Blood Stained Angel

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Club Legend
Apr 7, 2000
AFL Club
Barrassi has come out in the press today giving your fellow supporters a real spray.
Evidently he is upset about the booing & slagging of the Roos & especially the Careys a w***er chant, what are your thoughts on the subject. I think it is getting to the stage now where supporters are supposed to just sit there & keep their mouths shut, in case we upset one of the poor little footballers, we certainly don't want to make any of them cry.
Well thats my opinion, what does everyone else think.
Are they making the game soft. YES!!!!!!

Barassi only said that the constant booing of particular players was "disgraceful and cowardly.." which of course it is. He didn't say that you couldn't individually call out what you liked, so he's hardly calling for homogenised barracking. The moronic and slavish booing of Carey has been covered on this forum before but why is Buckley booed? Or Hird? Barassi was saying that he didn't think that this type of behaviour was the Australian way but obviously stupidity is an international thing!
I'm pretty sure that Carey can look after himself on the footy field. After all, he's had plenty of fun bowing and clapping opposition fans over the years.

Besides, the booing of Carey and the "Carey is a w***er" chant has been happening for years. It's become almost traditional at North games. This year, in Melbourne at least, the sting seems to have gone out of it and the opposition chants seem to be half-hearted at best. A few people on this forum have admitted to booing Carey, but they have also recognised him as one of the game's greats.

Having read Barassi's comments, I think he was upset at the level of vitorol directed towards Carey and North Melbourne. The hositility by the Swans crowd was even mentioned in the North forum (I think it's the first time that the booing of Carey has come up as a topic in that forum), and for myself watching on TV, you could almost feel the hatred. Even Denis Pagan, who usually says nothing about everything was moved to comment about the "advice" he was receiving from the Swans fans.

Reading between the lines Sandie, I get the feeling that you feel that the North people are being sooks over the booing of Carey. Go to one of the older topics and check out how upset the Essendon fans were when people were calling Matthew Lloyd a "diver". I'm not saying that North fans are totally innocent (is anyone?) either considering our booing of Libba (who I don't boo since he's one of my favourite North old boys). As they say, what's good for the goose....

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Booing the opposition & umpires has been part of football since it began.
Surely the players are professional enough to ignore it, or use it to spur them on to playing a better game to show the supporters it doesn't effect them. I would think that supporters would stop doing it if they thought it made the player lift.

Sally, I remember a game last year Carey kicked nine or ten goals, beating several proven backmen, and still being booed.

Yes I agree, you think those supporters would grow a brain and work it out, it only makes him play better.


Guess who we played.
I would agree with all the comments above - booing Carey is really passe' these days. At the end of the day the guy seems to treat it as a bank-handed compliment and actually revels in all the hostility I think.

As to Barassi comments, well he is entitled to his opinion but I beg to differ, booing opposition champions is no big deal and I don't think it is 'cowardly' either.

As to the general reception given to the Roos at the SCG on Saturday night - I understand the reasons, and we have been through all this on these BBs before. Most Swans people resent the North 'push' into Sydney and also are annoyed at some of the, ummm, rather hardball tactics the Roos used to sign up new members in Sydney.

Again, please don't think that I am of this persuasion.

As I have said many times - there is room for a second side in Sydney and I would like the Kangaroos to be that team, but again I stress - it must be done properly with an eye to carving out a separate supporter-base in this town as distinct from those that follow the Swans.

But unfortunately I think the Roos may have burned alot of bridges instead of building them - hence the hostile reception on Saturady night.

Again, I am not defending the Swans here, I like the Roos, can appreciate what they are trying to do and am generally supportive. So in that sense I am very different from your average Sydney supporter who seems to hate the Kangaroos with an absolute passion.

And no, I did not boo Carey or swear at Pagan, or do anything else that was alleged to have happened

I think the "targeted booing" of certain players,as soon as they first touch the ball, is relatively recent though. I first heard it in about 1986 when Jimmy Krakouer took the field against Collingwood after a much publicised "off-field indiscretion" and he really copped it, but when they started booing his brother Phil,who had done nothing wrong, I concluded that there was a more sinister undercurrent to their behaviour. By my reckoning Carey's been "getting the treatment" since 1994 so you can hardly say it's been affecting his game, yet they still persist! It's not a real concern to me but I just don't get the point, I guess there's some kinda group dynamic involved and an elemental tribal thing but... oops getting wanky now!!
Carey LOVES being the villian. I think he aspires to be the villian. He loves being hated.

I think Wayne Carey, would portray a "bad-guy" if he was a professional wrestler in the WWF. Those athletes (even though its fake), act as either the hero or the villian, and make their money based on whether thery get a crowd reaction, or not.

The villian (or heel) is expected to get boos, while the hero (or babyface) is expected to get cheered.

Carey knows how to get booed, not just becasue of his "talent", but i believe more due to his mannerisms. He often makes signals to opposition supporters, and generally carrys on as a "villian" would.

I think it's all good for the game. You need a good villian.
Remember the villian is more important than the Hero.

Whether it be "Star Wars", or the "WWF", or whatever, the villian makes the first move.

The hero only reacts to what the villian does first. In the first Batman movie, the Joker was by far the most importnat character, much more important to the plot than Batman.

The hero is only a good as the villian is bad. Luke Skywalker was only as good as Darth Vader was bad.

If Wayne Carey inspires a reaction from the Crowd, with the eventual outcome being that the good-guys got up (Good guys being the Swans at the SCG), then that is perfect frams, and everyone is happy.

The villian is on the receiving end, while the hero wins.

However, like most villians, Carey wins more than he loses. He will rise again !!!
Sandie (Mantis),

Just to change the topic for a moment, I was just wondering if you feel better after bagging Spider on the saints forum. For crying out loud, the guy has a mind of his own and is the kind of person who loves being controversial. I am surprised that you would get sucked in so easily.

By the way, I hope you enjoyed our website.

PS. And no, Spider will not be playing Essendon in round 22. That is unless he is traded to Collingwood in the next week (which is something we would probably do, trade him for Sav or Gavin Brown)
I wasn't very impressed with the chants on Carey seeing as they came when the game was over and too late for him to get his own back as he did in that Ansett cup final.

Maybe they were just pointing out the obvious though
It's an interesting perspective from Dan24, and I take it on board. But the key point is that I don't think Carey really cares what the opposition fans think of him.

Taking things from a slightly different angle again, when the fans boo Carey, the commentators will, every so often, have a go at the booing fans. But when the fans boo Libba, the same commentators will say, "Well, Libba will be loving that!".

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