Fahter of the year

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Jul 6, 2000
Is the father of the year going to be dancing and having a few quiet ones at the dirty thirty on Saturday.
Also the footy show last night was crap,how long can they talk about a game between 2nd and 14th how boring!
If you want to watch a show that talks about every team watch The Game.
One hour of Collingwood and Carlton your
f@#? joking,know one cares about these so called traditional rivals,the games are all ways one sided and boring.
Anyway father we love you!
About the Footy Show last night, I would have to agree. When I saw John Elliot coming on to take Sam's place I almost vomited. Talk about Bib and Bub. I reckon Sam was right when he called them Ren and Stimpy. Who do these guys think they are? Why don't they pull out of the AFL and form their own little competition. Life does exist outside C/Wood and Carlton believe it or not.
I'm with you guys

As soon as John Elliot walked down the "race" - CLICK!

By the way has Eddie McGuire mentioned the Collingwood player getting his jaw broken in a nightclub incident on the Footy Show??

Winnie is probably wondering why not after having his incident replayed six (count em SIX) times!

Just after some consistency Ed!!



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hahah! Eddie McCryer, what a load of hypocrites! Don't watch it then, it is a simple as that. Just go watch The "giggle giggle" Game and don't turn it over when it finishes. Now, I also seem to remember Sam and Graham talking about Geelong for about 5 mins. You are also forgetting something, this is the last time the two clubs will play at Optus Oval! Bib and Bub, hehe! Will there be a day when you all shutup, put up or turn over the tv station without whinging? Gonzo would you like to tell us all of this "incident"? I'm sure we would all like to hear about it seeing as though you are so well informed. If anyone posts another post regarding this then I think you are the dumbest **** around, just use the remote or get off your fat ass ot turn it over.

[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 07 July 2000).]

Weird post!!

First off - in my post the word "CLICK" was meant to indicate me using the remote control to turn off the television - IS THAT EASIER TO UNDERSTAND??? - so I did turn off!!

Second - you want me to elaborate on the Collingwood player incident but say that anyone that responds to this message is a dumb ***** - talk about an each way bet!!!

But for your information Brent Tuckey is listed as having a cracked jaw on the AFL website - any ideas on how that happened???

Gonzo give him a break he is a Collingwood supporter after all, bit slow off the mark. That "click" was rule twicky to understand.
Poor deluded fool probably thinks Eddie only has the interests of Collingwoodenspoon at heart.

You guys a pretty funny! But aparently too dumb to pick up on the fact that I was mostly talking about the person who started the topic on conversation on The Footy Show. Now I was asking when will people stop whinging and just turn it off and turn it over rather than starting a topic complaing about it! By the was RICE80S(tupid)F(uck), generalise all you want because your jokes are a tad old. Gonzo, ouch you take it personal don't you? I asked a simple question to someone that is so well "informed", its a pitty you had to answer it so eloquently. Bye

P.S. I must be a dumb **** seeing as though I answerd the post! Oh well, now I must be like you.
I was going to agree with you all about last nights farce of a show but after Joel's outburst, I'm a little worried now!

Joel, I will watch The Footy Show every week and anyone has the right to praise or criticise it if they so desire. Do you think Eddie or Sam mind? They are laughing all the way to the bank with their ratings.

Anyway, the best thing to come out of the show is that I am VERY glad that my club is not led by John Elliott. He is an absolute embarrassment to the game. As for Eddie, does the guy have no shame? I do not mind him as a person or commentator but his shameless plugs for Collingwood is really starting to get beyond a joke. He is getting worse. I think we all fear how unbearable he would become if his team actually make the finals.
Sainter, I absoloutly agree that you can praise or criticise different things if they like. I am just annoyed that this same topic, same arguement is continually raised ever couple of weeks. Myself I think Eddie should tone it down a bit, but it isn't likely he will so put up with it.


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Fahter of the year

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