BRUCE : "Cathy's race changed the life of many of us" ?????

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Personally I didn't give a fat rat's clacker about Freeman if she won or lost.

The media (beat) buildup for her was ridiculous. In reality she's just of another one of the dozen or so gold medal winners.

But in the end she just had to win or be ever known after as a choker.

As for Bruce - he's just a twerp.

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I doubt it.... Bruce knows special when he sees it....

Cathy Freeman is a champ! How can you say you didnt care if she won or lost??!!! I was cheering for her all the way.!
And your right she is just like all our other gold medalists! And absolute champion and she deserves alot of praise!
I mean how bulit up was the 1500m freestyle relay?? But do you complain about that??? noooo!!
I hate Cathy Freeman baggers!!
Hey look, she is a star and wasw under more pressure than everyone except maybe Ian Thorpe and he won as well.

I think they had to dry clean Bruces pants after the race though.
Oh my God, I've heard it all. Just another Gold medal. That's why her win was the most watched sporting event ever in Oz, she made the news on CNN, BBC, NBC, CBC, ABC and every other bloody news service in the world.
She was under as much pressure as any athlete has been ever in Australia. I don't have to spell out the reasons why an Olympic track medal, of any colour, is so much harder to attain for an Aussie than any other, surely not. Max why are you even on a sports forum if you can't appreciate a great champ like Freeman, try the Anti Football League site.

Crowz, Bruce was just being Bruce, he went overboard but Cathy's run would surely inspire alot of people especially kids. My chubby little 6y.o. is out the back yard running laps instead of playing nintendo. So I think in a small way she effects many people, as she said she made alot of people happy.

Well done Cathy Gold and silver in two Olympics, your a champ.

Every one is entitled to their own opinion.

Me I dislike Freeman with a passion - she's comes over as this stuck up arrogant type (like Keiren Perkins too I may add - loved it when Hackett put Perkins back in his box, hated it in Atlanta when he won, was hoping that Kowalski could take him out). Guess politics has something to do with it, she didn't deserve to light the flame as Susan O'Neill was a million times more qualified - but she's white so what hope did she have? Anyway as soon as the olympics are over Cathy will be on the Qantas plane back to her home in the US and we won't see her again for a long time.
I have nothing against Cathy Freeman. She is a world class athlete & good on her.

Unfortunately I am put off by the politics that surounds her. I mean asking her about a political career. come on!!! She runs fast & is Aboriginal. Is that all she needs?

Her lighting of the flame was also a cynical political gesture. At work we were having bets on who would get the job. The general concensis was that we were looking for an Aboriginal woman in a wheelchair. We were almost right.

Anyway. That isn't her fault. The hype that surrounds her is mostly generated by others with there own agenders.

She deserves our congratulations and respect as an athlete.

Ricey has already commented on what her MOST important acheivment may be. If she can get kids off their arses and out in the fresh air getting some exercise she really has acheived something truely worthwhile.
Probably not Freemans fault that she has a fair bit of 'hatred' against her. Although her 'stolen generation' comments about her Grandmother which turned out not to be true made me think that she is pretty naive and is being used as a political tool.

Cringed when Beazley and the hordes of professional Aboriginal agitator types from ATSIC (on their $250,000 a year salaries) came out minutes after she won and saying this and that and Howard should do this and that. It was just a foot race for f'en sake!!!

Plus it's not like she's the first Aboriginal to win an Olympic Gold - but Nova Peris-Kneebone and her Liberal leanings doesn't fit the bill to use to expolit for their own needs as well as Cathy.
Originally posted by BJ:
Cathy Freeman is a champ! How can you say you didnt care if she won or lost??!!! I was cheering for her all the way.!
And your right she is just like all our other gold medalists! And absolute champion and she deserves alot of praise!
I mean how bulit up was the 1500m freestyle relay?? But do you complain about that??? noooo!!
I hate Cathy Freeman baggers!!

All the way BJ...

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It's funny how over-hyping can turn you off someone who is otherwise a very good champion and person.

The media seem to want a 'hero' and a villain (read Perec, Dokik, Phillipousis)in each arena. The rest they largely ignore. It seems to me the villains are largely nice people too. Even Hingis was villified at one point ?

It's the same with me with the Aussie cricket team - very good and largely likeable but the Hype just has me wishing for the winter.

As for the lighting of the flame - the water symbolism needed someone like Cathy to do it. You could counter argue that requiring someone to be an aging hero is also politically correct - Like 'They had Ali in Atlanta so we should emulate the american's choice'
There was probably a requirement for the person to be well known around the world so some of the obvious aussie choices would have been lost on the wider audience.

I did think that having Dawn as Samaranch's date smelled of the 'second prize' and designed to deflect any criticism that way.

Other Issues with Cathy seem to be the number of 'embarrassing' reports that have been released byu governments and companies. Hawks and Demons fans might remember the infamous merger was announced under cover of Cathy running in Atlanta in 1996. The strategy failed then and those who did it again this time must believe in the faries if they think it will work again
You people have to understand that an Athletics medal is MUCH harder to achieve for an Australian that any other sport.

In swimming , the blck athletes basicall don't compete, which rules out 70% of the planet. You also need to be from a country which has a swimming pool, or be from a school that has a swimming pool. A lot of school sand country don;t have thses privilidges.

In Athletics, you don't need to be rich. Look at the long disatnce Kenyan and Ethiopian runners. You don't need money. You don't even need shoes to run.All you need is feet. Our little country of 19 million is competing with 5 BILLION people who can all run. Athletics doesn't discriminate. We are competing , especially in sprinting wiith the black athletes who are genetically more powerful and more likley to dominate sprinting.

Freemans gold medal was a wonderful event, and more noteworth than ou other gold medals (who all did great by the way)

And athletics gold is the best kind of gold. it means more than the other gold medals, simply because Athletics is the hardest sport in which to achieve a medal. There is NO dispute about that.
So Cathy Freeman won a gold medal. What about all the other gold medalists. Did they get all the hype she did? NO.There are alot of medal winners in sports that we weren't expected to win they should be given some praise. I would just like to say congratulations to all medal winners.
Homer - I hadn't heard anything about Jai before the Olympics - was he in the Toilet games (Atlanta) in 96 or was Sydney his first Games?

As Roy and HG said, Jai is just a 'funky, hip, cool dude'

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BRUCE : "Cathy's race changed the life of many of us" ?????

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