David Tua v Lennox Lewis

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Club Legend
Jul 19, 2000
the pub
I simply can not wait for Sunday.

David Tua v Lennox Lewis.

Thsi fight is going to be awesome. Tua, is a bit of an unknown, to a certain extent. To someone who doesn't follow boxing all that much, they wouldn't know who he is.

For those of you who don't know who he is, he is the hardest puncher in boxing today. Hes from Samoa and he is absoluetly massive.

Is anyone else here getting it on PPV, i just can't wait.

I also can't wait to see Tua v Tyson. Now that would be a fight.

Good luck at the Athens Olympics Mags, go for gold in Taekwondo.

For all your footballing needs be sure to visit my AFL web-site at http://www.geocities.com/eastsydney5/index.html
I can tell you now that Lewis has won the match already, the match is undoubtedly fixed!

No challengers win anymore!!!!!


YOUR WASTING 50 bucks mate!

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I don't have PPV but I'm going ropund to a mates place to watch it on Sunday. This should be one helluva fight I reckon, probably the best Heavyweight for many years.

So whose going to win ?

Lewis seems to have a slight edge in all departments, he's taller than Tua and most importantly has a much longer reach, he's also quicker on his feet and has the edge in fitness and stamina.

But nobody can match Tua for strength, Tua also has the ability to get all of his considerable weight and strength behind his punches.

I reckon if Tua can somehow get inside Lewis' long reach - then he will do major damage. The longer the fight will wear on the stronger Lewis will finish so if Tua dosn't get in a few knockout blows early in the fight then he could be in for a torrid evening.

My tip ? - Tua in TKO within 6 rounds

Go Dave ~!
Aaaaaah .... didn't know there were a few fight fans here! Sensational - I love it!

I too am in the the "Terminator's" corner, mainly because I think Lewis is the worst heavyweight champ we-ve had in 40-odd years. Yes, he's big. Yes, he can box (to a degree), but he has a glass jaw.

Tua on the other hand is your typical islander build .... just @#$@#$ big all over, and can take any punch thrown at him! As well, he has a knockout punch with both hands. He is also rated the hardest punch in the heavyweight division.

I feel if he overcomes Lewis' enormous reach (cripes, he's big!), and gets inside those long arms, it'll be over in 3. Should he have to take Lewis on around the ring (which I'm sure the pommy turd will try to do!) then Tua may find himself going the distance, which won't help (or suit) his cause. I'd be concerned.

Prediction: Lewis to hit the tarmac at 2:18 in the third.

Anyway, that's what I reckon ........

mud n blood

Well guys I'll be sitting at home chanting "Lewis" and hoping that the big man can pull out a win. He's been destroying opponents lately and has that massive right hand.

Prediction : Lewis in five rounds or less.

Also guys look out for Australia's own Kevin Kelley who I heard was on the undercard.
Just on the undercard

I'm really hoping for at least one Ladies bout. If you haven't already checked out Ladies boxing do so its awesome.

While the girls do lack a little technique they more than make up for it with some fighting. Most Ladies bouts seem to to consist of two boxers standing toe-to-toe and really SLUGGING IT OUT - its great action, often much more entertaining than the Men and it SHITS ALL OVER WWF - thats for freakking sure.

Hold on Angel, womens boxing is atrocious and is just not right, personally I can't stand to watch it. But everyone has there own opinion and is entitled to watch what they want.

Similarly WWF has quite a large and loyal following worldwide, and is the leader in sports entertainment.
sure - no problem

But I'd watch two Lady boxers stand toe to toe and slug it out anyday. At least it SEEMS real enough, something you certainly couldn't say about Pro Wrestling - but 'reality' is hardly the point with WWF is it ?

As you say its just pure entertainment and showmanship - its just not my cup of tea - thats all

Probably Glenn Kelly, because he is in the same weight division as Mundine(super middleweight). Whereas Kevin is a middleweight, so the fight could still be possible if someone was willing to go up or drop down in weight, but Kevin is world class and fighting Mundine would not help his career or increase his chances of another World title shot.

Also everyone wants to fight Mundine because they know it would be a good pay day. My personal opinion of Mundine is it is great the amount of publicity he is giving Australian boxing and he does have some skill. Although we will see how good he is when he steps up and starts taking on some of Australia's best(Hamden and Mcleod) then we will se if he is World class.
The Mundine people have declined an invitation to fight Hamden on two seperate occasions now.

And it is pissing off Jeff Fenech (who manages Hamden) big time. Mundine says that Hamden is a mere 'stepping stone', Fenech contends that Mundine has to 'step on this stone' in order to get anywhere. Mundine is just shit scared of getting walloped by a far superior boxer.

Oh and BTW - Mundine made around $400,000 from his last fight. Hamden made around $5000

work that one out.
Would love to see Tua take it out, for no other reason than it would set it up for a Tua/Tyson bout.

Now that would be worth seeing as i long for the day Tyson gets handed the belting he deserves, and in Tua i reckon theres the bloke that could take all the Tyson could give and give it back with interest.

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I too would love a Tyson/Tua bout .... but I'm a big Tyson fan. Every sport needs an animal and he's it.

It would be the brawl to end all brawls and wouldn't be much for people who love the finer points of boxing ....

Anyway, that's what I reckon ........

mud n blood
BTW all ....

If you're in Brisbane, get your arse along to the Alexandra Hills tavern for the fight on the big screen on Sunday.

And afterwards there is a full card of live fights in the "no rules" fistic arts. Not something for the faint-hearted I can assure, but if you like bloodsports .... this is it!

Anyway, that's what I reckon ........

mud n blood

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David Tua v Lennox Lewis

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