I think this is old news but anyway:
Eagles named in corruption probe
THE West Coast Eagles today refused to comment on allegations raised in the West Australian police royal commission that two star players were heard on a police tap ordering cocaine.
The players were named in the Kennedy commission late yesterday as a former Victorian police officer explained a number of intercepted phone conversations, including one in March with an AFL investigator, Rick Lewis.
The players, whose names have been suppressed, are not under scrutiny in the commission, which is focussed on uncovering police corruption.
To this end, Counsel assisting the Commission, Stephen Hall, asked former Victorian police officer David "Docket" Waters to name who in the WA police drug squad had phoned him with information about the Eagles players.
Mr Waters said he had no idea.
The commission was played a tape of an intercepted phone call between Mr Waters and Mr Lewis, in which the pair talked about the two Eagles players.
During the conversation, Mr Lewis asks: "I was just wondering whether you knew anyone in WA that might be able to tell me a bit more about the West Coast Weagles (sic)?".
Mr Waters told Mr Lewis police had been intercepting phone calls made to an associate of a Perth identity, and those calls included the two Eagles players "ordering gear".
Mr Waters said he believed the club had been warned of the intercept by someone from the drug squad.
"I think it was someone in the drug squad has told the footy club 'you better pull those blokes up a bit because they're getting a bit out of control and they're mixing with a rough crew'," Mr Waters said.
The phone taps played to the commission yesterday were foreshadowed in media reports in March, which said two Eagles players were inadvertently caught in a police sting ordering and arranging to collect cocaine, but that they were not pursued because they were considered small fry.
The club would not comment at the time and maintained that stance today.
"The club will not be commenting on the matter," club spokesman Gary Stocks said.
Eagles named in corruption probe
THE West Coast Eagles today refused to comment on allegations raised in the West Australian police royal commission that two star players were heard on a police tap ordering cocaine.
The players were named in the Kennedy commission late yesterday as a former Victorian police officer explained a number of intercepted phone conversations, including one in March with an AFL investigator, Rick Lewis.
The players, whose names have been suppressed, are not under scrutiny in the commission, which is focussed on uncovering police corruption.
To this end, Counsel assisting the Commission, Stephen Hall, asked former Victorian police officer David "Docket" Waters to name who in the WA police drug squad had phoned him with information about the Eagles players.
Mr Waters said he had no idea.
The commission was played a tape of an intercepted phone call between Mr Waters and Mr Lewis, in which the pair talked about the two Eagles players.
During the conversation, Mr Lewis asks: "I was just wondering whether you knew anyone in WA that might be able to tell me a bit more about the West Coast Weagles (sic)?".
Mr Waters told Mr Lewis police had been intercepting phone calls made to an associate of a Perth identity, and those calls included the two Eagles players "ordering gear".
Mr Waters said he believed the club had been warned of the intercept by someone from the drug squad.
"I think it was someone in the drug squad has told the footy club 'you better pull those blokes up a bit because they're getting a bit out of control and they're mixing with a rough crew'," Mr Waters said.
The phone taps played to the commission yesterday were foreshadowed in media reports in March, which said two Eagles players were inadvertently caught in a police sting ordering and arranging to collect cocaine, but that they were not pursued because they were considered small fry.
The club would not comment at the time and maintained that stance today.
"The club will not be commenting on the matter," club spokesman Gary Stocks said.