No footy news here, people. I simply have the need to vent some anger. Kindly ignore this post, if you do not wish to listen to me whingeing.
I was late getting to today's match. I was still tearing up West Terrace when the game started. I was queueing to get into the carpark on the north side of Adelaide Oval when a car parked by the side of the road pulled out right in front of me. "You beauty", I thought, as I glided into the spot. Jumped out and raced into the oval, got there about 16 minutes in to the first term. Norwood was already getting thrashed
Went back to my car after the game to find the brown bombers had got me. I had parked in a marked parking area, and the entire street had cars parked along it - all in designated parking areas. 50 metres further along from my car was a temporary "no standing" sign placed over the usual parking sign. Of course, being further along from where I had parked, I didn't notice this until I drove away after the game.
And the fine? FORTY-TWO CLAMS!
For fock's sake - both sides of the street were filled with cars parked in what are normally parking areas. No traffic was impeded in any way. The bloody council, in it's typical money-grubbing wisdom, has decided to declare the street a "no parking" zone for the day. No notification of this was given, other than some temporary signposting at the ends of the parking zones. Once the game was well under way, parking inspectors have calmly wandered along the entire row of parks and stuck a $42 fine on every car. I think that's a bit steep , given that the street is habitually a legal parking zone, and there was no adequate notification of any temporary changes. Methinks the Adelaide council simply saw a way to earn a few easy shekhels for the city coffers.
Tell me, does anyone know if one has to take an arseh*le test before becoming a council employee, or will they just let anyone do the job?

I was late getting to today's match. I was still tearing up West Terrace when the game started. I was queueing to get into the carpark on the north side of Adelaide Oval when a car parked by the side of the road pulled out right in front of me. "You beauty", I thought, as I glided into the spot. Jumped out and raced into the oval, got there about 16 minutes in to the first term. Norwood was already getting thrashed
Went back to my car after the game to find the brown bombers had got me. I had parked in a marked parking area, and the entire street had cars parked along it - all in designated parking areas. 50 metres further along from my car was a temporary "no standing" sign placed over the usual parking sign. Of course, being further along from where I had parked, I didn't notice this until I drove away after the game.
And the fine? FORTY-TWO CLAMS!
For fock's sake - both sides of the street were filled with cars parked in what are normally parking areas. No traffic was impeded in any way. The bloody council, in it's typical money-grubbing wisdom, has decided to declare the street a "no parking" zone for the day. No notification of this was given, other than some temporary signposting at the ends of the parking zones. Once the game was well under way, parking inspectors have calmly wandered along the entire row of parks and stuck a $42 fine on every car. I think that's a bit steep , given that the street is habitually a legal parking zone, and there was no adequate notification of any temporary changes. Methinks the Adelaide council simply saw a way to earn a few easy shekhels for the city coffers.
Tell me, does anyone know if one has to take an arseh*le test before becoming a council employee, or will they just let anyone do the job?