Bluey how do you become moderator??

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Premiership Player
Dec 14, 2000
Other Teams
Id like to suggest Mobbenfuhrer to be fantasy moderator, and i see the crows forum without a moderator, if you could pick me that would be great!, but if you dont want to, thats cool aswell

and P.S, dont worry about G4E, just another braindead piece of S**T!


"I came here to win, I am a winner" - Denzel Washington , Remember The Titans ; 2000
QT - you get to become Moderator when you send away $49.95 to Demtel (they throw in the Moderator with the steak knives)

... And watch out, Crowz4Eva might be in the running for the Crows board too.
You e-mail me and I put your name into the list. When I get around to it I grant you moderator status if you seem to be a level-headed and fair sort of person.

Being a moderator is about being conciliatory more than confrontational. Working out ways to get people to modify their behaviour if they continually post abuse rather than banning them outright. Deleting posts and banning users is always a last resort.

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Thanks for the vote of confidnce there JubJub!

U would never hear from easty as well! Thats me for ya! lol


[This message has been edited by Mags (edited 01 February 2001).]

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Bluey how do you become moderator??

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