club's theme songs

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Club Legend
Nov 15, 2000
victoria, australia
Other Teams
Sorry, I know that this topic has probably been done to death, but I'm really new here, and was wondering what everyone thought was the best footy club song.

I think Carlton's one is great, though my order would probably go Richmond, Melbourne and then the mighty blues.

See ya!

Mine are Bombers, Richmond, Melbourne, worst the Dockers, heave bloody ho, that's what I feel doing everytime I hear it, heave my guts up. Lol


[This message has been edited by sandie (edited 18 November 2000).]

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I think Richmond's is very catchy and has been voted the best theme in the past.

Of course, Carlton's seems to be the best to me because I'm not happy unless I hear it after our matches!

I don't mind Hawthorn's, probably because I heard so much of it in the 80's. Same for the Kangaroos in the 90's.

I can't remember hearing Collingwood's in a long time. hehehe

The Geelong one is one of the ringing tones they gave me with my mobile phone. I have never selected it!

Not so keen on the modern day themes.

1. Richmond
2. Carlton
3. Kangaroos
4. Hawthorn

On a different note Meg. Sorry to harp on the point. Did you email Bluey re a Carlton board. I have confirmed three emails sent already, wondering about you, Krystin and Bernie??? I would love to see our own forum. Just doesn't look right seeing all those team boards and no Blues to be seen.

mens sana in corpore sano - a sound mind in a sound body
Richmond has the best club song so in my order, it would be:

1. Richmond (Great words, catchy tune, passionate feel about it)
2. Melbourne (I don't know why i like it so much. The tune is catchy.)
3. Carlton (Simple song with good lyrics and cool tune. Traditional)

I will email bluey ASAP about the carlton board... sorry, seem to have lost his address, so if you could forward it to me, ill email him straight away.

And Bernie and Krystin, you guys should sign up too!

I like the theme songs that you can belt out with some gusto.

Of course this means that the Richmond song is my favourite. I don't think I am being overly biased as it appears to be everybody else's favourite too.

I also like Melbourne's, St Kilda's and Sydney's.

When I was a kid, my folks often went around to their friends house on Saturday nights. They had this LP record that was quite popular at the time - VFL party favourites!

It had each teams song on it as recorded by the Fable Singers as well as some pop numbers by the likes of Peter McKenna.

This record got plenty of play, and we all sat around singing along with it. (Remember, this was the 70's - it was OK to be daggy!)

Funny thing is now 20+ years later, I can remember all the words to all the songs. That is very sad!

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
Lions song is the best, of course!!!!!!!!!
I also like the Tigers one, there's just something about it, and it sounds so great when everyone sings it at the ground - UNLESS it's celebrating a victory over the mighty Lions!!!!!!!!!!!!
go dogs go:

sons of the west
red, white and blue
we'll come out snarling
bulldogs through and through....
need i go on????

go dogs season 2001
I must admit the dockers song the first time you hear it is really anoying.

But it grows on you and the pre match display though, again annoying at the begging, is now great.


I'm ashamed to admit it, but I reckon Carlton and Richmond have got the best songs.

Port Adelaide's song is good too, except for the middle bit about the "Alberton crowd etc". They should chop that bit out and just keep the main theme.

Collingwood's song means a lot to us Collingwood supporters ... but, speaking strictly as a musician, the song has got feathers on it.

The worst song, however ... by a mile ... without any dispute whatsoever ... is the Kangaroos' song. That song is a dead-set abortion. Yuck! What an absolute crock of shit. The person who wrote that should have their fingers amputated. What a waste of good stave paper.

I don't like the Freo song much either.

**floreat pica**

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Obviously I like the Melbourne song even though after a big win we all seem to lose track of the song! Of the others I like the Geelong song and hearing the Richmond song after a win( unless it is against Melbourne)

I don't think much of the Kangaroos song either. Funny though, when the North players sing the full version (badly) after a win, it sounds a heap better.

The official version is just chorus - no verse at all! Maybe they would be better of rerecording it!

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
Well the best would have to be Carlton, Richmond (well only the yellow and black bit), Melbourne and that is about it.

I love the Collingwood song. But only Collingwood supporters do.

The worst song would have to be Brisbane cause it is just a putrid, sad takeoff of the Fitzroy song.
The Freo song is also putrid.

Go Chippa Your A Legend
1. Fitzroy
2. Melbourne
3. Carlton

The Fitzroy theme song still brings a tear to my eye. The Brisbane theme song is ok, but it doesn't quite embody the same passion as the Fitzroy one for me. Fitzroy's song is sacred.

I've got a copy of the Fitzroy song on vinyl, with the b-side "The Football Song", which is also a good listen!

I put that disc on every now and then, and the Fitzroy song evokes memories of old! There was nothing better than hearing the Roys song played at the end of a game, after a win. We didn't have that many in the time I supported them - which probably made it all that bit more sacred. You can't beat it!

Melbourne's song is fantastic. The words are true words of victory, and club unity. The tune is also good. A lot of local clubs use the song because you can easily change the words "red and the blue" to fit in with your team. It's just a great song.

I also like the Carlton song (even though the lyrics assume superiority over every other club).

All those three songs go well when sung after the game.

In fact, most of the songs, the TRADITIONAL ones, are great (the ones from the VFL days). They are pretty hard to fault. It's one of the great parts of our game, don't you reckon, to hear your song played at the end! I don't know of too many other sports that have that type of thing!

face the facts, the song sounds crap !

Essendon - The greatest club with the greatest coach in the league ! Carlton- absolute hypocrites who accuse others of being cheats only for it to be found later that carlton are the "serial salary cap breachers" as quoted by our president, haha
That's right. Toe the official party line instead of thinking for yourself, bandwagoner!!!

mens sana in corpore sano - a sound mind in a sound body

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club's theme songs

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