cooking recipes

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Oct 4, 2000
melb vic aust
Has anyone out there got any nice and simple cooking recipes,nothing too hard and i dont wanna have to go down and buy 20 different things to cook one meal.Cause i really dont know how to cook propoerly,i can cook some things like spaghetti bolonaise and eggs and that sort of stuff,so if anyone can help i would be verey grateful.

Well they blew up the chicken man in philly last night now they blew up his house too down on the boardwalk they're gettin'ready for a fight gonna see what them racket boys can do,SHITE!!
Christ Joffa, you're not STILL trying to get Bee off me are you? Begging me for my secret recipes isn't gonna work mate.

Seriously though, I have a few up my sleeve including a curry that could blow the balls off a charging rhino at 100 paces.

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I cant believe I am doing this but here you go Joffa.This recipe is for those who are useless cooks such as yourself.
1kg skinless chicken fillets
1 can of creme of celery soup
1 onion (optional)
1pkt puff pastry (you buy that in the freezer dept and it has about 6 sheets in it).
Cut your chicken into small pieces and brown in pan, add chopped onion, cook for a couple of minutes more, remove from stove making sure that the chicken is cooked and let cool (you can do this the night before or at the weekend) add the creme of celery soup and mix. Line a pie dish or similar with a sheet of puff pastry, pour in the chicken mixture put another sheet of pastry over the top and pinch the two layers of pastry together shove it in the oven for about 20mins 180c gas and serve it with mashed pum and pot and add some peas, beautiful, you can get about four meals out of this and it is even nice cold for lunch.

[This message has been edited by Daphne (edited 29 January 2001).]
Joffa - if you can't cook - try starting off with roast meat and veges.

Its easy as mate - just get your preferred piece if meat, stick it in the oven for a while and viola ! - maximum results for minimum effort.

Anyone can do it - and I'm not gonna patronise you or everyone else by explaining it step by step but hey, mate, if you can boil an egg - you can roast meat.

I don't know if you're serious but here goes. I won't give you my world famous home made vegetable soup as it's too many ingredients.

For a very simple and easy to cook meal you can always go with a roast leg of lamb and some vegetables.

Put some cooking oil on the bottom of the baking dish. Place the lamb in the baking dish and in the oven. Turn on heat to 200 for first hour then turn the heat down to 170 for the second hour.

Peel some spuds and cut or slice them up depending upon how you like them. You can also cut up some pumpkin. In the second hour put the potatoes in the baking dish beside the roast.

The pumpkin won't take as long too cook so it can be added later. Check how roast is cooking by using a fork and puncturing skin and checking colour of moisture that comes out. Brown means cooked. Add pumpkin to the baking dish.

You can steam some other vegetables if you like.

About two hours and all finished.
Take one packet beef/veal tortellini (375-500g), chuck it (minus the packaging
)into a pot with about 1.5 litres of water and a couple of beef stock cubes. Let it boil, then simmer it for about 10-12 minutes.
You can eat it as soup, or my preferred method... drain it well, chuck it into a bowl and put half a ton of mozzarella cheese over the top of it. Serves 2-3 (sometimes).
The roast thing sounds good do u put cooking oil in pan or dripping,and i got gas does that make it cook longer or what.
and thanx everyone keep em comming,and yes i am serious im gonna print these things and keep em.

Well they blew up the chicken man in philly last night now they blew up his house too down on the boardwalk they're gettin'ready for a fight gonna see what them racket boys can do,SHITE!!
Thanx amazon stud

cool ta dude.

Well they blew up the chicken man in philly last night now they blew up his house too down on the boardwalk they're gettin'ready for a fight gonna see what them racket boys can do,SHITE!!

This one is a secret my wife has made up, so no telling anyone okay?

1-2 large slice of Corned Beef (1/2 inch thick) cubed
1/2 cubed capsicum
1 medium cubed onion
2 cubed tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon mustard powder
curry powder to taste
2/3 tablespoon soy sauce
2/3 tablespoon worchestershire sauce
1 teaspoon chicken stock powder
1 tin edgell tomato supreme
1/2 cup water
boiled rice (for 4 people?)

Fry the onion, capsicum, then add tomatoes... cook for a short while, add all other ingredients except beef. Let it cook gently, stir it occasionally. Add more water if needed. Throw in the rice when the sauce looks good. Stir it all in and then add the beef and stir that through to heat.

If you like food HOT, you can add fresh chopped chili to taste


(Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus)
Only you could do it Joffa, get people to post recipes for you. I'm worried what jubjub might come up with though lol

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I have always found stir fry are the easiest & quickest way for & cheap & healthy meal.
Once you have mastered this recipe, not too hard really, you can use different meats & vegies.

Sesame Beeh with Snow Peas & Ginger

500 grams lean beef strips
2 Teaspoons sesame oil
1 teaspoon crushed garlic
1 teaspoon crushed ginger
12 spring onions (shallots) sliced
100 grams brocoli & 100 grams cauliflower
150 grams snow peas
1 mediam red; capsicum sliced
2 tablespoons soy sauce & 2 of oyster sauce

1. Brown beef strips in hot sesame oil
2. Add ginger, garlic & all vegies, stir fry until just cooked, but still a bit crunchy.
3. Stir in soy & oyster sauce, stir until sauce is heated, (about 1 minute).
You can eat this on its own or can serve with boiled rice or noodles.
As I said you can swap around the meats & vegies.

Joffa - I will get the recipe from my Aunt for a fantastic little meal and email it to you. It is a 3B casserole/stew......Beef, Bean and Beer.....

Abso-bloody-lutely Beautiful.....

My grandparents really enjoy cooking and have a recipe file on their computer - it is all full of great meals but easy to cook and inexpensive (they are pensioners), if you want it, let me know and I will email the file to you.
Cooking oil across the bottom of the dish doesn't have to be fully covered just so meat won't stick to the bottom when cooked. I think Gas cooks better than electric and the time is about the same.

You can always cook a steak or sausages under the griller. Cook the steak to your liking. Some people like rare steak and some like well done. If you are not sure cut a slice in the steak. If it's pink it's rare and not really cooked.

At the supermarket you'll also find frozen pre-cooked chips that you can put on a baking tray in the oven for about 20 minutes. In the aluminium/glad wrap/foil area of the supermarket you can also get a roll of baking paper to put under the chips. Just tear off enough to cover the bottom of the pan. Soaks up the oil and grease. Steak and chips - done.

You can also get mixed frozen vegetables to add. They have the cooking instructions on the pack.

If you want anything more healthy post again but these are very basic.

I wouldn't suggest trying to cook chicken fillets under a griller as you can't turn down the heat and they would cook to fast and burn. For that you would need an electric griller.
Ok joffa, i never wanted to let my secret cooking recipe out but here it goes.

Look at the supermarket real carefully, look everywhere till you find these things called "2 minute noodles".

Their very unpopular so not all supermarkets propably dont have it.

Boil water in a small saucepan

Then put noodles in for 2 mins, my secret is, if you hate long noodles, smash the packet on the table to amke smaller ones. then stir and add flavouring.

You can have flavours such as chicken, beef, and even asian flavurs

Enjoy Joffa



[This message has been edited by QT (edited 29 January 2001).]

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cooking recipes

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