For crimes against the greater good of humanity (or othewise my good self) for putting propraganda on this site which falsely accussed me of being crowz4eva and stengas. Wrong ! Yes this is G4E here (did ya miss me!) and i'm here to set the record straight. I also posted (due to me unconsitutional membership expolstion)under the names of Donkey Kong and Jango Fett and any other star wars related name you care to pick from ya arse. Now listen here Bluey you didn't reply to me email so i'm writing here now - apologise and retract your statements saying i was c4e or stengas or trouble will be brewing. i know you may delete this, but it could take 2 minutes or 2 days after i post this - i want people to know what a decitful little turd you have been. I shall return.