F.A. Cup bookings

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Dec 28, 2000
Subject: hotel Booking

To: Sir Alex Ferguson
From: The Manager,
Vale of Glamorgan Hotel
Mid Glamorgan
Subject: Your Booking

Regarding your reservation for a party of 22 over the weekend of 11th-13th
May 2001. My assistant manager has pointed out to me that this is 'Cup
Final' weekend. Given that I am led to believe you are involved in
Association Football, I was wondering if you would like us to install a big
screen so that you can watch it?
Now THAT is funny!!!!!!!! Up the Irons!

"Not by speech-making and the decisions of majorities will the questions of the day be settled... but by iron and blood" - Otto von Bismarck 1862

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Well what would you expect from moronic soccer supporters, they can't read or comprehend that the title of this forum is Austarlian rules football ...then I guess years of inbreeding does have a profound affect on ones brain and ability to comprehend the english language...please try and find a soccer site and don't go away mad, just go away,

"Stick it up em"
Dear Orion,

You are a star!

I think we all appreciate and understand that this is an Australian Rules Football forum. But incase this has escaped your attention, there currently isn't any football being played. Hasn't been for about 5 months now!

In the meantime, there are a lot of punters on these boards that do follow English Soccer as a secondary interest, and do not feel compelled to go elsewhere to discuss it!

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F.A. Cup bookings

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