Bell might stay after all!!!

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Aug 23, 2000
In the pouch
Other Teams
North Melbourne
Here is my theory behind this statement:
If North cant come to terms with Freo then I dont see why Bell would go into the draft when all he wants to do is go back to Perth. I dont know who has the first pick, I guess St Kilda. Bell would rather stay at North I would have thought. So why is it up to North, I think they know this is the case and therefore are just leaving it up to Fremantle to make a equal trade or even better. Whats wrong with that?
What's wrong with that?

If Bell doesn't want to be at North next season but is forced to stay, he may become the Fraser Gherig of 2001. ie: not try because he wants to go home.

North knocked back Draft picks, 6, 8 and Sinclair. They were offered another deal involving draft picks 6, 22 and Heath Black.


They are clearly not interested in early draft picks as they have a plethora of young talent coming through the ranks. NOT.

What more can the Dockers offer?

The latest offer is supposed to be Bandy, What is it with North and Fremantle bean-poles?

Come to think of it, What is it with North and Fremantle players in general?

It is simialr to Geelong and North players.
The Roos just want to make the Dockers and Bell sweat and maybe come to his senses..funny if Bell ends up in the draft and StKilda have wasted all their rupees on Gehrig and cant pay the little traitor what he wants..could be the same deal for Hamill.. Swans have nothing to trade thanks to the dumb deal they did for Paul Williams.

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what more can freo offer?
and why wont the roos accept what has been offered
i mean heath black is a great young player and jess has his great days ie: last game against brisbane and he has the ability to give some great knocks
i just wanna know why the roos haven't accepted one of the 2 great choices
i'd prefer they take jess heath is to cute to leave
I reckon the trade will go through in the end. As Barney wrote, they're just making the Dockers sweat and we're hoping to get that one extra draft pick. I figure that with picks 6 and 8 plus Black, then the trade works in our favour. Both sides of the trade have plenty to lose if Bell does not go to will send signals that Freo don't know how to force a trade and the next time they try and tempt a player back home, there will be doubts in the players mind; North will lose their best player of 2000 for nothing and questions will be raised about the competency of our administration; and finally, Bell still ends up thousands of kilometres away from home. With every side having so much a stake, one side will back down, and I think on the balance, Freo (and Bell) have just that little bit more to lose.

As for GoCatsGo, I wouldn't expect anything less from the North administration than to play hard ball with the Dockers. They're not too happy about losing Bell, so why not try and see if we can indeed squeeze blood out of a stone. After all, your club did the same thing with the Colbert deal (hum...all those lovely draft picks....always remember, if Colbert didn't come to us, you probably would neve have gotten Spriggs).
The Nomads will buckle with a minute left on the clock on Tuesday and Bell will go to Freo.

Took Colbert almost to the deadline for the Nomads to get that deal through too.
Shins, We wuld have got Spriggs, we wouldn;t have got Ezra Bray! Even though North gave Geelong no 15, Geelong also had 17.

In the end, Geelong was about the only team chasing Spriggs. It surprised me that we were able to wait as long as 15 to get him.

Just like I'm sure it surprised Melbourne that Brad Green was still available at 19. That really grates on me that we had 3 chances to get him, and didn't.

Shins, Who are your up and coming players?

I always rated Hewitt, but it seems that he has decided to leave. Brent Harvey is going to be a champion and Motlop can play. Who else is there?
Even if the deal with Fremantle and North dont go through (which I seriously doubt, I think by the end of this week we'll find Bell back in the west and the new skipper or leadership role in the club)

From what I heard on the footy feedback on radio last week the Kangaroos president or CEO abused Bell for not being loyal to a club who had stuck by him (Gee, what about Colbert?) so I doubt Bell would want to stay at a club for :

1) He wanted to be traded from
2) That looks to be going downhill
3) Where the management dont want him back.

He'd probably prefer to be playing for South Freo and wait for 2002.
My opinion is Bell will come to Freo. He doesn't have a grudge against them - just Neesham and his ex-coaching panel.

