Bluey must apologize now

  • Thread starter Boba-F
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  • Tagged users None

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For crimes against the greater good of humanity (or othewise my good self) for putting propraganda on this site which falsely accussed me of being crowz4eva and stengas. Wrong ! Yes this is G4E here (did ya miss me!) and i'm here to set the record straight. I also posted (due to me unconsitutional membership expolstion)under the names of Donkey Kong and Jango Fett and any other star wars related name you care to pick from ya arse. Now listen here Bluey you didn't reply to me email so i'm writing here now - apologise and retract your statements saying i was c4e or stengas or trouble will be brewing. i know you may delete this, but it could take 2 minutes or 2 days after i post this - i want people to know what a decitful little turd you have been. I shall return.
I for one know that C4E Aka Now Qt was G4e and nor was stegas!

I have known for ages that they werent him, Bluey i think that was wrong of u to say that g4e was the sa's. Coz it wasnt him!


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Bluey has peoples IP & whatever, he knows who is who.
g4e, I also know you are still posting under a lot of unregistered names, try to change you attitude & Bluey won't ban you, it is that easy. You have broken your ban again, might cop a few more months suspension. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.
Try starting an intelligent post, not one just to cause shit fights.

Bluey is doing the best damn job he can, besides who bloody cares who is accused of being who???? Sheesh, is it really that important????
G4E just do something good for the world and disappear again. You have no respect for us, so why should we show you any????

[This message has been edited by lioness22 (edited 18 December 2000).]

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Bluey must apologize now

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