Arch and Dan24

  • Thread starter Don
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Does anyone get the feeling that Dan24 and Arch have spent the whole summer rocking back and forth on a rocking chair muttering 'he was wrong, he was wrong it was ours, ours'

time to leave happy acres fellas
Don, how more right could you be.

Back to Back Kangaroos, no its not a new sexual position.

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It's got nothing to do with Essendon.

No, I'm just annoyed that North Melbourne were not recognised for being the best team of the year in 1998, after they finished above all others over 22 weeks. Sure it was a good effort of Adelaide to win 3 finals, but it was a BETTER effort of North Melbourne's to finish above evreyone over 22 weeks. You have to peak over the WHOLE year to do that, rather than just over 3 weeks

Both Adelaide, and the Kangaroos should have been recognised for their seperate acheivements.

Nothing played over such a short period of time (i.e one month) is adequate, when trying to find the years best team. They years best team is found over 6 months, not 2 hours.

That acheibvement should be recognised. Same with St.Kilda in 1997 etc
Why be so easily baited Dan? Just let the next coupla years speak for themselves.

Everyone knows how hard Essendon is now.
Everyone knows that Essendon was by far the best team last year but blew it - that's why they love it! If we were crap no one would have made that big a deal about the Prelim.

You know you're in trouble when your own supporters think you're an embarrassment on a public forum - so pull your head in.

Barney, you are a typical Carlton supporter.

Nuff said.
Top spot is an important topic, becasue it has a lot to do with what foty is about- winning. At least footy at a professional level.

The whole nature of sucess and competitiveness is compromised, if top spot is not rewarded in some way.

A lot of people don't see things like you and I, and they need to be told.

It's got nothing to do with Essendon. It's whoever the top team happens to be. If peple don't want to read what I write, don't read it.

I havn't met a person yet who disagrees that top spot should get more recognition than it currently does.
hell- ive ruined long term relationships and not felt as bad as i did that day.
f**king oath it was ours, evry north fan knows it !!!!!
season 2000- 22 from 22.
carltons '95 record WILL go down.
(hey!!!! what'd i do with that rocking chair......hmmmm)
Dan get over this top spot nonsense.
I do understand where your coming form on it but you have to look to one thing I feel that your missint when looking at how the twentytwo weeks deserves a reasonalbe respsone to being the best team.

It cant be taht for the simple fact that not all teams have played each other twice.

If it were a perfect draw and everybody met at their respective home and away grounds for a defenite conclusion then yes I would agree with you 100%. But when some Clubs that finish 1/2/3 whatever and may play the bottom two teams twice while a club that finishes 4/5 play clubs 6/7/8 twice extra....

It is a bit confusing but I hope you see what i mean.

When it all comes down to it the Premiership is what counts. This isnt soccer and we have a finals system to decide the best team.
As many have said finals are what counts and you may be a world beater during the season proper but it ALL counts for nought if you cant deliver in the heat of finals footy.Where the real champions are made.
Grendel, I know exacrly what you mean, and you make a good point.


Currently, the premiership is decided over a 4 week finals series, in which the Kangaroos played only 3 of the other 7 finalists (7th, 3rd and 6th)

Is this an appropriate way to find the years best team ?

Sure, over the H & A you don't play everyone twice. But, you play everyone at leats once over a 22 week schedule.

It's not totally fair, but it is fairer than the finals.

That's why you should have H & A premiers. Then , after that has been declared, have the finals series. The winner is final series champions.

It's not changing much really. The GF is still the last day of the year, but top spot would be recognised.

It is obvious for everyone to see, that the H&A , whilst not totaly even, is much more even than the finals series, and the finals series is what you are comparing it to.

22 weeks is the best way to find the years best team. Sure 30 weeks would be ideal, but that's not going to happen.

For 100 years people have accepted that the GF winer isn't necessarily the best team, Everyone has known this, and admitted it (eg 97, and 98), so it's about time the best team over 22 weeks get rewarded, rather than the best team over three weeks.

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Arch and Dan24

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