Bell seemed pretty confident of returning to the dockers in a television interview and I doubt he's changed his mind.
I agree with you Shinners that the deal will go through, I dont think there is any doubt. The Black deal sounds pretty damn good I think. Black is a great player, I think from out Mulgrave way in the Eastern Suburbs.
As for GCG, North do have a fair bit of youth waiting to get their chance once the big guns retire, but it is a shame that we do lose some of them who dont want to wait (eg Hewitt).
Our youth future, pre draft:
Grant (Born '77)
(And once upon a time Bell)

From the Reserves:
Woodley (1999 National Draft. No. 87) What a pickup!!!
Lindsay Smith (People always so good things)
Cochrane (Seems to get better with every match)
Michael Ablett (Garys Nephew) Great skills

So although there is no Croad, Lloyd etc in there I think with others who are still quite young, eg Colbert there is a bit to look forward to at North.

One interesting thing I heard about once was Blight when he said that if there is any chance of a team winning a Premiership, is it then worth keeping the team you have and just topping it up with proven players or going into a rebuilding stage as you can see that the end is in sight and you wouldnt want to be stuck with no team at all.
I think North still has a big chance of doing really well next year if they went by the first scenario, but then what for the future, we arent the strongest club of all time if we are stuck at the bottom of the ladder for any length of time.
What do all you other Roos supporters think?
I think the kangaroos are doing the right thing by making the dockers sweat it out, if indeed that is their plan.

There is no way on earth that the roos would risk losing Bell for nothing. However, this is not going to stop Freo from worrying and may force them into giving North exactly what they want.

The only concern if I was a roos supporter was that their administration decide not to trade him on the proviso that he would much prefer to stay at North than play for St Kilda. They realise that Bell's decision was for family reasons and that he has no hard feelings against the club (until Miller gave him a reason last week). If they force it to come down to a decision between the two Victorian clubs, he could very well go to the saints because of his anger at the kangaroos for not organising a trade.

I wonder if what I said just made sense!

For what it is worth, I too would be shocked if Bell is not a docker and the kangaroos have some early draft picks and a good player in two days time.

[This message has been edited by sainter (edited 10 September 2000).]
Sorry, I forgot Lange.

Going to be a very good footballer, but I reckon he needs to lose some weight.

Grant has already won a Norm Smith medal and played in 3 Grand Finals. I think he is more now than the future, despite his age.

Well, RBandW has covered what's happening with the North kids. The only three he's missed out on were Brady Rawlings who has had a taste of senior footy, Clayton Lasscock who is a running defender in the David King mold, and Shannon Watt who a few North fans have been impressed with. We don't appear to have the youngsters coming through like your team, Hawthorn, Melbourne, or Essendon because Pagan seems to like giving the kids a taste of senior footy before putting them on ice for the following season. It has frustrated some players (Jason Daniltchenko and Mark Stevens come to mind), but the ones that get through (Brent Harvey, Byron Pickett) all look set to be at least 150, if not 200 gamers for us.

Like many, I am surprised that Evan Hewitt hasn't taken the next step....I know that Pagan and the match committee had named him as the next big thing. He started the 2000 season pretty well before getting injured and fading. Apparantly he was intimidated by playing in the same forward line as Carey (now how many tall marking forwards have we given away now....Mark Stevens, Cameron Mooney, Kent Kingsley, Evan of these will embarass us in a big way I reckon). Whoever picks him up will do well as I think a change of environment and making him a focus for development will be good for him.


I was very surprised by Greg Miller's comments about Bell's decision to go home. I'm really not too sure who to believe...Miller or Bell. Both are very shrewd men, so.....I really don't know what to make of it all. The only thing I can come up with is that Bell had no preference for either the Eagles or Dockers, and when the Eagles came with a firm offer, he went for them. But when the Dockers came in with more money, he decided to go with them, so Miller has interpreted that as a "money grabbing exercise", while from my (and possibly Bell's) viewpoint, since he's going home, why not go to the club that's offering the most money? In the end, going to Freo works better for North simply because Freo have more on offer than what West Coast would.

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Hewitt is a gun player. I am not happy at all about North losing him. He is the one that is going to embarrass us Shinners, just wait. He will be a star at another team.

Shinners, what do you think about what I wrote about Blights comment?

One more comment on Hewitt (and for that matter, Mooney, Stevens, and Kingsley), and this applies to Lange as well. It's hard for these kids to call for the ball when they know that Carey is always the player that the midfielders look to pass to. It makes it easier for the opposition too. Pagan has noted that the midfielders have ignored forwards in better positions than Carey, and yet, will go for our captain. In the past, we had players like Crocker, Roberts, and Longmire who had the confidence to *demand* the ball. Hewitt and co. never had that confidence because they all look up to our captain, hence the intimidation.

