Aka bags umps

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Brownlow Medallist
Nov 17, 2000
Perth, Western Australia.
AFL Club
West Coast
Other Teams
Post Count: 125,527
Aka said the umpires were biased by the crowd and to look at where Brisbanes frees were pain (on the wing) and Pies(in the fifty). Also that most of the 50/50 decisions wenrt the pies way.He stressed it was a personal opinion not a club one but that something needed to be done about it.
Originally posted by Frodo
Aka said the umpires were biased by the crowd and to look at where Brisbanes frees were pain (on the wing) and Pies(in the fifty). Also that most of the 50/50 decisions wenrt the pies way.He stressed it was a personal opinion not a club one but that something needed to be done about it.

I reckon Akka is full of ****. Not Collingwoods fault if theyh didnt give away as many undisciplined frees in the opponents 50 as Brisbane did.

The umpiring was bad, but at least it was consistently bad. Like the pushes in the back - they paid them all day.
Good call Macca,

although the umpiring wasn't great at least that they were consistent, there's nothing worse than inconsistency.

Whattya complaining about Aka got yourself a second Premiership medallion, shut up we don't wanna see your face in the paper! :D

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Akermanis is showing what a poor winner he is as usual and bad sportsmanship in whole. All year he has gobbed off about everything but there is a saying "what goes around comes around" and poor old akers wont be able hide behind the media when he plays the crows next season and Carey knocks him into a coma.
Akermanis is a W A N K E R!!!

What an idiot! honestly, he is so full of ****, he is the worst winner I have ever seen. Pathetic full of himself ****head.

C'mon Aker(face) get your facts straight. Just how many goals did Brisbane get from free kicks? Or more precisely when did they occur?

BTW, those push in the back free kicks really **** me off. I mean if someone is already on the way down on the ground, how in the hell are you supposed to tackle them without that sort of action? Are you supposed to dive under them and tackle from the bottom? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by jerry springer
Akermanis is showing what a poor winner he is as usual and bad sportsmanship in whole. All year he has gobbed off about everything but there is a saying "what goes around comes around" and poor old akers wont be able hide behind the media when he plays the crows next season and Carey knocks him into a coma.

Those are beautiful words, Jerry.

Especially the bit about Carey knocking him into a coma.

I look forward to seeing Akermanis doing wheelies in his wheelchair.
Originally posted by AlfAndrews
I look forward to seeing Akermanis doing wheelies in his wheelchair.

Isn't there a Collingwood supporter group for people with disabilities, many of whom, are in wheelchairs?

I suppose you make fun of them too, Alf?

I would have expected better from someone who lauds themselves as being 'educated' . . .
Originally posted by AlfAndrews

I'm talking about Akermanis ... not people with disabilities.

Fair enough, although, the original comment tended to suggest that there was a sense in finding people in wheelchairs to be "humerous", by the nature of their affliction (regardless of whether or not you were specifying a particular individual).

Having worked with (and for) people with disabilities, I can tell you, that most of them have a great sense of humour themselves . . . although, there's certainly nothing 'funny' in laughing 'at' such people about the facts of their situation.

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Originally posted by Frodo
Aka said the umpires were biased by the crowd and to look at where Brisbanes frees were pain (on the wing) and Pies(in the fifty). Also that most of the 50/50 decisions wenrt the pies way.He stressed it was a personal opinion not a club one but that something needed to be done about it.

Just shows that some people like Voss and Matthews can be gracious in victory while morons remain morons.

People didnt mind Akermanis last year. This year he has tried to raise his media profile by being controversial fair enough.

But when he pushes it too far and becomes plain and simply obnoxious, he will find out that people have long memories. SOme of the other comments he made along with his umpires manure will come back to haunt him.

I will look forward to the retribution exacted on this bottle blonde colonic opening who won a Brownlow Medal.
Re: Re: Aka bags umps

Originally posted by MGREG

Just shows that some people like Voss and Matthews can be gracious in victory while morons remain morons.

People didnt mind Akermanis last year. This year he has tried to raise his media profile by being controversial fair enough.

But when he pushes it too far and becomes plain and simply obnoxious, he will find out that people have long memories. SOme of the other comments he made along with his umpires manure will come back to haunt him.

I will look forward to the retribution exacted on this bottle blonde colonic opening who won a Brownlow Medal.

Fair point...... but it wouldnt have suprised me if he had also said this had they lost....... then it would have been news.
Adelaide vs Brisbane next year WILL be the game to watch.I used to respect akermanis but over the past few months he has just gobbed off continously.The king may lose some of his football ability but none of his presence.Akermanis should learn not to kick a man when he is down,cuz he will in the same situation soon.
I agree (at least in part) with Akermanis.

I don't think there's any institutionalised bias in place, but the umpiring in the first three quarters was woefully skewed yesterday. Even when it even out in the last quarter, the Lions were robbed of as many goals as they kicked (two each).
Originally posted by jerry springer
Adelaide vs Brisbane next year WILL be the game to watch.I used to respect akermanis but over the past few months he has just gobbed off continously.The king may lose some of his football ability but none of his presence.Akermanis should learn not to kick a man when he is down,cuz he will in the same situation soon.

You seem to be under some impression that Akermanis has said something about Carey which has been worse than anything anyone else has said, or will say in the future.

For what it's worth, Akermanis hardly made much of a mention on Carey anyway. What he did say wasn't worth even commenting on, as it was a throw-away line, made by someone who is recognised as being a clown (and I bet he would even admit that himself), which was ultimately taken out of context anyway (which isn't to say that I agreed with his comments - as I said that I didn't at the time).

Similarly, Carey is a bona-fide professional, and it would be to his own detriment if he were to decide upon taking some ridiculous course of action. What could possibly be a more stupid thing to do, on Carey's behalf, but return to football after this year's debacle, and tarnish himself by deliberately targetting a star opposition player?

Even if Carey were to take a swipe at Akermanis, you can bet that he too, would face some serious attention from a number of other Lions players. Even with Carey's capabilities, I know who I'd be backing.
Originally posted by jerry springer
name a player that will threaten Carey???

u opened your mouth not me:D

Actually, just to correct you there, you opened YOUR mouth first . . . I wouldn't mind shutting it for you though, if that's what you want.

However, just to appease your increasing inferiority complex (before it swallows you whole), I'll answer your question (seeing as though you're incapable of putting the equation together).

Now, read carefully, because I'll only be saying this once (you can take as many notes as you want).

I'd consider that Leppitsch and Brown have great 'psycho' tendencies than Carey, and likewise, the likes of Voss, and C.Scott and B.Scott aren't shy of having a go at anyone, as far as I've seen.

At any rate . . . what has Carey playing for the Crows got to do with you? I mean, aren't you a Collingwood supporter? Has Akermanis got you THAT rattled? You've got nothing better to talk about?

Go and take a hint from Brodie . . . you sound like you're a bit pent up.

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Aka bags umps

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