Demons Rule

  • Thread starter DemonGirl
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The Demons are gonna comeback in the year 2001 and win the cup, and kick Essendon by 200 points everytime they meet!
I wish it were me coz I hate Essendon’s guts!
I totally agree with ya Demons Girl and welcome to the bloody Essendon haven where they think there right all the time and own the bloody joint!

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I know I'm not as funny as JUB JUB, but pretty close. Oh & I'd rather be a dyke than a foul mouthed brainless moron.

Now Sandie U know jubjub has something wrong with him! (The ****ing Clown)
JUBJUB doesnt know how to be funny he makes lame and very hurtfull jokes about the dead!

Yes JUBJUB Were Still Coming

[This message has been edited by Mags (edited 20 October 2000).]

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Demons Rule

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