Do You Make International Calls ?

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Club Legend
Dec 10, 1999
in teh prizen
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions
How many people here make international calls on a reasonably regular basis? I'm looking into getting some good deals for site users. Post replies here if you are interested.
Yes I do Bluey, at least three times a week at the moment, i pay $6.50 for three hours, well for 1 hr actually but anything over that up to three hours is free. I am not registered here yet but i intend to be soon
Bluey, I run up $300-$400 per month in overseas calls, but you might struggle to match the rates I currently enjoy. I am happy to listen though.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.

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Nobody should be paying for overseas call these days,providing you both have a computer and a cheap $5 microphone.
I call around the world every night using hotmail and MSM messenger.
Granted, there are plenty of free ways to call O/S and interstate, but that requires that both parties have computers and home net access. I talk to my brother on the Gold Coast via ICQ's voice product.

In any case it looks like ABOUT 9c a minute to the US/UK (and I think it can be used all over the world - from the US to the Spain for example) which is less than $3 per half hour call. Plus it is all prepaid so you only use those minutes you want to.

Sound good? Also later on there may be an opportunity to offer cheap pre-paid internet and mobile phone calls, but that is in the future.
joshhem : provides free PC to phone connection, if you have a mic of course, but it currently only connects to the USA phone numbers.

There are others that connect to other nations.

Hallowed be thy Roy
I call the US regularly (OK well I always call just one certain person's number
), at least a few times per week, sometimes almost every day, and for many hours per call.
At the moment I am using the Unidial Supersaver calling cards, they give me like 6 and a half hours for $29.95 (or lesser amounts). I have only ever encountered a few problems with the lines, 99% of the time they are crystal clear. We are also switching to Optus, and they offer that 3 hours for $6.50 deal, so I will use that as well. But I am always interested in cheaper deals!!!!!!!!!!

*the one and only lioness*

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Originally posted by Stealth bomber:

I call back home to the states probably 2-3 times a month and usually talk for a half-hour; I use one of those $7 for 30 minute deals. Can I do better?

God yes Stealth Bomber any one of the Suppliers will do better than that. Optus, Telstra Smart something ? all offer the three Hour deal for around $6 to $7 dollars I call my daughter in London either her house number of Mobile No (providing it is an English Mobile) for $6.50 for three hours . You only have to ring your server to set it up once you have it recorded on your billing system then off you go, I rang her in America at Christmas and same deal
Line quality: I'll check it out.

Online phone services: If anyone knows of any that go to all countries, can be used from all countries and include cheap Aussie interstate calls by all means post the URLs.

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Do You Make International Calls ?

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