Canberra talking to SANFL to field a team

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Jul 22, 2000
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
NT are fielding a team in the SANFL...

Apparentley Canberra are talking to the SANFL to do the same.

Can anybody confirm or deny this.

This move was mooted once before several years ago but opposition from the AFL halted progress.


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Originally posted by GoEagles:
NT was planning on fielding a team in the WAFL a few years back also - nothing ever came out of that.

N.T. are fielding a team in the SANFL, starting next year..all prelimanary work has occured for the last 3 years.

However, can anyone confirm the Canberra move ?

If Canberra join the SANFL, I guess that means the league needs stop using the current record books and start afresh.
Originally posted by Same Old's:
If Canberra join the SANFL, I guess that means the league needs stop using the current record books and start afresh.

They should have in 1990. Prior to that SANFL was comparable to VFL.
from the 1880's to the mid 1970's, the club variance between the leagues was limited.
Magarey medallists where the easy equivalent to Brownlow medallists and Sandover medallists.

These days the SANFL is a second rate league, they should have renamed it in 1990.called it the Great southern league or some such and ended the magarey medallists at that point. changed the Magarey Medal to the league Medal .

Records should read..

SANFL: prior to 1990

Great Southern League Post 1990 :

to reflect the subservience the league now takes to the AFL.

It would be best to start a new set of records reflecting the change of the league, however still note the records of clubs whilst playing under different circumstances.

Quite right, PA1870.

They really should have made the change from when the Crows joined the AFL. I remember at the time thinking that the SANFL just wasn't the same any more ... even though it was still OFFICIALLY THE SAME COMPETITION (rah rah rah)

It certainly wasn't the same ... and I get the impression it's become even more second rate (should that be third rate???) since Port joined the AFL. I've been to a couple of SANFL matches during trips back to Adelaide in the last few years and you half expect to hear car horns beeping when someone kicks a goal.

Very sad.

**floreat pica**
Originally posted by Mobbenfuhrer:
Personally, car horns upon a goal scored is on of my favourite sounds.


Perhaps we could have personal carhorns in all AFL colours.

Imagine the MCG on Grand Final day !

What about a packed Colonial stadium with its roof closed....eeeeeeek!

Originally posted by Bloodstained Angel:
Why would a Canberra team want to join the SANFL ?

Standard in the ACTFL is just fine thanks very much, ACT football is plenty good enough on its own without having to resort to any of these hair-brained schemes

BSA, dont know the rationale, just know that talk has occured frequently over the last 6 or 7 years, but to no avail...what seems to be heard at the moment is slightly more concrete than that.

Can anybody confirm this?


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The bottom line is the SANFL are not seeking out any of these clubs or leagues....they are being the SANFL is no longer in the financial position it was once in due to its decimation, these clubs must be able to self fund themselves...

i.e. If they want to play one week in Adelaide one week in Canberra or Darwin, they must be able to fund all I believe,

Serously, a Canberra club in the SANFL could bankrupt the ACTAFL. While some of clubs are financially strong (Ainslie, Queanbeyan, Belconnen) I don't think the ACTAFL has the money to back such a move, and I don't think the Canberra public would support it because the SANFL is seen as nothing more than a local competition, albiet one of the strongest local comps in Australia.

Are We Not Men
precisely - all comes down to money in the end dunnit ?

I just can't see the SANFL having that kind of money - they have already committed themselves to paying for the Darwin teams' expenses.

Flying a Canberra team in and out of Adelaide every week is just fantasyland - where is the money coming from ?
Wouldn't they be better approaching the VFL ? It will be e better platform to put a case for a n ACT team in the AFL - and shouldn't Southport be asked to 'prove' themselves in the VFL before getting into the AFL ?

I would rename the VFL the SEAFL (South east australia football league)
Originally posted by GoEagles:
Devo's from/lives in Canberra, maybe he might be able to shed some light.

We live in Broady. We might be able to light the shed.
Originally posted by ptw:
hey PA1870

no-one else has heard are the only one...what have you heard ?


not trying to be smarmy or smart, just heard on the grapevine Canberra are talking to the SANFL about fielding a team...could be right off the mark with this one, but would like to know if there is anyone close to ACTFL who may know something more.

thats all


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Canberra talking to SANFL to field a team

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