Channel 9's won the TV footy rights !

  • Thread starter Jango Fett
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Jango Fett

Nah but know that i've got your attention -
did you know in the next star Wars film (Episode 2) -
Owen Lars is actually Anakin's half-brother and not Obi-Wan's brother (which has been a myth for nearly 20 years)
Count Dooka (Christopher Lee) is the genius behind the clones who so cruelly wipe out nearly the entire population of Naboo (and nearly all the Jedi Knights)
Only 3 Jedi Council members surive the clone wars carnage orchastrated by none other than Palpatine himself
By the end of the film, Anakin and Padme get hitched, but it the last rites for Anakin Skywalker before he is seduced by the dark side.
So Episode 2 ends with most of the Jedi wiped out and Episode 3 sees the birth of the Empire (and Darth Vader)

Hey if you were stupid enough to click on the message then you deserve having your film ruined. By the way the surviving members of the Jedi Council are Yoda, Mace Windu and Ki-Adi Mundi.
Hello G4E, you *******.

You didn't mention that Count Dooku is 78 years old, and goes by the Sith name Darth Tyrannus. The Clones are produced on Poggle the Lessers planet. You also didn't mention that Padme (no longer the queen) has an asassination attempt on her, and Anakin protects her for the majority of the film hence their impending romance.

And Owen is NOT Anakin's half brother. Half-brothers are related. Anakins mum marries Jack Thompson (from the Bank of Melbounre), who is called Cliegg Lars. Cliegg has a son from a previous marriage called Owen. So, Owen and Anakin become brothers but they are NOT related. Owens parents are different to Anakins parent/s.

There s also a huge chase through the buildings of Coruscant, when Obi-Wan chases a bounty hunter called Zam Wessel. Zam enters a nightspot caled Dex's diner, where Jango Fett kills her with a Kyber Dart, to prevent her being captured and giving up vital information to Obi-Wan.

Now, go and learn your Star Wars.

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Channel 9's won the TV footy rights !

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