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May 7, 2002
Other Teams
Just wondering the best way to help a friend through a death of a brother/sister in a freak accident.
I never know what to say or do......or if I need to say anything at all or just make it known I am here to talk if need be....
any advice?
Originally posted by fitzy's_eyes
I never know what to say or do......or if I need to say anything at all or just make it known I am here to talk if need be....
No need to say anything. You'll say it all by being there for them.

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You must be sensitive to their needs. It's about what they're going through, not what you think you should do for them. Be reactive rather than proactive. Let them set their own agenda about how they get through this.

All you can do is be on hand, if needed. Time and an understanding ear are the best things you can contribute.
Bomber's right.

Let them know you are there for them and tell them not to be afraid to talk about it or show their emotions in front of you.

Don't try and 'walk on eggshells' around them. Try to act as you did before it happened.

If/when they do talk about it never start a sentence "What you should do is........."
Just make sure you are there for them & willing to listen & give them a hug I went through this with a mate earlier this year I did the wrong thing because I didnt know what to do or say I avoided them for ages when they really needed me to be there.
Re: Re: Death.....

Originally posted by Bomber Spirit
No need to say anything. You'll say it all by being there for them.

I couldn't have said it better. Just be there and react to wot happens from then on. Overall be supportive and understanding, but it's all easier said that done!
Originally posted by redback
Just make sure you are there for them & willing to listen & give them a hug I went through this with a mate earlier this year I did the wrong thing because I didnt know what to do or say I avoided them for ages when they really needed me to be there.

can i ask what happened after they'd gotten throght it? you dont have to answer it, but the same has happened to a friend of mine and they've never really had the same friendship since.
I always figure I didn't know what to say to people in this situation until faced with it.. then I realised there is nothing you can say. Just put your arms around them... trust me, it's enough.

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