Another bloody music thread

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Brownlow Medallist
Dec 7, 2000
country Vic
AFL Club
North Melbourne
Ok this is another music thread, and to save me saying it later... IF YOU THINK THE TOPIC IS CRAP THEN PISS OFF AND READ SOMETHING ELSE!

With all the talk of guitars and stuff lately, I was just thinking everyone should do a list of their 10 or so favourite guitar solos. I would be interesting to see the differences and comparisons in styles and tastes. I'll start with my top 10 (not necessarily the 10 best technical/playing wise, just my favourite 10).

1. UFO - Lights Out (lead guitar by Michael Schenker)
2. Rainbow - A Light In The Black (Ritchie Blackmore)
3. Deep Purple - Child In Time (Ritchie Blackmore)
4. UFO - Mother Mary (Michael Schenker)
5. Manowar - My Spirit Lives On (Karl Logan)
6. The Eagles - Hotel California (Joe Walsh & Don Felder)
7. Megadeth - Hangar 18 (Marty Friedman & Dave Mustaine)
8. Cacophony - Speed Metal Symphony (Marty Friedman & Jason Becker)
9. Arch Enemy - Silverwing (Mike Arnott)
10. Ted Nugent - Stranglehold (Ted Nugent)

Self-indulgent topic, but stiff shit!

Other bands play, Manowar KILL !!!!!!!!!
Good thread but tough.

My top 10 are: (In no particular order)

1. Ian Moss - Georgia on my mind (barking spiders)
2. Angas Young - Thunderstruck (very clever)
3. Richie Blackmore - Child in Time
4. Jimmie Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower (Not his best but I like it)
5. Carlos Santa - Black Magic Woman
6. Slash - A few on them but I like the end bit on November Rain
7. Ian Moss - Bow River (his live version)
8. Scott Goram (Thin Lizzy)- The Boys are back in Town
9. Mark Knoffler - Sultans of Swing (Live version)
10. Gary Moore - Still Got the Blues

These are all solos that I have listened to hundreds of times and never got sick of. I've had a mental block and most of these are fairly well known. I could throw in anything from Joe Satriani, Snowy White, etc.
Yeah I would have big fat fav one


What a legend, but all the AC/DC songs are awesome!!

Good Thread Darky

~*~Go Chippa!!~*~
~*~Go Binger!!~*~

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Sorry Darky, I've only heard of one on your list. (No 6)
Here goes mine. I tried to be diverse as I could because I didn't want to list 5 songs from any particular artist.

1. Living Colour - Cult of Personality
2. David-Lee Roth - Knucklebones (S Vai)
3. Prince - Purple Rain
4. Joe Satriani - Always With Me, Always With You
5. Van Halen - Hot For Teacher
6. Skid Row - Wasted Time
7. Kiss - Detroit Rock City
8. Whitesnake - Still of the Night
9. GNR - Rocket Queen
10. Lenny Kravitz - ALways on the Run (Slash)

I know I'm going to kick myself when I think of about 10 more I could have included.
Another music thread!!!!

This is a FOOTY site, you should be talking footy. You innocently enter a thread expecting reasoned debate on footy and it's just more MUSIC! Blah, blah, blah.
One for the oldies here

Do you (Love like this ?) - Peter Frampton

a 70's classic - as bad as it is good (if you know what I mean ?
Any of Peter Framptons
Any of Jimi Hendrix's

What about these -

"Smoke on the Water" or "Burn" by Deep Purple

"Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin

"I was made for loving you" by Kiss

"Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden

"Sweet Child O'Mine" by Guns n Roses

"Tojo" by HoodooGurus

"Wildflower" bt The Cult

.... not necessarily the most brilliant around, but a few of fave's !!!

Anyway, that's what I reckon ........

mud n blood
sweet child o mine and smoke on the water deserve special mentions

but off guitars for a sec
who gets a chill down there spine when they hear the piano at the start of "khe sahn"
i know i do

oh and i think flea from red hot chilli peppers deserves a mention for being the best bass guitarist on the planet at the moment, that guy is amazing
In no particular order:

SOMA - (Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins)
CHERUB ROCK - (Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins)
ERUPTION (Van Halen)
PARANOID ANDROID - (Johny Greenwood, Radiohead)
STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (Jimmy Page, Led Zeppelin)
LITTLE WING (Jimi Hendrix)
ZERO (James Iha, Smashing Pumpkins)
PORCH (Mike McCready, Pearl Jam)

Of course, there are tonnes of others that could be added to the list - and it all depends on how you feel at the time . . .
Thanks to all for their contibutions so far...
I'm Napstering everyone's suggestions as we speak! Keem 'em comin!

