Does having a double chance take away from being the best on the day ?

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Brownlow Medallist
Jan 23, 2000
AFL Club
Other Teams
post count: 38,986
Does anyone here think having a double chance takes away from being the best "on the day", which is what finals are about ?

If finals are supposed to be about perfroming "on the day", and that is the aura that surounds them, then shouldn't it be "lose and you are out"

Doesn't having a double chance take away from the fact of being the best on the day ? Since finals are all about performing "on the day, if you should unfortunately lose, shouldn't you be eliminated ?
No. You earn two things by coming first, a soft first up final and a double chance if you stuff that first final up.

End of the day you should beat all comers, no matter what the system.
A double chance ? Wow ! What a reward ! Let's break out the champagne !

Sorry, but a double chance is not a good enough reward for 22 weeks of hard work. That's all you get ? A second chance ? Big deal. If 1st wins in the first week, then their double chance disappears.

A more appropriate reward for 6 months of finishing above everyone else, would be to get recognised as "home and away" premiers - seperate from the finals series.

Look, if the top team can be eliminated after one loss in the Grand Final itself. And the top team can also be eliminated after one loss in the preliminary final, they why can't they be eliminated in the first week too ????? They can be eliminated after one loss anyway, so what difference does it make to the top team if they are eliminated in the first week, or the third week (or the 4th week - the Grand Final)

See what I mean ? Top can be eliianted after one loss anyway, so whay difference does it make if the one loss that eliminates them is in the 3rd, or 4th weeks (as has happened previously), or the first week ?

Finals are about perfroming on the day. Lose and you are out. If you lose........bad luck. Finals aren't about getting second chances. They are about performing on the day.

If top spot was recognised more, then 1st losing to 8th wouldn't be so bad anyway.

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If all the teams played each other twice your suggestion would (maybe) have some validity. But as it stands, the H&A season is hopelessly skewed depending on whether you get a soft draw or not. So you can hardly give the top team premiership recognition if they haven't stood up to playing the best teams when it counts.

This is a boring topic. Talk about something else, like who Essendon's biggest threats are this year. I think Brisbane will be very good. There's usually a dark horse - I reckon it will be either Geelong, Hawthorn or the Dockers.
Oh, and I suppose beating only 3 of the other 7 finalists, (7th, 3rd, and 6th) is a fair way to find the years best team is it ?

That's what North Melbourne did.

The home and away season may not be totally even, but it is far more even than the finals series, isn' it !

I mean you mention the uneven home and away season, but the very finals series itself, is even more uneven !

At least in the H &A, you play every team at least once. You are truly tested. You can't fluke top spot. It's the best way of finding out who the years best team is.

Essendon's biggest threats are the Kangaroos, and the BrisbaneLions.
In Case you people have forgotten, there has been a change to the finals system
it use to be:
1 v 8 2 v 7 3 v 6 4 v 5
now it is
1 v 4
2 v 3

5 v 8
6 v 7
Teams 1 2 5 6 get a home final, which i think sux and the losers in the top 4 get a double chance
Originally posted by Dan24
Oh, and I suppose beating only 3 of the other 7 finalists, (7th, 3rd, and 6th) is a fair way to find the years best team is it ?

That's what North Melbourne did.

The home and away season may not be totally even, but it is far more even than the finals series, isn' it !

I mean you mention the uneven home and away season, but the very finals series itself, is even more uneven !

At least in the H &A, you play every team at least once. You are truly tested. You can't fluke top spot. It's the best way of finding out who the years best team is.

Essendon's biggest threats are the Kangaroos, and the BrisbaneLions.

Give it a rest nerd boy!
ofcourse you should get a double chance...
what a ridiculous statement... they are already cutting down the advantages of finishin in the top has to stay... otherwise teams from 5-8 will have easier runs at the flag, and thats not the way it should be... top 4 should get the andvantages, i say they should get more than what they are getting!!

5 and 6 getting home finals i have no problem with..

i think its a much better finals system...

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Does having a double chance take away from being the best on the day ?

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