Broadcast rights

  • Thread starter Don
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If Carlton has a case then its a loophole in the law.

Could anyone suggest that because Barbara Streisand sung at Docklands that the stadium had any rights to her performance?

Similarly does a bookstore have any access or 'ownership' of the books in their store?

Of course not - that AFL should be the only organisation with 'rights' on performance and if there are gray areas - the law should immediately eradicate them - that people even slightly believe Elliott has a case is ridiculous, and would undermine all creative property rights.
It may seem wrong to you or I but I have been told that there is definately a legal case. Remember some laws were formed before the internet was thought of.
Rest assured that in all venues except Optus and MCG the rights are fully sown up.

Perhaps it explains the rumours that Packer wanted to buy waverley - so he could get the media rights.

I think there's alot of hyperbolic statements by others (The AFL - cracked record - this could mean the end of several victorian clubs)

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Broadcast rights

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