But Walshy, I have a slight bone to pick...

Originally posted by walshy1993:

oh and i think flea from red hot chilli peppers deserves a mention for being the best bass guitarist on the planet at the moment, that guy is amazing

If you have Napster or Audio Galaxy, I dare you to download Manowar's "Black Arrows" (3 minute instrumental) and tell me that Joey DeMaio of Manowar isn't better! Have a listen..... YES that IS a bass he is playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other bands play, Manowar KILL !!!!!!!!!

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Wasn't going to post this,but changed my mind. Get a copy of Handels "Largo" played on a big pipe organ. Play it thru a powerful system very loudly. If the last part doesn't make you shiver, then nothing will.
I know, 99% of you have never heard of Handel or Largo and wouldn't know just how big and powerful a real pipe organ is. The other 1% just might understand.
I enjoy Living Color, also The Cult for Wildhearted Son and Love Removal Machine.

Fave riff would be from TISM's 'If you're ugly, forget it', probably by Leak Van Vlalen.

Then again, I know so little about music that that could have been a keyboard riff.

For keyboard riffs ('cause you were all talking about them), TISM's 'Knocking on the toilet door' is grouse.

What abotu ZZ Top's 'Heard It On The X' ... was that guitar?
Walshy, i get a chill down my spine everytime i hear a cold chisel song. Cause i know that in a few seconds after that the diabolical sound that is Jimmy Barnes 'singing' (he cant even scream well) will soon follow.

Enough to send a chill down anyones spine i reckon
Having been given a blues cd for xmas .... have a listen to the solo in "Have you ever loved a woman" by Derek and the Dominoes.

Now THIS I can drink to .....

Anyway, that's what I reckon ........

mud n blood
As promised to Wally I've dug up this topic for his perusal.

Since my original list of solos was done I've bought stacks of CDs and other worthy additions to the list are :
Scorpions - Catch Your Train (Uli Jon Roth)
Uli Jon Roth - Burning Wheels Turning, Bridge to Heaven (Puccini re-worked)
Rhapsody - Lord of the Thunder
Scorpions - Sun In My Hand (Uli Jon Roth)
Uli Jon Roth - the entire Transcendental Sky Guitar double CD set. Absolutely mind-blowing!!!!!!

"Not by speech-making and the decisions of majorities will the questions of the day be settled... but by iron and blood" - Otto von Bismarck 1862
Ta Darky,
Mud 'n' Blood, 'Have You Ever Loved a Woman' by Derek & The Dominoes is brilliant. Eric Clapton is the king. Just my opinion.

where's wally?
a few....

I also like Bow River (live) and Sultans of Swing (live)....

A lot of stuff from Clapton's 24 nights album (even "wonderful tongiht" - my wife liked that at our wedding)

picking up on the classical theme...

Dvojak (sp ?) Symphony of the new world (no. 9) - for those of you who saw Disney's Fantasia it was the song in the New York construction site bit.

Not guitar but the Rattle 'n Hum verson of "I still havn't found what I'm looking for" gets me going without fail.


anything by Muddy Waters....


not really into new age jazz...but regularly listen to the Duke (Ellington)...Count Basie (sp ?).


James Taylor, some Simon & Garfunkel (sp?)

Country & Western ?????

The Gambler.....Did you know that Kenny Rogers has his own Fried Chicken chain in Malaysia (Kenny Roger's Roasters !!!) there's his big head on the sign !!!

What have I left out ????

Gospal - I really like gospal but don't know any actual performers.

What don't I like.....

Crass American guitar bands of the '80s (Guns & Roses etc etc) - anything with more than 1 rhythm guitar) - The Boss (sorry Joffa) and other "so called" working man's artists in their huge mansions. Can't really think of much post 1990 which I would say I would still be listenning to in 10 year's time.


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Another bloody music thread

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