Dear John...

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All Australian
Sep 20, 2002
Princes Park
Other Teams
This has been originally published on the Carlton Supporters Club website and subsequently on the Carlton 1 website, but I thought I would let BF read what one supporter thinks. This is written by "malleeboy" or Tim.
This is the reply that I have sent back to John Elliot, it is quite long, which I make no apology for, read it please and let me know what you think.
I am fairly certain it would convey the feelings of a lot of us.

Dear John,

I thank you for you recent correspondence regarding the upcoming meeting on October 9 and the future of the Carlton Football Club. I have read with concerted interest the points you have raised and certainly take them on board for consideration. It would be remiss of me however, not to take this opportunity to reply to you and raise some issues of my own.

Firstly, let me say that I do not consider myself to be a “lunatic” or “moron.” Just a concerned, passionate supporter of this great club.

My first point is in answer to your claim of bringing us five premierships and 17 finals appearances since 1979. Whilst on the surface this may sound impressive, let me say that 1979 was a long time ago. In 1979, we were indeed a league power, a trendsetter, a rich, powerful entity. Also, as I recall, the President in 1979 was George Harris, and in 1981 and 1982, Ian Rice, so you’re not claiming those 3 flags personally are you? Tell me John, of your current board, exactly how many have been on it since 1979? Please do not try and give the impression that the current board have been around that long. I would prefer you to focus on a little bit more recent history, perhaps the last ten years. Can you honestly say that we have maintained our position in the competition, or have we gone backwards? ONE premiership in ten years John, when just down the road, North Melbourne, with supposedly much worse resources than us, have delivered to their membership, two flags in the same period. True, we also played in two losing Grand Finals, but I’m sure even you would agree that one of those we were extremely lucky to actually make it there.

But it’s not even the lack of on-field success that concerns me so much, as the other areas we have clearly gone backwards in. Our membership numbers have not risen anywhere near other Melbourne based clubs. The fact that Hawthorn have consistently beaten us in this area in recent years is an indictment on the current administration, and is galling to all Carlton supporters. The fact that your letter is the first piece of correspondence in all my years of being a member, (apart from my yearly renewal form,) I have ever received, highlights to me just what the current board really thinks of their members.

The second point I would like to raise concerns the “unofficial selection committee.” You make the comment that this group has no policies in place and has not told us what they intend to do with our club. From day one the “unofficial selection committee” has always said they have no intention to do anything other than dissolve the current board so that others can put up their hands and put in place procedures to improve Carlton. At no point have they said they want to run the place, quite the opposite in fact.

You point out one of your great coups has been to appoint Denis Pagan as senior coach. Whilst I certainly applaud his appointment, and cannot argue he won’t be of great benefit to us, the manner in which he was appointed was appalling to say the least. The way you personally handled the sacking of Wayne Brittain was reprehensible, unprofessional and, basically, disgusting. To force him to sign an agreement before speaking at the awards night, then deny him the dignity of presenting the winner with his trophy was even more so. Your handling of the whole affair was unbefitting a league President.

“The board recognised more that 12 months ago that the senior management of the club and the board itself required an injection of fresh thought and vigour.” You can’t honestly expect me to believe that Williams and Kernahan bring to the board fresh thought and vigour. Whilst both have been loyal servants and champions of the club, they hardly constitute anything fresh. Your point is valid though, we certainly do need fresh thoughts and vigour, but you don’t obtain that by promoting from within do you John?

Experience of the challengers

You claim the challengers have little or no experience in running a football club. There are at least two on the ticket that do. Ian Collins, even you would agree, is one of the best operators going around, has vast experience, not just in running a club, but running this club. Kenny Hunter also, until very recently had an active role at Carlton, until you forced his hand and he took the only honorable option open to him.
Whilst on the subject of Ken, I feel I must comment on the recent phone poll commissioned by yourselves, in which I was asked a series of questions, questions heavily weighted in your favour, I might add. One of the questions was, “do you realise that if you vote in favour of Carton One, two champions of the club in Williams and Kernahan will be forced to leave the club?” You and I both know this is a lie, and if we wish to do so, we have every opportunity to retain who we want to on the board. Furthermore, let me add this, I do realise that TWO TRUE champions of the club, in Hunter and Fitzpatrick have been forced to leave the club in recent times, simply because they disagreed with the views of you personally, and the direction you were taking.

Conflict of interest

This is such a smokescreen, it hardly bears answering, but I will do so for the point of the exercise. I find it hard to believe that Ian Collins would act in anything other than a completely professional manner and have to ask the question of you, why can he not simply excuse himself from any dealings that may bring this question up? When Eddie first took over Collingwood, I recall the same questions being asked, whilst I realise the issues may be somewhat different, I can’t recall a single act he has done in the last few years that would even raise an eyebrow, I certainly trust Collins to do the same.

In the same section you raise the issue of Carlton’s sponsorship by Optus being put in jeopardy due to Collin’s supposed conflict of interest. This is supposition only, but what is not is that you personally cost us a sponsorship deal, by not allowing Quit to sponsor us and make Optus smokefree. Clearly a conflict of interest on your part, not to mention irresponsible and negligent.

You also make mention of us playing at Colonial, that it is not financially viable, has a sub-standard surface and that playing games there would be a “financial disaster.” Perhaps all valid points, but if so, answer me this, who made the decision to play home games there this season? If it was you, it is clearly a 180 degree turnaround of your position just a couple of years back, when you clearly stated we would not be playing any home games there at all. No consultation with the members on our preferred option, and yet another example of your contempt for the membership and mis-management. This is where Carlton One is already streets ahead, as they have promised a more consultative approach and policy in future.

“The Collins-led challenge threatens Carlton’s ability to play at Optus and undermines the club’s future at the MCG.”

My concern is that if we continue down the road we are, we might not have a future anywhere.

I have not returned the proxy voting form, as I will be attending what I believe is the most important meeting in our history. You state that on October 9 we are only being asked to place a vote of no confidence in the board and it would be a costly exercise due to the fact that another meeting would need to be convened after that, in your words a costly and disruptive process for the club. I couldn’t agree more that it would be costly and disruptive, and with this in mind I would ask that you do the moral and honourable thing if the vote goes against you, that is stand down immediately, and declare all positions vacant. In short, what the second petition asks for.

In closing, let me thank you for your contribution to the Carlton Football Club over a long period of time. You have certainly delivered us some rewarding times, however I can’t help but feel that your time is certainly up, and we do, indeed, need that injection of freshness and vigour that you mentioned in your letter. Alas, I feel that cannot come from the current board, and that they are, in fact, stale, stagnant and out of touch with current trends and views.

I would certainly have to question my on-going membership if your board is retained in it’s current format.

Yours truly,

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Dear John...

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