Annoying things stupid people do

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Team Captain
Sep 21, 2002
Somewhere else, thank Chr
Got in the lift to go downstairs for lunch today. A few floors later, the lift stops and a woman gets in. She looks at the lift panel, sees that the 'Ground' button is pressed, and she then proceeds to press it again.

What is the point? Is that going to make the lift go faster? Is it an Eddie McGuire lift ("Are you sure you want to go to the ground? Just have a look at the other options for a second.")? Doesn't she trust me? "Ah, it says ground, but who knows what this fellow is up to. I'd best press the already-illuminated button again to make sure I get to the ground floor."

Silly bint.

So, tell me, what things do stupid people do to annoy you?

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People who are warned about a situation and advised, then go against that advice only to whine and carry on after the situation has turned out badly and exactly as advised it would!!!!! :mad:

People who do not think!

People who go out with the boys all weekend, then come Sunday night, wants me to give up a night out with the girls to accomodate him... I DONT THINK SO!!!

People who call you at 4am on their way home and want to come over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Mocca
Got in the lift to go downstairs for lunch today. A few floors later, the lift stops and a woman gets in. She looks at the lift panel, sees that the 'Ground' button is pressed, and she then proceeds to press it again.

What is the point? Is that going to make the lift go faster? Is it an Eddie McGuire lift ("Are you sure you want to go to the ground? Just have a look at the other options for a second.")? Doesn't she trust me? "Ah, it says ground, but who knows what this fellow is up to. I'd best press the already-illuminated button again to make sure I get to the ground floor."

Silly bint.

So, tell me, what things do stupid people do to annoy you?

You whinging little bitch...! Did it ever occur to you that by pressing the Ground button, that activates the doors to close, instead of waited for them to close automatically... thus a quicker route down and away from you! :D :D :D
Originally posted by Mocca
Got in the lift to go downstairs for lunch today. A few floors later, the lift stops and a woman gets in. She looks at the lift panel, sees that the 'Ground' button is pressed, and she then proceeds to press it again.

What is the point? Is that going to make the lift go faster? Is it an Eddie McGuire lift ("Are you sure you want to go to the ground? Just have a look at the other options for a second.")? Doesn't she trust me? "Ah, it says ground, but who knows what this fellow is up to. I'd best press the already-illuminated button again to make sure I get to the ground floor."

Silly bint.

So, tell me, what things do stupid people do to annoy you?

Or how about the people who want to go down, yet feel compelled to press both the 'up' and the 'down' buttons?

eg. You're in the elevator going up, when all of a sudden, you stop on level X, only to have some idiot poke their head in and say "oh, is this going up or down?"

It's even more annoying when you work in a building with lifts that seem to be permanently stoned.
Originally posted by Sly77
It really irritates me when someone hits the button at pedestrian crossings a thousand times - when they know as well as I do that pressing it more than once is NOT going to change them any quicker.

Are you sure ? I'm not so sure myself.

I remember whan MS Windows 3.0 came out - someone I knew used to whiz his mouse pointer (egg timer) round in circles when it was processinf something. I thought it was ridiculous yet later came actoss a technical note that it did actually work.
Originally posted by Mocca
Got in the lift to go downstairs for lunch today. A few floors later, the lift stops and a woman gets in. She looks at the lift panel, sees that the 'Ground' button is pressed, and she then proceeds to press it again.

What is the point? Is that going to make the lift go faster? Is it an Eddie McGuire lift ("Are you sure you want to go to the ground? Just have a look at the other options for a second.")? Doesn't she trust me? "Ah, it says ground, but who knows what this fellow is up to. I'd best press the already-illuminated button again to make sure I get to the ground floor."

Silly bint.

So, tell me, what things do stupid people do to annoy you?

Ahhh lifts.....

These magical contraptions must surely have the power to either attract those who are mentally challenged, or reduce usually sensible people to brain dead arse clowns.

I work in a building with 4 groups of lifts, each taking you to one of 4 sets of floors. Easy enough?

Everyday, at least 10 idiots get in the wrong one, and then complain that the place is not properly signed. Maybe a short course in literacy would be of use you moron.

In the lift, instead of a button labelled "level 1" there is an obviously confusing button labelled "Ground Level". After much study, some turn to me and request help with this task.

I am forced to hold their hands while we split the atom, and this fantastic and useful member of society walks into the open air, and continues to steal valuable oxygen.
I love it when people get on a tram where the destination is clearly marked on the front and proceed to ask every passenger whether the tram is going to that destination.

An even better example occurred while I was heading to the Hawthorn-Collingwood game at the MCG in round 19 when a bloke asked whether he was on a tram or train.

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God thats stupid....
I asked my housemate to set the table (or at least get the cutlery out for our tea that i was cooking) and she gave us knives and forks to use - to eat pasta shells.... :rolleyes:
And when we first moved in together i was cooking some eggs and she while watching, asked why they were clear.... thought they were white the whole way through, even before cooked, she did... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Rohan_
Really annoys me when females take forever to get themselves ready. Missed the 21st of a good mate because this shelfish girl wouldn't stop doing her makeup.

