Discussion Best digital tablet for graphic design?

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Dec 1, 2020
AFL Club
Hey all!

I have graduated my degree in media arts and am looking for recommendations , I am leaning towards the XP-PEN graphics tablets !!

Doesn't have to be XP-PEN , other brands are welcome! Price range around $300 AUD give or take. I mainly use illustrator but am wanting to play around with Photoshop retouching and colouring!

Thanks guys !!

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Microsoft Surface Go goes for about $600, $700 including the Surface Pen (greatest digital pen I have handled and used).
Used it for all my biological drawings in uni for great results, often used it to sketch up concepts for my FIRA/NAFL teams.

Not sure if its exactly what you're looking for, but using it as a graphic tablet with an integrated PC, there's not much you could fault it for.
I can only talk about what i've used. I bought a Wacom Intuos Medium about 8 months ago and it's been absolutely brilliant, and it was in that $300 price range.

It's a pad as opposed to a tablet, if that makes sense, so there is no display, but I found it pretty intuitive pretty quickly to draw on the pad while watching the screen. It's certainly allowed me to do things I couldn't have done before, and saves me a lot of time, especially on sketching out ideas.

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Discussion Best digital tablet for graphic design?

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