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how do i mean?

There's Rednecks, Prostitutes, Cross-dressers, Homosexuals and Lesbians, nymphomaniacs, drag queens, you name it , there represented on here by someone...
not to mention the chairthrowing, name calling, scrag fights, punch ons and screaming matchs...

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You havn't seen anything yet. Wait until Rooboy and I get stuck into it.

Great to see all these Collingwood fans FINALLY make an appearance on bigfooty. I thought that it was because most of the didn't own computers (or homes for that matter), but I was mistaken.

Oh well, when the footy season starts and they begin their annual slide dwn the ladder, they'll disappear as usual. *smile*
Originally posted by SS11:

There's Rednecks, Prostitutes, Cross-dressers, Homosexuals and Lesbians, nymphomaniacs, drag queens, you name it , there represented on here by someone...

Okay then, name 1 person from the boards to fit the above descpritions.

I'm waiting....
Originally posted by Spidergirl~RiCkChiCk:
hey we never friggen well dissappear when we r at the bottom of the ladder we r in it for the long haul we aint no fickle bandwagoners like Richmond, Saints and Essendon!!!!!!!

sPiDeR eVeRiTt and RiCkY oLaReNsHaW
~kewlest players round!!!


Ok exactly what do you mean.
Essendon are at the top of the ladder so they might get bandwagons
Saints are at the bottom so they may lose some
And Richmond are in the middle,so i dont know what you mean their


You kinda all over the place
I will be the Nymphomaniac...


Dan can be the cross dresser or drag queen... it is up to him...
Given that someone else has taken "nymphomaniac", I had better snap up "redneck" before I get stuck with any of the others.

May a redneck wear a suit?

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Go & have a look at Nicks collingwood page discussion board, I think you will find it very interesting reading, I know I did I haven't laughed so much in ages.
Me & Bluey rate quite a few unfavourable mentions as well.


[This message has been edited by sandie (edited 10 October 2000).]

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