Onto Blight's, it depends....I guess we're here to win premierships, so if that's the best way a club can achieve it, then take that route. But I reckon there must be a turnover of players, otherwise the club will lose too much on-field experience at the one time (as the Hawks found out)....ideally, if you have a core of 8 leaders from the ages of 28 to 31 (say, 2 who are 28, 2 who are 29 etc), then you want to ease them out 2 at a time, and hope that 2 youngsters take up the leadership roles.
So true about the "looking for Carey all the time" thing, and reading from what you posted youre a neutral (middle ground) on the Blight point but the feeling I got from what Blight was saying was what he had done at Adelaide by getting players like Caven to prop up the team. Pagan was similar with Dhurkay (Didnt work though), Clayton, Abraham, Burton, Colbert etc but it has worked so well for extended amounts of time because we have the essential top line stars to carry the extras (fringees) for a long time (Something Adelaide couldnt do). But I worry that the policy has worked so well for Pagan that he has persisted too far with it, and now it will be to the detriment for the team. This "two players a year" thing you mention Shinners isnt going to work coz there is a lot more than 2 a year going to leave in the next 3 years.

Yeah, I am sitting on the fence. The thing is, do you try and create a team that's going to challenge each year, but might ultimately fall short (like the Doggies), or do as Blight did and win the premierships, but in the medium term, leave the team short of quality players (as has happened with Adealide)?

As for the players leaving, I think North have done well in the past few years with easing out players, but the problem is that apart from Bell, and maybe Harvey, there don't seem to be any leadership candidates. From '95 to '98, we had leaders on every patch of the field, but now, it's looking a little bit thin. It was interesting that in the week after our finals belting by Essendon, it was the "leadership" group that selected the team and Bell was the only one that was under 25 years old.
The way i thought it went, is that Collingwood have pick 8 at the moment, and Fremantle are trading pick 22, James Clement and Brodie Holland for that pick.
Then they will offer their newly acquired pick 8, pick 6 and Heath Black to the Kangaroos.
Is this the way that it is or i have i got totally confused by this trade??

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From all reports that is the latest offer... but it has been rejected...


Freo it's up to you... St Kilda could be a big winner... and Freo the big loser... imagine if they can't broker a deal... once they get a player who wants to go there...

The Kangaroos wont take crap... they have been playing the game to long for that...
Ron Joseph has stated that if a deal is not done then Bell will go into the draft and ask for the same salary as Kouta is on for any of the first five clubs to select him. If that does happen, he will go Fremantle for nothing. If a club is prepared to pay him 5mill, good luck to them.
Are North prepared to lose everything for him and get nothing in return?
Thats an interesting Point FreoRules,
Whats to stop a player going into the draft looking to play for the team with the tenth pick say. He then asks the teams with the first 9 picks for some ridiculous amount of money, say $10 mill over 5 years and then when Fremantle picks him up only asks for a regular salary.
Is there a rule in place for the draft which states that a player must get paid wait he asks for in the draft?

[This message has been edited by Royal Blue And White (edited 11 September 2000).]

If a player nominates for the pre-season draft he can state what contract he wants.Once selected then the amount he has nominated goes on to that Club's salary cap.This deal will be done though.Freo won't want to take the risk.
I remember Craig Lambert trying to get to North that way... a few years ago... everyone else was supposed to be close with their salary caps...


but where did he end up... Brisy on pick before the Kangas... Yo can't rort this system...
North supporters,

Sorry to gatecrash your 2001 musings but.. remember a certain final against the Bombers ? I can't see any of these 'trades' and 'young players' reversing that result for awhile.

There seems to have been a number of Carey 'clones' gone thru' the club - Mooney and Hewitt are the latest - I think the player that North needs to replace quickly is Sholl aka Plan B.

This is the 'silly season' where normal logic is suspended and ordinary performers are 'boosted' by their managers e.g. $500,000 for Mal Michael and Jarrod Molloy ????

Next season has a 'not Essendon again' feel to it - still, so did 1986.
you wana know what i think of the roos administrative people
they are greedy pieces of sh*t
this is what freo offered heath black and 2 top 10 draft picks
now if the roos don't take that they will lose in a major way
they lose bell
we keep they 2 top 10 draft picks and heath black and another team gets bell
and if freo don't get him i would really like the eagles to get him for his sake he wants to come home
they roos administrative people are now asking for daniel bandy and well they have got to be joking
2 top 10 draft picks and 2 great players

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Bell might stay after all!!!

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