Now rohan dont say I dont do anything for you....
This is an extract from what is commonly known as "The code" a set of interalted rules that men should live there lives by.

"The minimum amount of time you have to wait for another guy
who's running late is 5 minutes. for a girl, you are required to wait 10 minutes for every point of hotness she scores on the classic 1-10 scale. "
Originally posted by Mocca
Got in the lift to go downstairs for lunch today. A few floors later, the lift stops and a woman gets in. She looks at the lift panel, sees that the 'Ground' button is pressed, and she then proceeds to press it again.

So, tell me, what things do stupid people do to annoy you?
Yeah, that's one of my hates too Buzz, i've posted that and others before...
Originally posted by Sly77
It really irritates me when someone hits the button at pedestrian crossings a thousand times - when they know as well as I do that pressing it more than once is NOT going to change them any quicker.

These pedestrians also press the button after its been already pressed by someone else. You can clearly see the red light ulluminated, why press it again? The thing that sh.ts me though is that a good dozen people press it one after the other before they realise that its been pressed enough.

Also, when the bus pulls up to the bus stop, why do all the old people push to get on first? Especially in footscray. I just stand back and watch these old ladies pushing and shoving to be first on the bus (I guess that seat behind the driver is really popular among them ;))
I hate when people just stand on the escalator. It's not a ride... you are supposed to walk up them, they are designed to make the climb quicker.
Originally posted by Possumisagun
I hate when people just stand on the escalator. It's not a ride... you are supposed to walk up them, they are designed to make the climb quicker.

Gee I hate that, shopping centres are Mecca's for stupid people, as soon as they enter the doors everything must dissapear and they are in a land of their own and don't notice anything or anyone around them.

Try and walk past one (because they all dawdle as if they are 90 years old) and you can guarantee they will change direction at the last second to force you to go the other way around them, as soon as you do try and go the other way around them they will change direction again just to infuriate you more.

Sometime you would just love to put your foot in the back of some of these idiots and kick them down the escalators, no wonder these people are so fat, walking up an escalator is to physically demanding for them.
Here's another one, people who wait for carpark spaces to become available by following people who are walking to their cars.

Especially when there are plenty of spaces less than 20 mtrs further along! Here is a good trick if you ever get one of these people following you, when you finally get to your car take your time getting into the car (putting away whatever you have to into the boot) then put the car into reverse to bring up you reverse lights then sit there for a few minutes listening to the radio. After that reverse your car out and then go straight back in and get out of your car and go straight back into the shops/restaurant/whatever you came from.
Indicators: people who don't know what they're for.. they are supposed to indicate what you are about to do, many people put them on ay the same time they are changing lanes, as if to say 'hey I'm changing lanes' well duuuh I already know you are changing lanes, they're supposed to announce 'look out, I'm about to change lanes.'

People who stand in doorways and talk, they're so engrossed in conversation when you politely say 'excuse me' they don't move.. so you push past them and then they have the nerve to get agro when you call them f*wits.

Oh yeah.. and 'loose' for 'lose' and 'here here' for 'hear hear'. Ya hear? :D
Originally posted by Zombie
Especially when there are plenty of spaces less than 20 mtrs further along! Here is a good trick if you ever get one of these people following you, when you finally get to your car take your time getting into the car (putting away whatever you have to into the boot) then put the car into reverse to bring up you reverse lights then sit there for a few minutes listening to the radio. After that reverse your car out and then go straight back in and get out of your car and go straight back into the shops/restaurant/whatever you came from.

annoying things = ppl that take ages to unpack groceries and leave !! ahhaah..

also, for some reason... tossers think that they can just stop and pick up a person in a single lane street, while blocking up the rest of the traffic flow.... as long as their hazard lights are on !!
Originally posted by Blues_Brat
Indicators: people who don't know what they're for.. they are supposed to indicate what you are about to do, many people put them on ay the same time they are changing lanes, as if to say 'hey I'm changing lanes' well duuuh I already know you are changing lanes, they're supposed to announce 'look out, I'm about to change lanes.'

People who stand in doorways and talk, they're so engrossed in conversation when you politely say 'excuse me' they don't move.. so you push past them and then they have the nerve to get agro when you call them f*wits.

Oh yeah.. and 'loose' for 'lose' and 'here here' for 'hear hear'. Ya hear? :D

Ah indicators, with the new "roundabout" road rules that they have brought in people have no idea how to use them.

Don't know if you have them anywhere else but in the last 5 years (could be longer) they brought in a new rule that when you are turning right at a roundabout you have to first indicate right and then indicate left when turning off the roundabout to alert the other drivers that you are crossing a lane an not going right around.

Well this is impossible to understand for alot of people, some people now indicate even when they are going straight on and then indicate again for some reason, others don't bother indicating at all and some just indicate the way they always used to do it. Have even seen someone turn right at the traffic lights (not at a roundabout) indicating right and then indicating left once they were half way round.

On your point, when I learnt to drive it was "Mirrors, indicate, brake, turn", for some people they seem to have learnt "Turn, break indicate"

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Annoying things stupid people do

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