're amazing then we're shockin'
Our consistency is rotten
We get draft picks but we swap 'em
So we're always near the bottom
And though we get up at 4 a.m.
We can't stop our huffing, puffing
Show 'em that we're hot
Freo heave ho
Show 'em that we're not
Oh Dockers, d'oh, d'oh, d'oh

Geelong Club Song
We are Geelong - the poorest team of all
We are Geelong - we're going to the wall
All those years ago when Pyramid collapsed
At least you still had the Cats
But we'll be wound up soon if you don't you come
Down to Shell Sta-di-um
So stand up and fight, remember our position
Stand up and fight, break-even is our mission
Buddha changed his name by deed-poll for some cash
But now we've done our dash
And when the cheques all bounce, we'll asset strip
And try receivership

Port Adelaide Power Club Song
Oh, when the Power got in
We thought we would rule
Come on, let's teach those Crows a lesson
Cos we're the Power from Port
But it counted for nought
That we had thirty flags in our possession
And so we stabbed old Jack
In the back, back, back
And said that history here counts for nothing
Sure, it did get us in
But unless we can win
We should stop the huffing and puffing
And now the Category Ones no longer come
It's just the Alberton mob, well, those with jobs
And the heroes are those who on rainy nights
Brave the cold metal seats with their bums clenched tight
And the Port supporters' numbers fall
Early leavers, one and all
Repeat first verse, then: PORT POWER!!!

St. Kilda Saints Club Song
Oh when the Saints, go caving in
To hand the Bulldogs a one point win
No wonder smack sells well in St Kilda
It stops the pain from kicking in.
When will the Saints be sacking Tim
When will the Saints get rid of him
But who on earth would want to take over
You would have to be so dim.

Western Bulldogs Club Song
Sons of bitches
Red white and blue
You'll need twenty stitches
When we're through with you
Bulldogs scratch and bulldogs kick
We do our very worst
And if you play the boys of the old inbreeds
You'll go home in a big, black hearse
Just wondering are u going to give Fat Alberton the credit for his work or are u going to claim it as ur own work?

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Good for a chuckle.

Suspect these may be written by a Carlton fan, though, as the Bluebagger one is about the only one that's not really insulting...more's the pity

(Yet another refugee from Nick's BB)
I have no idea where they came from, I just received them via email in at the office. I'm not claiming them as my own, I just thought they were funny and they were worth sharing.
I have my own Carlton song, which I devised sometime following the 1999 preliminary:

They are the Loser Blues
They are the shit sucking Loser Blues
They're the team that always lets you down
They're the only team old Carlton doesnt know
With all the Losers
They'd like to send 'em
They'll keep their end down
And other teams will know they've been beating
The losing shit sucking blues

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I gotta better verison of the carlscum song! But i dont think i will post it! Coz it could offend alot of ppl so i wont!

Black And White Forever

[This message has been edited by Mags (edited 11 November 2000).]
Shit, now you've gone and done it. You've made me back up G4E. Bombergal, U R the most unorginal, unintelligent, nasty piece of sewerage around. You have a vendetta and waste no time in spewing around the site in every post you make!!! Put down the crayons and get somebody with a grade three or up mentality to help you redeem yourself.

Damn, baited by an Essendon fan and I've lost my calm exterior. Had to be said though!

Shameless Old Dark Blue
Originally posted by Mags:
It's a racist one just warining u now!

Go ahead Mags post it! Just to prove you are like every other uneducated racist supporter there is. But hey, don't disappoint me make sure there are some homophobic lyrics in there as well!


The Blues. The Best in the business.
Are homophobics bad people? I'm homophobic! I don't bag homosexuals, I don't criticise homosexuals, I just would rather them not touching me. I can't change the way I feel. Am I a bad person ?
Not wanting to be a homosexual doesn't make you a homophobe Possible Redneck.

Wanting all homosexuals rounded up and shown the door to the gas chamber makes you a homphobe.

I don't much care for gays either mate - but I am more than content to live and let live.

How the hell did this topic turn into homophoiba?

I would like to add im not racist thats y i didnt wanna post it on here!

Plus I get called a stuipd little wog all the time. I dont mind been called a wog but not in that kinda context. So i wont post the song.

Black And White Forever

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A Send-Up of Footy Club Songs

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